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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 5 hours ago

Self-discovery and self-development are essential aspects of personal growth and understanding oneself. They involve exploring your values, strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, desires, and aspirations, and working towards becoming the best version of yourself. Here's a breakdown of both concepts:

1. Self-Discovery:
Self-discovery is the process of gaining insight into your true identity and understanding who you are at your core. It involves introspection, reflection, and exploration of various aspects of your life. Here are some key elements of self-discovery:

a. Reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Consider what makes you happy, what motivates you, and what brings you fulfillment. Reflect on your past experiences and the lessons you have learned from them.

b. Values and Beliefs: Identify your core values and beliefs. These are the principles that guide your behavior and decisions. Understanding your values helps you align your life with what matters most to you.

c. Strengths and Weaknesses: Recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Discover your natural talents, skills, and abilities, and leverage them to achieve your goals. Acknowledge your weaknesses and areas for improvement to focus on personal growth.

d. Passions and Interests: Explore your passions and interests. Identify activities or subjects that ignite your enthusiasm and make you feel energized. Engaging in activities you love can enhance your self-discovery process.

e. Life Purpose: Reflect on your life purpose and what gives your life meaning. Discovering your purpose involves understanding how you can make a positive impact on the world and find fulfillment in your endeavors.

2. Self-Development:
Self-development refers to the intentional actions and efforts you undertake to improve yourself and reach your full potential. It involves continuous learning, skill-building, and personal growth. Here are some ways to foster self-development:

a. Learning and Education: Engage in lifelong learning. Read books, take courses, attend workshops, and acquire new knowledge and skills that align with your interests and goals. Expand your horizons and stay curious.

b. Goal Setting: Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Break them down into smaller milestones and work systematically towards their achievement. Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed.

c. Personal Growth Practices: Cultivate habits that contribute to personal growth, such as mindfulness meditation, journaling, regular exercise, and healthy self-care routines. These practices can enhance self-awareness and well-being.

d. Seeking Feedback: Be open to receiving feedback from trusted individuals. Feedback provides valuable insights into areas where you can improve and grow. Actively seek constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for self-development.

e. Embracing Challenges: Step outside your comfort zone and embrace challenges. Taking on new experiences and overcoming obstacles fosters personal growth and builds resilience. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity and persevere.

Remember, self-discovery and self-development are ongoing processes. They require self-reflection, commitment, and a willingness to adapt and evolve. By embarking on this journey, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, unlock your potential, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 5 hours ago

All You need to Know about Learner Centered Learning

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 7 hours ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 7 hours ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 7 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 hours ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 hours ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 day ago

How are frogs able to see clearly in the dark and hear event faint whispers to hunt prey? How is a frog's body controlled? Watch this video to learn more about control and coordination in frogs!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Nivedhitha Suresh

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 day ago

Although ethers are the most unreactive functional groups, they still undergo a few chemical reactions. Let's explore a few such reactions in this video.

Practice this concept -

Check out more videos and exercises on “Alcohols, phenols and ethers” -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by
Revathi Ramachandran

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Saul Cunningham from the Australian National University ( looks at threats to the sustainability of bee pollination as an ecosystem service. This is part of a series of videos on renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Ecosystems provide a range of renewable resources, including provisioning services (for example, food, water, pharmaceuticals), regulating services (for example, carbon sequestration, climate control), supporting services (for example, soil formation, nutrient and water cycling, air and water purification) and cultural services (for example, aesthetics, knowledge systems) (ACSES077)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( looks at what defines a sustainable energy resource. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The abundance of a renewable resource and how readily it can be replenished influence the rate at which it can be sustainably used at local, regional and global scales (ACSES078)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( looks at alternative sources of sustainability for metal resources. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The abundance of a renewable resource and how readily it can be replenished influence the rate at which it can be sustainably used at local, regional and global scales (ACSES078)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( looks at what defines a resource. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:

Overharvesting can directly reduce populations of biota to beneath the threshold of population viability; the concept of maximum sustainable yield aims to enable sustainable harvesting (ACSES082)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 day ago

Shoshana Rapley (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( looks at wildlife endangerment. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Any human activities that affect ecosystems (for example, species removal, habitat destruction, pest introduction, dryland salinity) can directly or indirectly reduce populations to beneath the threshold of population viability at local, regional and global scales and impact ecosystem services (ACSES081)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( looks at an example of a renewable resource. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:

Overharvesting can directly reduce populations of biota to beneath the threshold of population viability; the concept of maximum sustainable yield aims to enable sustainable harvesting (ACSES082)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Justin Borevitz discusses harvestable resources. This is part of a series of videos on renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video relates to the following curriculum descriptor:
Renewable resources are those that are typically replenished at time scales of years to decades and include harvestable resources (for example, water, biota and some energy resources) and services (for example, ecosystem services) (ACSES076)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Shoshana Rapley (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( looks at wildlife endangerment. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Any human activities that affect ecosystems (for example, species removal, habitat destruction, pest introduction, dryland salinity) can directly or indirectly reduce populations to beneath the threshold of population viability at local, regional and global scales and impact ecosystem services (ACSES081)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 day ago

Kathleen (Kate) Harriden (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( looks at freshwater quality from both the western and the indigenous perspectives. This is part of a series of videos on renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The availability and quality of fresh water can be influenced by human activities (for example, urbanisation, over-extraction, pollution) and natural processes (for example, siltation, drought, algal blooms) at local and regional scales (ACSES080)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( looks at what makes a harvestable renewable resource. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Overharvesting can directly reduce populations of biota to beneath the threshold of population viability; the concept of maximum sustainable yield aims to enable sustainable harvesting (ACSES082)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Saul Cunningham from the Australian National University ( provides a closer look at what ecosystem services are. This is part of a series of videos on renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Ecosystems provide a range of renewable resources, including provisioning services (for example, food, water, pharmaceuticals), regulating services (for example, carbon sequestration, climate control), supporting services (for example, soil formation, nutrient and water cycling, air and water purification) and cultural services (for example, aesthetics, knowledge systems) (ACSES077)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Saul Cunningham from the Australian National University ( provides and overview of what ecosystem services are. This is part of a series of videos on renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Ecosystems provide a range of renewable resources, including provisioning services (for example, food, water, pharmaceuticals), regulating services (for example, carbon sequestration, climate control), supporting services (for example, soil formation, nutrient and water cycling, air and water purification) and cultural services (for example, aesthetics, knowledge systems) (ACSES077)

Professor Saul Cunningham's first experience of research was as an Honours student at Monash University. He then received a Fulbright Award to support Ph.D. studies in the USA with field work in Costa Rica.

Having been awarded his Ph.D. in 1995, he returned home to Australia and commenced post-doctoral projects at Macquarie University, before joining CSIRO in Canberra as a Research Scientist. Over a 17 year period with CSIRO, Professor Cunningham developed a research program focusing on the challenge of maintaining biodiversity in landscapes dedicated to agricultural production.

