To make text italic in HTML, you can use either the <i> or <em> element. Both elements have the same visual effect, making the enclosed text appear in italic font. However, they have different semantic meanings:

1. <i> Element:

  • Purpose: Used for presentation and formatting purposes. It indicates that the enclosed text should be visually italicized, but doesn't convey any specific meaning about the content.
  • Example:
    <p>This is *italic text* using the <i> element.</p>

2. <em> Element:

  • Purpose: Used to indicate that the enclosed text is emphasized or stressed. It conveys a semantic meaning that the content is important or noteworthy.
  • Example:
    <p>I *really* enjoyed that movie.</p>

Key Differences:

  • Semantic Meaning: <em> conveys a semantic meaning of emphasis, while <i> is for presentation purposes.
  • Accessibility: Screen readers and other assistive technologies may treat <em> differently, providing additional emphasis or importance to the content.
  • Styling: You can apply custom styles to both elements using CSS, but <em> might have default styles defined by the browser or theme.

Best Practices:

  • Use <em> for emphasis: When you want to convey that the enclosed text is emphasized or stressed, use <em>.
  • Use <i> for presentation: If you simply want to make text visually italic without any specific meaning, use <i>.
  • Combine with CSS: You can apply custom styles to both elements using CSS for more precise control over their appearance.


<p>This is *emphasized* text. It is *also italic*, but without the same semantic meaning.</p>

By understanding the differences between <i> and <em>, you can choose the appropriate element to effectively emphasize text in your HTML documents while maintaining semantic clarity and accessibility.