He has worked with farming industry groups, local landholder groups, and a wide network of international colleagues with shared interests.

In 2015 the Ecological Society of Australia honoured Professor Cunningham with the ""Australian Ecology Research Award"". He was a contributor to the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Assessment Report on Pollination and Food Production, published in 2016.

Professor Cunningham has been Director of the Fenner School of Environment & Society since 2017.

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( looks at the sustainability of metal resources. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:

The abundance of a renewable resource and how readily it can be replenished influence the rate at which it can be sustainably used at local, regional and global scales (ACSES078)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Kathleen (Kate) Harriden (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( looks at freshwater availability from both the western and the indigenous perspectives. This is part of a series of videos on renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The availability and quality of fresh water can be influenced by human activities (for example, urbanisation, over-extraction, pollution) and natural processes (for example, siltation, drought, algal blooms) at local and regional scales (ACSES080)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( looks at what defines a sustainable energy resource. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:

The abundance of a renewable resource and how readily it can be replenished influence the rate at which it can be sustainably used at local, regional and global scales (ACSES078)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Saul Cunningham from the Australian National University ( explores an applied example of ecosystem service decisions in action, looking at how bees pollinate crops. This is part of a series of videos on renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Ecosystems provide a range of renewable resources, including provisioning services (for example, food, water, pharmaceuticals), regulating services (for example, carbon sequestration, climate control), supporting services (for example, soil formation, nutrient and water cycling, air and water purification) and cultural services (for example, aesthetics, knowledge systems) (ACSES077)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Narelle Hill looks at how you can make changes to your ecological footprint. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Producing, harvesting, transporting and processing of resources for consumption, and assimilating the associated wastes, involves the use of resources; the concept of an ‘ecological footprint’ is used to measure the magnitude of this demand (ACSES083)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 day ago

Shoshana Rapley (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( looks at what population viability is and how it works in an example of the Eastern Bettong. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Any human activities that affect ecosystems (for example, species removal, habitat destruction, pest introduction, dryland salinity) can directly or indirectly reduce populations to beneath the threshold of population viability at local, regional and global scales and impact ecosystem services (ACSES081)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 day ago

Shoshana Rapley (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( looks at what population viability is and how it works in the environment. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Any human activities that affect ecosystems (for example, species removal, habitat destruction, pest introduction, dryland salinity) can directly or indirectly reduce populations to beneath the threshold of population viability at local, regional and global scales and impact ecosystem services (ACSES081)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 day ago

Kathleen (Kate) Harriden (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( Tells the story of how she came to work on water management, incorporating indigenous science into her projects.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

Kate's bio:
B. As (Thai) (ANU), B. Sc (ANU), GradDip. PA (Canberra), M. A. (As) (ANU), M. Geog (ANU), PhD candidate (ANU)

Kate is an advocate of multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, as evidenced in much of her previous research from slums as environmental actors to opening the black box of intra-household water use. She is particularly interested in including traditional ecological knowledge in contemporary urban water management practices and policy development. She will continue combining water science with social science during her PhD research.

Kate is the current holder of the Icon Water Aspi Baria Scholarship. She has held positions on a number of committees, including the Aust. Water Assoc. (AWA) ACT Branch Committee and the Aust. Assoc. for Environmental Education (AAEE) ACT and National committees.

Her Master of Geographical Sciences sub-thesis, “Fluid boundaries: the hyporheic zone of a tropical, tidal river”, investigated the hyporheic zone of a small site on the Bang Pakong River, Thailand. Whereas her Master of Arts (Asian Studies) sub-thesis, “Stormwater: why waste it”, examined the influence of different ecological knowledge systems on the way stormwater is perceived and valued.

Kate has worked both as an independent researcher and held a number of positions across all levels of government. This PhD project was inspired by her most recent public sector position, in the ACT Government's Healthy Waterways project. The Healthy Waterways project will see the construction of a series of water sensitive infrastructure projects, across a number of catchments, to contribute to improved water quality in the Murrumbidgee Catchment.

While working as an independent researcher, Kate developed a water diary, variations of which are now widely used in many research projects examining intra-household water flows. This research lead her to a guest lecturer role in a post-graduate ANU unit, Exploring Gender and Development, from 2008 - 2012. She was also the co-ordinator of the organizing committee for the international conference on water’s social dimensions "Tapping the Turn", held at ANU in 2012 ( Kate was a guest editor of the Tapping the Turn special edition of the Australasian Journal of Environmental Management (V. 20 No. 3 2013). From 2009 - 2014 she was the co-ordinator of the international network of household water use researchers. She has also translated children’s books (from English to Thai) and fables and folk tales (from Thai to English), that are in the process of being published.

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Professor Saul Cunningham from the Australian National University ( explores an applied example of ecosystem service decisions in action, in the New York water supply. This is part of a series of videos on renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Ecosystems provide a range of renewable resources, including provisioning services (for example, food, water, pharmaceuticals), regulating services (for example, carbon sequestration, climate control), supporting services (for example, soil formation, nutrient and water cycling, air and water purification) and cultural services (for example, aesthetics, knowledge systems) (ACSES077)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Narelle Hill looks at what her ecological footprint is and how it works in the real world. This is part of a series of videos on how human activities affect sustainability.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Producing, harvesting, transporting and processing of resources for consumption, and assimilating the associated wastes, involves the use of resources; the concept of an ‘ecological footprint’ is used to measure the magnitude of this demand (ACSES083)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Sharon Gray (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( looks at coal seam gas salinity and remediation works. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Extraction of mineral and energy resources influences interactions between the abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems, including hydrologic systems (ACSES075)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Sharon Gray (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( identifies mapping, measurement, and management tools for extracting coal seam gas. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Extraction of mineral and energy resources influences interactions between the abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems, including hydrologic systems (ACSES075)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 day ago

Sharon Gray (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( looks at coal seam gas and where it's found. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Extraction of mineral and energy resources influences interactions between the abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems, including hydrologic systems (ACSES075)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 day ago

Dr Brad Opdyke from the Australian National University ( shares some of the concerns about fracking. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:

The type, volume and location of mineral and energy resources influences the methods of extraction (for example, underground, open pit, onshore and offshore drilling and completion) (ACSES074)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 day ago

Dr Brad Opdyke from the Australian National University ( shares information on how fracking works. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The type, volume and location of mineral and energy resources influences the methods of extraction (for example, underground, open pit, onshore and offshore drilling and completion) (ACSES074)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 day ago

Dr Brad Opdyke from the Australian National University ( looks at how technological advances have changed modern oil and gas extraction methods. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The type, volume and location of mineral and energy resources influences the methods of extraction (for example, underground, open pit, onshore and offshore drilling and completion) (ACSES074)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Dr Brad Opdyke from the Australian National University ( looks at how technological advances have changed modern oil and gas extraction methods. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The type, volume and location of mineral and energy resources influences the methods of extraction (for example, underground, open pit, onshore and offshore drilling and completion) (ACSES074)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Dr Brad Opdyke from the Australian National University ( looks at the earliest oil and gas extraction methods. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The type, volume and location of mineral and energy resources influences the methods of extraction (for example, underground, open pit, onshore and offshore drilling and completion) (ACSES074)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 day ago

Professor John Mavrogenes (Mav) from the Australian National University ( provides an overview on finding energy resources. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:

Mineral and energy resources are discovered using a variety of remote sensing techniques (for example, satellite images, aerial photographs and geophysical datasets) and direct sampling techniques (for example, drilling, core sampling, soil and rock sampling) to identify the spatial extent of the deposit and quality of the resource (ACSES073)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 day ago

Professor John Mavrogenes (Mav) from the Australian National University ( explores remote sensing techniques for finding mineral resources. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Mineral and energy resources are discovered using a variety of remote sensing techniques (for example, satellite images, aerial photographs and geophysical datasets) and direct sampling techniques (for example, drilling, core sampling, soil and rock sampling) to identify the spatial extent of the deposit and quality of the resource (ACSES073)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 day ago

Professor John Mavrogenes (Mav) from the Australian National University ( provides an overview of direct sampling techniques for finding mineral resources. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Mineral and energy resources are discovered using a variety of remote sensing techniques (for example, satellite images, aerial photographs and geophysical datasets) and direct sampling techniques (for example, drilling, core sampling, soil and rock sampling) to identify the spatial extent of the deposit and quality of the resource (ACSES073)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Ross Chandler (PhD candidate) from the Australian National University ( shares how to find iron ore and gold deposits, based on the surrounding geological setting. This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using, and managing Earth resources.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Non-renewable mineral and energy resources are formed over geological time scales so are not readily replenished (ACSES071)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 day ago

Professor John Mavrogenes (Mav) from the Australian National University ( answers the question, what are non-renewable resources? This is part of a series of videos on non-renewable resources

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Unit 3 Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Non-renewable mineral and energy resources are formed over geological time scales so are not readily replenished (ACSES071)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 2 days ago

Let's see how to use lens formula (1/v-1/u= 1/f) to locate images without having to draw ray diagrams.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 2 days ago

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Virtual Image. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 2 days ago

In this video, we will explore what diffused (scattered) & specular (regular) reflections are, and also learn the rules governing the reflection of light.
Created by Sal Khan

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 2 days ago

Let's practice recalling important aspects of mirrors & lenses
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 2 days ago

This lecture is about VSEPR theory and molecular shapes or valence shell electron repulsion theory in chemistry.

To learn more about vsepr theory, watch this animated lecture till the end.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 2 days ago

Lucas test is a common laboratory test that is used to differentiate between the different types of alcohols. Let's see what mechanism is followed by different alcohols in their reaction with the Lucas reagent.

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Check out more videos and exercises on “Alcohols, phenols and ethers” -

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 2 days ago

Let's figure out the effect of substituents on the acidic strength of phenols. How will an electron-donating group or an electron-withdrawing group affect the acidic strength of phenol?

Practice this concept -

Check out more videos and exercises on “Alcohols, phenols and ethers” -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by
Revathi Ramachandran

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

Mr Mathematics - GCSE maths tutorial on multiplying and dividing with algebraic fractions involving a single bracket. 100s of mathematics lessons and worksheets

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson and I passionate about teaching mathematics. I am currently Head of Maths in the South East of England and have been teaching for over 15 years. I am proud to have helped teachers all over the world to continue to engage and inspire their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

Mr Mathematics - GCSE maths tutorial on simplifying algebraic fractions involving a single bracket. 100s of mathematics lessons and worksheets

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am currently Head of Maths in the South East of England and have been teaching for over 15 years. I am proud to have helped teachers all over the world to continue to engage and inspire their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 3 days ago

How to factorise an expression involving powers.
The full lesson and worksheet can be downloaded from

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson and I passionate about teaching mathematics. I am currently Head of Maths in the South East of England and have been teaching for over 15 years. I am proud to have helped teachers all over the world to continue to engage and inspire their students with my lessons.

For regular updates about new lessons and videos:

Check out my website:
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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

Mathematics revision tutorial demonstrating how to factorise quadratic expressions into two brackets from

The full four part lesson and differentiated worksheet can be downloaded from

Students learn how to factorise quadratics in the form x2 + bx + c into two brackets with a mixture of negative and positive terms. As the learning progresses students begin to use the difference of two squares to factorise quadratics with a zero x term.

For regular updates about new lessons and videos:
Follow me on Twitter: @Mr_Mathematics
Like me on Facebook: @GCSEMathsLessons

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

Mathematics algebra tutorial demonstrating how to expand the product of two brackets and collect like terms from

The full four part lesson and differentiated worksheet can be downloaded from

Students learn how to expand the product of two brackets using the 'FOIL' method.  As learning progresses they apply their learning to calculate the area of rectangles and triangles with algebraic lengths.

For regular updates about new lessons and videos:
Follow me on Twitter: @Mr_Mathematics
Like me on Facebook: @GCSEMathsLessons

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 3 days ago

Mathematics tutorial demonstrating how to factorise algebraic expressions using the highest common factor from

The full four part and differentiated worksheet can be downloaded from

Students learn how to factorise algebraic expressions using the highest common factor and basic algebraic notation.  As learning progresses they are challenged to investigate possible perimeters for a rectangles with algebraic lengths.

For regular updates about new lessons and videos:
Follow me on Twitter: @Mr_Mathematics
Like me on Facebook: @GCSEMathsLessons

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

Tutorial video for expanding a pair of brackets and collecting like terms from

The full four part lesson and differentiated worksheet can be found at

Students learn how to expand algebraic expression from a set of brackets. As learning progresses they find the sum and difference of two or more sets of brackets with positive and negative terms.

Differentiated Learning Objectives
All students should be able to expand a pair of brackets with a constant on the outside.
Most students should be able to expand two pairs of brackets and simplify the result.
Some students should be able to expand two pairs of brackets one with a negative on the outside.

For regular updates about new lessons and videos:
Follow me on Twitter: @Mr_Mathematics
Like me on Facebook: @GCSEMathsLessons

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

How to simplify algebraic products and divisions from

The full lesson includes a starter, 2 mains, plenary and a worksheet. Members of Mr Mathematics can download this from

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson and I passionate about teaching mathematics. I am currently Head of Maths in the South East of England and have been teaching for over 15 years. I am proud to have helped teachers all over the world to continue to engage and inspire their students with my lessons.

For regular updates about new lessons and videos:

Check out my website:
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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc delves into the world of chemistry. In this video That Bio Doc discusses the structure of atoms, electronegativity, and the different types of chemical bonds that occur in biological systems.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc introduces you to small groups of atoms called functional groups. In this video you will learn how to identify different functional groups, the types of biomolecules on which they are found, and how they impact those biomolecules.

Music Credits:
Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc discusses how biological macromolecules (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids) are formed and broken down.

Music Credits:
Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc introduces you to the diverse world of lipids! In this video, you will learn about what lipids look like, how the function, and the many roles within biological systems.

Link to video on Introduction to Biological Macromolecules:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

In this video, That Bio Doc introduces you to the sweet world carbohydrates! Come see how sugars combine in different ways to make life as we know possible.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

What are the differences between DNA and RNA? That Bio Doc discusses the structure and function of nucleic acids in this video.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

In this video That Bio Doc talks all about proteins, the biological macromolecules responsible for performing most of the work in the cell. Learn how proteins are synthesized from amino acid monomers, how they fold properly, and why they are so important for living things.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

Welcome to the world of Microbiology! In this video That Bio Doc introduces you to the types of organisms that are studied by microbiologists and their impact on human health.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc gives a brief description about the history of Microbiology. Meet some the people who were important to establishing the field, the discoveries they made, and how we know about the role of microbes in human health and disease.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

IMPORTANT: This video has been replaced by due to the fact that the last ~1 minute of the video was cut-off during rendering. With that exception, the two videos are identical.

That Bio Doc discusses the 5 I's on Microbiology: Inoculation, Incubation, Isolation, Inspection, and Identification. Learn more about microbial culture , including: the impact that temperature and oxygen can have on microbes and the types of tests that can be used to identify microbes.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc discusses what microbes need to survive and how to grow them in a laboratory. Learn how to classify organisms based on their nutritional requirements, the types of growth media used in a microbiology lab, and how Koch's Postulates can be used to define a microorganism as the causative agent of a particular disease.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc discusses the basic concepts of microscopy. Learn the differences between light and electron microscopy as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. TBD also discusses the three key components of good microscopy: magnification, resolution, and contrast and how staining techniques such as Gram staining can help.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc discusses the structure of the prokaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cells are the most abundant cells on the planet, found in organisms from two domains of life: Bacteria and Archaea. While the are smaller and lack membrane-bound organelles, they aren't simple! In this video, you will learn about the structure of prokaryotic cells and how they differ from their eukaryotic cousins.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about the intricate complexity of the eukaryotic cell. Learn about organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and more. TBD also discusses how the organelles allow for cell specialization the importance of this to multicellular life. TBD also talks about the cytoskeleton and cell junction complexes.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc discusses the common shapes of bacterial cells, their colonial arrangements, and the difference between symbiotic and non-symbiotic relationships. By the end of this video you'll know the difference between a coccus and a spirochaete, how a staphylococcus differs from a streptococcus, and why symbiosis isn't always a good thing!

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc discusses the structure and function of the plasma membrane. Learn about the how the phospholipid bilayer provides a selectively permeable barrier to protect the cell and about the different types of proteins found within the membrane. TBD will also teach you about the function of membrane proteins and carbohydrates, with particular focus on their roles in the immune system. This video is a great introduction for a discussion about membrane transport, which is covered in a separate video.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about transport. Transport is the way substances are moved across the selectively permeable barrier that is the plasma membrane. Learn the difference between passive and active transport and the different transport mechanisms cells use to bring the good stuff in and keep the bad stuff out. Learn about osmosis and tonicity and why plant cells love pure water while your cells don't. This video pairs nicely with TBD's video about The Plasma Membrane if you're interested in cell biology.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc breaks down the process of cellular respiration - the way aerobic organisms produce the energy they need to survive and the reason why we breathe oxygen. TBD talks about redox reactions and takes you through glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the citric acid (Krebs) cycle, and the electron transport chain and discusses how these enzymatic pathways work together to produce ATP. This video gives you a detailed overview of cellular respiration without getting bogged down into the specific reactions that take place in each process and will be useful to any student who is learning about metabolism.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

In this video, That Bio Doc introduces you to the basics of metabolism. Learn how the first two laws of thermodynamics influence how you make energy. Learn the difference between an exergonic and an endergonic chemical reaction and how enzymes make both types of reaction possible in living systems. This video will provide you with essential information about how energy is produced and stored in all organisms.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc discusses the 5 I's on Microbiology: Inoculation, Incubation, Isolation, Inspection, and Identification. Learn more about microbial culture , including: the impact that temperature and oxygen can have on microbes and the types of tests that can be used to identify microbes.

Music: Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod



Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

In this video, That Bio Doc walks you through the process of DNA replication. DNA replication is a highly conserved and complex mechanism that occurs in all living cells. TBD breaks down this process and discusses the different enzymes and activities needs to replicate an organism's genome. TBD also discusses the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA replication.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc talks all about the transcription: the conversion of DNA into mRNA - the first step in expressing genes are proteins. Learn how transcription occurs, how RNA polymerase finds genes and only transcribes those genes the cell requires to be expressed, and learn the differences between transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc finishes the story about how a gene becomes a protein by introducing you to translation: the conversion of mRNA into a protein product by ribosomes. Learn about how tRNAs use the genetic code to translate mRNAs into a protein. Before watching this video, it is highly recommended that you watch TBD's video on transcription.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about what can happen when mutations change an organism's DNA. Learn about the sources of mutations, the potential consequences of mutations on proteins and organisms, and how mutations drive the evolution of species.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc tells you about Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT), ways in which bacteria and other prokaryotes can share genetic information with each other. Learn about transformation, transduction, conjugation, and "jumping genes" called transposons. TBD also talks about how HGT contributes to the evolution of prokaryotes and antibiotic resistance.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc talks all about how bacteria and other prokaryotes have organized genomes to contain operons, or multiple genes under the control of a single promoter. TBD uses the lac and trp operons to teach you how bacteria are able to efficiently regulate their gene transcription in response to changing environmental conditions through the activity of proteins called repressors.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc discusses the wide array of bacterial pathogens that cause morbidity and mortality in humans. There are many pathogenic bacteria that cause disease in humans. In this video, TBD discusses several of those bacteria and the diseases they cause.

Warning: Viewer discretion is advised. This video discuses some material that might be inappropriate for younger viewers including STI's and potentially fatal illnesses.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about pathogenic protozoa, fungi, helminths (worms), and arthropods. In this video, learn about our eukaryotic cousins that aren't so friendly. TBD introduces you to the parasites that cause malaria, babesiosis, leishmaniasis, and more!

WARNING: Viewer discretion advised. This video includes detailed descriptions about human diseases that may not be appropriate for some viewers.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about things that aren't technically alive, but are still very deadly: viruses and prions. Viruses and prions don't fulfill the requirements of life and are thus considered to by acellular, or non-living, pathogens. Despite their relative simplicity, these pathogens have a profound impact on living things. Come delve into the world of the non-living with TBD!

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about the how the other half lives. And by that, we mean how organisms such as algae and plants can make energy from the sun through a process called photosynthesis! TBD discuss what might be the most important metabolic pathway to evolve in history life. Learn about the amazing, yet surprisingly inefficient process that makes all life on Earth possible in this video.

Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod


Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

All cells have to communicate with the outside world. Whether that's sensing changes in the environment or talking with other cells, this occurs through a process called cell signaling. In this video, That Bio Doc introduces you to four types of common signaling process: autocrine, paracrine, gap junction, and endocrine signaling.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 3 days ago

What happens after a cell receives a signal? In this episode, That Bio Doc discusses how signal transduction allows a cell to respond to the signals it receives from the outside world. In this video learn about how kinases, phosphatases, and second messengers work together to help a cell alter its behavior to adapt to varying conditions.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

In this video That Bio Doc discusses way in which we can control and prevent the growth of microbes through physical and chemical means such as heat, radiation, and chemical disinfectants. Learn the difference between sterilization and disinfection and where all those red bags and bins full of medical waste end up!

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 3 days ago

In this video, That Bio Doc discusses antibiotics: what they are, what they do, and how they work! Learn about several different antibiotic drugs classes, their cellular targets, and how they help keep us alive. TBD also discusses the evolution of antibiotic resistance and why it is of such a great concern.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 3 days ago

Did you know that there are 3x more microbial cells in your body as there are your own cells? It's true! The good news is that most of those cells belong to species that are part of your normal microbiome, a community of microbes that inhabit your body and help you digest your food and protect you from pathogens. In this video, That Bio Doc discusses where your microbiome comes from, what it looks like, and the pros and cons to having thousands of species of bacteria, fungi, and archaea in and on your body!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

In the first video on the Immune System, That Bio Doc introduces you to the three lines of defense that help protect you from pathogens and fight off infections. TBD discuss the barriers that help to prevent infections and the cellular, chemical, and physical responses your body undertakes to fight infections. This is the first in a series of videos about our immune system. It is recommended that you view these videos in the proper order to maximize your learning.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

In this second video in our series about the immune system, That Bio Doc discusses the cells that make up our immune system. Learn about the cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems, how phagocytes destroy invading pathogens, and how lymphocytes provide bodies with immunological specificity and memory.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

In our third video about the immune system, That Bio Doc talks about the innate immune system's response to an invasion. Learn how the complement system, phagocytes, and the inflammatory response work together to form and immediate response to the invasion of a tissue and eventually alerts the adaptive immune system to the presence of an infection.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 5 days ago

In our fourth video about the immune system, That Bio Doc discusses the process of antigen presentation, the mechanism by which our innate immune system talks to and activates our adaptive immune system. Learn how this complex dance between cells involving multiple receptors and battlefield antigen triggers an adaptive immune response and bring our immune system's most powerful weapons to bare!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

In our fifth video on the immune system, That Bio Doc discusses what happens when T cells and B cells join the fight against an invading pathogen! In this video TBD will discuss the powerful weapons the adaptive immune system bear to help to win the battle against an infection. In this video you will learn all about how killer T cells, helper T cell, and antibodies help aid in the battle against invaders. You'll also learn why it is so important for mothers to kiss their babies!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

In this video That Bio Doc talks about the difference between natural and artificial immunity, the different strategies used to create vaccines, and herd immunity, with a special focus on COVID-19.


Link to updated video:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about immunodeficiencies, which are conditions in which the immune system is impaired. TBD talks about the difference between primary and secondary immune deficiencies as well as the different types of lymphoid cancers.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

In the second of two videos on diseases of the immune system, That Bio Doc talks about hypersensitivities and autoimmune disorders. Hypersensitivities occur when the immune system overreacts or reacts inappropriately. Hypersensitivities include many common allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. Autoimmunities occur when the body mounts an immune response against itself. TBD talks about all of this and more!

***NOTE: There are a couple of visual glitches in this video. I will have to re-record this video when I have time. Because the audio track contains no glitches, I have decided to post this video despite the issues. ***

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 5 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about the ways in which pathogens sneak past your defenses and cause an infection as well as the stages you go through when you are suffering from an infection. TBD also discusses epidemiology and the different types of epidemics.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about the ways in which cells are able to determine which genes are expressed (active) and which genes aren't. Learn how eukaryotic cells can regulate their gene expression in several different ways from limiting the transcription of genes to the post-translational modification of proteins.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

The Cell Cycle is the tightly regulated, orderly process cells go through prior to dividing. In this video, That Bio Doc discusses the cell cycle paying special attention to the cell cycle checkpoints that regulate the cycle and the regulatory proteins that control the movement of the cell through the cell cycle.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about the two types of eukaryotic cell reproduction: Mitosis and Meiosis. Learn about the similarities and the differences between the two in this video!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

In this video That Bio Doc tells you what evolution is NOT all about. TBD discusses some of the most common misconceptions and misunderstandings about evolutionary theory. And if you have an ax to grind against evolution, it shouldn't be because of any of these reasons!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

In this video, That Bio Doc talks about the key tenets of modern evolutionary theory and the large body of evidence upon which the theory is built. Learn how natural selection is able to gradually shape species over time and how evidence, such as the fossil record, anatomy, molecular biology, and biogeography provide strong evidence in support of evolutionary theory.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

Charles Darwin didn't invent the concept of evolution. In fact, evolutionary thought had been around since ancient Greece, and perhaps even before that. In fact, Charles Darwin's own grandfather had expressed ideas about evolution decades before Charles published On the Origin of Species. What Darwin did do, however, is provide a comprehensive body of evidence in support of evolutionary theory and propose the true mechanism by evolutionary change occurs - natural selection. In this video, That Bio Doc introduces you to early evolutionary ideas and describes how Darwin's journey on the HMS Beagle, as well as the writings of other brilliant contemporaries, led to the development of modern evolutionary theory.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

Today, it is difficult to think about evolution without also thinking about genetics. However, that wasn't always the case. Although Gregor Mendel performed his pioneering experiments following the inheritance pattern of several traits in pea plants just a few short years after the publication of On the Origin of Species, it took decades before the fields of Darwinian evolution and Mendelian genetics were fused together in the modern synthesis. In this video, That Bio Doc discusses Mendel's experiments and how the results of those experiments laid the foundation for our modern understanding of genetics and evolutionary biology. Learn about key genetic concepts such as dominance, the difference between genotype and phenotype, and how to calculate the odds of inheriting specific traits based on the genetic make-up of the parental generation using mathematical operations and Punnett squares.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

Speciation occurs when a population of a species becomes so different from other members of its species that it can no longer be considered part of the same species. This occurs through a process known as macroevolution. In this video, That Bio Doc discusses the different ways in which species can diverge from each other, why barriers, both physical and genetic, are so important for speciation events, and what happens when to closely related species reconnect.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

Homologous and analogous structures provide a wealth of information about the evolution of species. In this video, That Bio Doc talks about the differences between the two types of structures and how they inform us about the evolution of species and their interrelatedness.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

Natural selection is the mechanism by which most evolutionary change and all adaptation occurs. That Bio Doc introduces you to the topic of natural selection by first discussing artificial selection, then teaching you why heavily used traits tend to improve over time, while disused traits tend to degrade as a result of selection pressures.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 5 days ago

Sexual selection is a form of natural selection that results in the accumulation of sexually dimorphic traits, which are structures or behaviors found in one sex of a species but not the other. At first glance, the high survival cost of traits such as bright plumage or large antlers may seem anti-evolutionary, but as That Bio Doc explains, survival is only half of the equation when it comes to reproductive fitness. Come see why sexual selection, which was once a source of consternation for evolutionary biologists, may provide the best evidence for how natural selection shapes species over time.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 5 days ago

Have you every wondered how we know the age of Earth or how long it has been since the dinosaurs ruled the planet? It turns out that the answer is within the rocks themselves. In this video, TBD discusses the concepts of modern geology and how rocks can actually be used as clocks! TBD describes the different types of rock, which ones contain the fossil archaeologists and biologist are interested in, and which ones tell us how old those fossils (and the planet!) really are.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

In this video, That Bio Doc discusses how radioactive isotopes such as carbon-14, uranium-238, uranium-235, and potassium-40 can be used to determine the age of a rock sample. Absolute dating techniques using these radioactive isotopes are the primary way in which the age of rock strata, including the fossils contained within them, are determined.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

The fossil record is one of the best sources of evidence to support evolutionary theory. In this video, That Bio Doc describes how fossils are made, what they tell us about life, and how the fossil record supports the theory of evolution.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

Islands are a treasure trove of information about the process of evolution. The extreme genetic isolation, open ecological niches, and unique habitats found on islands leads to many interesting evolutionary changes in the species that inhabit them. In this video, TBD talks about the two major types of islands found on the planet and how island life shapes species and what that tells us about evolution.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

That Bio Doc talks about biogeography and what it teaches us about evolution and the geologic history of Earth. Learn how the locations of species and of fossil remains provides information about the history of species and of Earth itself. TBD also discusses the terrestrial biomes found around the globe and the impact those environments have on the species that live in them.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

Pangea was the Earth's last, but not only supercontinent. In this video That Bio Doc explores the formation and eventual destruction of Pangea by geologic forces, and the effects that Pangea had on life both during and after its existence.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

The evolution of complex traits such as certain behaviors, structures, and molecular pathways occurs through normal evolutionary pathways. However, these traits have sometimes been pointed to by opponents of evolutionary theory as being irreducibly complex, and thus, not able to have been produced through evolutionary mechanisms. In this video, That Bio Doc will talk about what the argument from irreducible complexity does really work and explain how mutations, such as gene duplications, can readily explain the evolution of these traits.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 5 days ago

Development is one of the seven properties that all living things possess. It is both an essential and complex process, as well as one that does not tolerate mutations very well. However, changes to the developmental process are often required for the evolution of species. In this video That Bio Doc will discuss how evolutionary changes to development occur and how those changes serve as evidence for the evolutionary origins of species.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

Phylogenetics is a branch of biology that classifies organisms according to the evolutionary relationships. In this video That Bio Doc discusses phylogenetics and cladistics and how biologists use similarities and differences between species to determine their evolutionary histories.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

This is the first in a series of videos where That Bio Doc takes on a tour of the evolutionary history of life on Earth. In this video, TBD talks about the Precambrian supereon, which covers the first ~4 billion years of life on the planet Earth. Watch and learn what early life on Earth looked like, how oxygen was introduced into the Earth's atmosphere, and how endosymbiosis changed life on Earth forever!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

In this video, That Bio Doc introduces you to life in the Cambrian Period (541 - 488.3 mya). This is the second video in a series of videos about the evolutionary history of life on Earth. During the Cambrian Period, we see the first appearance of many modern animal phyla in the fossil record. This phenomenon, known as the Cambrian Explosion, is one of the most interesting events in the fossil record. In this video, TBD introduces you to many of these animal phyla and describes the unique characteristics that define each phylum.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

During the Silurian period, life would recover from the end-Ordovician mass extinction. The gradual warming of the Earth and the re-filling of the shallow seas would lead to a radiation of marine life. Meanwhile, plants would further establish themselves on land. During the first half of the period plants would diversify into distinct groups of seedless nonvascular plants and by the end of the period, the first vascular plants appear in the fossil record. Finally, during the Silurian, animals would appear on land for the first time in the form of terrestrial arthropods. In this video, That Bio Doc talks about what life was like during the Silurian Period, 443.8 - 419.2 million years ago.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

During the early Permian, life on land and in the ocean would look much as it did at the end of the Carboniferous. However, the changing climate, from warm and moist during much of the Carboniferous, to cool and arid at the start of the Permian, would lead to many changes throughout the period. By the end of the Permian, many of the water-loving plant species would be replaced by seed ferns and conifers, plants that were better adapted to the drier environment of Pangea. The amphibians, which had dominated aquatic and terrestrial biomes during the Carboniferous, were replaced by rapidly diversifying reptiles. However, the Permian period would end with the single greatest catastrophe life on Earth has ever seen. The end-Permian mass extinction, known as the Great Dying, would cause the extinction of nearly 97% of species on the planet.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 5 days ago

During the Ordovician, the animal phyla that first appeared in the fossil record during the Cambrian period would diversify giving rise to several highly diverse groups of animals. This would result in increased competition in the ocean where all living things still resided. Well, almost all living things because during the Ordovician, plants would make their first appearance on land. In this video, That Bio Doc talks about what life was like during the Ordovician Period, 488.3 - 443.8 million years ago.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

The Devonian, the Age of Fish, saw a massive diversification of fish species. In particular, the bony fish, which first appeared during the Silurian, diverged into two major groups - the ray-finned fish and the lobe-finned fish. Perhaps due in part to the increased competition in the Devonian ocean, a lineage of lobe-finned fish would give rise to the first terrestrial vertebrates, the tetrapods, during the latter half of the period. Also on land, plants got their first true roots. The Devonian would end in a mass extinction event that would wipe out nearly 75% of the extant species on the planet.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 5 days ago

During the Carboniferous life would recover from the mass extinction event at the end of the Devonian. Due to the warm, moist climate terrestrial plants would evolve greatly during this period, with the vascular seed plants beginning to dominate terrestrial forests, instead of their seedless predecessors. The bountiful forests would generate so much oxygen that the atmospheric oxygen concentration would reach its highest point in Earth's history. This in turn would give rise to some of the largest terrestrial arthropod species to ever exist. Terrestrial vertebrates continued to diversify giving rise to the first true amphibians and by the end of the period, the first true reptiles. In this video, That Bio Doc describes what life was like during the Carboniferous 358.9 - 298.9 million years ago.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

The Triassic Period is the first of the Mesozoic Era. Following the Great Dying at the end of the Permian, the vast majority of multi-celluar life on the planet had gone extinct. During the Triassic, those species that remained would radiate and repopulate the Earth. Life in the Triassic would differ greatly from the periods before it because the Triassic would mark the beginning of almost 200 million years of reptilian dominance of the air, land, and sea. It would also mark the beginning of the seed plants' dominance of Earth forests.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

The Jurassic Period would mark the beginning of the dinosaurs' dominance of terrestrial Earth, but also the end of Pangea. Reptiles continued their dominance of the air, land, and sea during the Jurassic, but also have to deal with a world that was literally shifting beneath their feet. The Jurassic would also see the appearance of the first true birds and mammals, and for once, wouldn't end with a mass extinction.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

The K-Pg mass extinction event marked the end of the Cretaceous Period, but also the end of the Mesozoic Era. During the Cenozoic, life would recover and the Earth would be replenished by the species that survived. Like we saw following the Great Dying at the end of the Permian, life would be forever changed after the K-Pg mass extinction event and the ecological niches once dominated by reptiles would be taken over by birds, mammals, and fish.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 5 days ago

The Cretaceous Period marked the peak of dinosaurian dominance, but ended with their extinction. In fact, the Cretaceous would mark the peak of reptilian dominance, but would also be the last period in which reptiles would dominate the Earth. The end of the Cretaceous would be marked by the fifth and final mass extinction in the history of life on Earth.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 5 days ago

In this video, That Bio Doc describes what make Homo sapiens a unique species separate from the other bipedal species, including those that roamed the planet at the time sapiens first appeared on the planet.

Mohammad Omar Mohammadi
5 Views · 6 days ago

La Jolla is a smart seaside area, known for its rugged coastline. Trails wind past pine trees and sandstone canyons in Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve, while the 2 courses at world-renowned Torrey Pines Golf Course sit atop sea cliffs. La Jolla Cove has sweeping ocean views, and the Shell Beach tide pools are home to anemones and crabs. Posh boutiques and waterfront restaurants dot walkable La Jolla Village

Mohammad Omar Mohammadi
4 Views · 6 days ago

San Diego, the state’s second largest city, is at the heart of a metropolitan area that comprises all of San Diego county. Surrounding communities include Escondido (north), La Mesa and El Cajon (east), National City, Fashion Valley and Chula Vista (between the northern and southern portions of the city), Imperial Beach (southwest), and Coronado (west; at the northern end of Silver Strand). More than a dozen Indian reservations are scattered throughout the county, and Tijuana, Mexico, lies just south of the border. Inc. 1850. Area, 372 square miles (963 square km). Pop. (2010) 1,307,402; San Diego–Carlsbad–San Marcos Metro Area, 3,095,313; (2020) 1,386,932; San Diego–Chula Vista–Carlsbad Metro Area, 3,298,634.
Famous for its miles and miles of white-sand beaches and amazing weather, the city offers an abundance of fun attractions for visitors of all ages.

#shorts #satisfying #travel #california #sightseeing #tour #walkingtour #walkingvideo

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 6 days ago

In this video we learn about the factor theorem which is the application of remainder theorem, wherein we learn about finding all zeros and all factors of the given polynomial expression

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Created by Devashish Phadnis

Mpatswe Francis
7 Views · 7 days ago

After the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks fill local and national offices, but white southerners are determined to pass new state laws to curtail this progress.

Mpatswe Francis
4 Views · 7 days ago

Professor Eric Foner of Columbia University discusses the Black Codes, which were written by white southerners to force blacks to keep working on plantations.

Mpatswe Francis
5 Views · 7 days ago

American History: From Emancipation to the Present (AFAM 162)

Between 1865 and 1877, several plans were developed by which the Confederate states could be readmitted to the Union and the residents of the states given full citizenship rights. It was far from clear, however, which plan would do a better job maintaining the social peace and protecting African Americans' ability to earn a wage, raise a family, own land, and exercise the right to vote. In this lecture, Professor Holloway outlines the contours of the Ten Percent Plan, Presidential Reconstruction, and Radical Reconstruction, and he explains how these plans embraced a variety of approaches to reuniting the disparate states. As Professor Holloway explains, Reconstruction greatly enhanced the rights of African Americans, while also circumscribing their lives by new political, economic, and social initiatives.

Warning: This lecture contains graphic content and/or adult language that some users may find disturbing.

00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: The Reconstruction Era
02:12 - Chapter 2. Chronology of the Reconstruction Era
06:45 - Chapter 3. A Narrative Account of the Reconstruction Era
20:14 - Chapter 4. 1865: The Establishment of Black Codes
26:14 - Chapter 5. Sharecropping: A New Labor System
30:05 - Chapter 6. The Freedmen's Bureau

Complete course materials are available at the Yale Online website:

This course was recorded in Spring 2010.

Mpatswe Francis
4 Views · 7 days ago

The United States of America was born out of the yearning of the many people who had traveled there from the old world of Europe to be free of the imperial powers that had dominated them for centuries. To have democracy, liberty, justice for all and to take command of their own destiny.

The birth of the American nation was a painful one, first by having to fight against the forces of the British and then against the indigenous people of North America, within and from outside of the new borders they had declared. In between the many conflicts, the new nation had to establish its own laws, political system and even its own culture none of which developed overnight.

Obviously, there would not always be a consensus. Over the century after 1776 when the United States of America was born, while growing under a political union of the states that it was composed of, it also saw the widening of a cultural divide between the industrious northern states and the agricultural southern states. Perhaps more than anything else, the two sides of this divide found themselves at odds over the question of slavery.

The ethics of owning a person as property became a legal battle between those in support of the practice and those opposed in American courts and halls of power. Eventually, the dispute of course became a real battlefield. More Americans died in the American Civil War that raged on the North American continent between 1861 and 1865 than in any other war in which Americans have fought throughout its history.

And while the battles have long ended, the ramifications of the civil war continue to be felt to this very day in America over issues such as culture and of course race. So, let us delve into the history of this dark chapter of American history.

Prefer to listen on the go? Check out the WotW Podcast:
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Narrated by: Will Earl
Written & Researched by: Tony Wilkins
Edited by: Andrew Gutt

History Should Never Be Forgotten...

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 7 days ago

In this video, Supriya uses various concepts of trigonometry to solve the given word problem (involving two right-angled triangles). She also talks about the angle of elevation and angle of depression.

Unit: Some Applications of Trigonometry, NCERT Class 10th (CBSE curriculum).

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Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 7 days ago

In this video, Supriya uses various concepts of trigonometry to solve the given word problem (involving one right-angled triangle). She also talks about the angle of elevation and angle of depression.

Unit: Some Applications of Trigonometry, NCERT Class 10th (CBSE curriculum).

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 days ago

Part 9 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 8 days ago

Part 8 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:
Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 7 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 6 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 8 days ago

Part 5 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 3 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 3 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 8 days ago

Part 2 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 1 (of 9) in a lecture on "Science" for a non-majors General Biology course. Watch all 9 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Also check out Understanding Science 101 from UC Berkeley:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 8 days ago

Part 8 of 8 in a lecture on "Life" for a non-majors General Biology course. You can watch all 8 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 7 of 8 in a lecture on "Life" for a non-majors General Biology course. You can watch all 8 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 6 of 8 in a lecture on "Life" for a non-majors General Biology course. You can watch all 8 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 8 days ago

Part 5 of 8 in a lecture on "Life" for a non-majors General Biology course. You can watch all 8 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 4 of 8 in a lecture on "Life" for a non-majors General Biology course. You can watch all 8 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 8 days ago

Part 3 of 8 in a lecture on "Life" for a non-majors General Biology course. You can watch all 8 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 8 days ago

Part 2 of 8 in a lecture on "Life" for a non-majors General Biology course. You can watch all 8 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 8 days ago

Part 1 of 8 in a lecture on "Life" for a non-majors General Biology course. You can watch all 8 video clips by going to the PLAYLIST:

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 9 days ago

How to use Laplace transformations in the real world!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 9 days ago

How to solve differential equations in an algebraic manner, using Laplace transforms.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 9 days ago

How to solve an application of non-homogeneous systems, forced damped oscillations. Special resonance review at the end.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 9 days ago

How to solve 2nd order linear differential equations when the F(t) term is non-zero.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 9 days ago

Re-touching on how to go from a general solution to amp-phase form.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 9 days ago

How to solve an application to second order linear homogenous differential equations: spring mass systems. Go to the amendment for a better explanation for amplitude phase form.

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 9 days ago

How to solve 2nd order linear homogenous differential equations with rational roots, complex roots, or repeated roots.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 9 days ago

How to solve an application of linear first order differential equations, mixing problems.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 9 days ago

How to use the integrating factor to solve F.O.L.Es.!

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 9 days ago

How to solve N's L of cooling, with an example!

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 9 days ago

How to solve separable differential equations the correct way.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 9 days ago

An overview of the playlist, what will learn, and what you need!
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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 11 of 11: Solving First-Order Differential Equation

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✏️Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 10 of 11: Forming Differential Equations

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✏️Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 9 of 11: Trapezium Rule of Integration

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✏️Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 8 of 11: Area between curves|

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✏️Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 7 of 11: Integration with Partial Fractions

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✏️Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 6 of 11: How to perform integration by parts.

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✏️Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 5 of 11: Integration by Substitution

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Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration Playlist

Visit for the complete lesson, including PowerPoint and student handout.

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 5 of 11: Integration using Reverse Chain Rule

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Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration Playlist

Visit for the complete lesson, including PowerPoint and student handout.

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 9 days ago

A-Level Mathematics Year 2 Integration: Lesson 3 of 12: Integration with Trigonometric Identities

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A-Level Mathematics Year 2 Integration Playlist

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#mrmathematics #gcsemaths #alevelmaths

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 2 of 11: Integrating (ax + b)^n

Link to lesson

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration Playlist

Visit for the complete lesson, including PowerPoint and student handout.

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 9 days ago

Year 2 A-Level Mathematics Integration Lesson 1 of 11: How to integrate standard functions

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Year 2 A-Level Mathematics: Integration Playlist

Visit for the complete lesson, including PowerPoint and student handout.

About Me
My name is Jonathan Robinson, and I am passionate about teaching mathematics. I am Head of Maths in the South East of England and have taught for over 20 years. I am proud to have helped teachers worldwide continue engaging and inspiring their students with my lessons.

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#jonathanrobinson #homelearning #mathematics

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 10 days ago

In this video, we will discuss about disproportionation reactions and their applications.

00:05 - What is a disproportionation reaction?
00:45 - Examples of disproportionation reactions.

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Master the concept of “Displacement reactions” through practice exercises and videos -

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by
Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

In this video, we will talk about decomposition reactions and see what type of decomposition reactions can also be redox reactions

00:03 - How do we represent decomposition reactions?
00:20 - Example of a decomposition reaction.
00:56 - Is decomposition of calcium carbonate a redox reaction?
02:59 - Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

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Master the concept of “Displacement reactions” through practice exercises and videos -

Check out more videos and exercises on “Redox reactions” -

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with “chemistry”, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for “class 11, chemistry” here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by
Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 10 days ago

In this video, we will look at different displacement reactions and look at their applications.

00:05 - How do we represent a displacement reaction?
00:48 - Examples of a displacement reaction.
03:00 - Double displacement reaction.
03:34 - Example of an application of double displacement reaction.
04:05 - Different types of double displacement reaction.

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Master the concept of “Displacement reactions” through practice exercises and videos -

Check out more videos and exercises on “Redox reactions” -

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with “chemistry”, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for “class 11, chemistry” here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by
Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 10 days ago

In this video, we will learn about the combination reactions along with their examples and applications.

00:00 - What is a combination reaction?
00:20 - Examples of combination reactions.
01:50 - Combination reaction with more than two reactants.
04:02 - Are all combination reactions redox reactions?
04:17 - Example of a combination reaction that is NOT a redox reaction.

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Check out more videos and exercises on “Redox reactions” -

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with “chemistry”, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for “class 11 chemistry” here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by
Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 10 days ago

Identifying the anode and cathode in a galvanic cell, and calculating the voltage using standard electrode potentials.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 10 days ago

"Identifying the anode and cathode in a galvanic cell, and calculating the voltage using standard electrode potentials.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

What happens when you add zinc to a solution of copper sulfate? Identifying the half reactions to see what got oxidized and reduced.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 10 days ago

"How to use a redox reaction to construct a galvanic/voltaic cell to produce a flow of current.. Shows the flow of electrons and ions, and explains the role of the salt bridge.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

A redox titration is a titration in which the analyte and titrant react through an oxidation–reduction reaction. As in acid–base titrations, the endpoint of a redox titration is often detected using an indicator. Potassium permanganate (KMnO₄) is a popular titrant because it serves as its own indicator in acidic solution. View more lessons or practice this subject at

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

When balancing equations for redox reactions occurring in basic solution, it is often necessary to add OH⁻ ions or the OH⁻/H₂O pair to fully balance the equation. In this video, we'll walk through this process for the reaction between ClO⁻ and Cr(OH)₄⁻ in basic solution. View more lessons or practice this subject at

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

When balancing equations for redox reactions occurring in acidic solution, it is often necessary to add H⁺ ions or the H⁺/H₂O pair to fully balance the equation. In this video, we'll walk through this process for the reaction between dichromate (Cr₂O₇²⁻) and chloride (Cl⁻) ions in acidic solution. View more lessons or practice this subject at

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

How to identify the oxidizing and reducing agents.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

How to identify the oxidizing and reducing agents.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

For the reaction between Fe and HCl, identifying the half reactions and what is getting oxidized and reduced.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

Finding the half reactions in a combustion reaction, and identifying what is getting oxidized and reduced.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

Determining oxidation numbers in hydrogen peroxide and oxygen difluoride.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

"Determining oxidation numbers in magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

Trends in common oxidation states for main group elements.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

Introducing oxidation states, oxidation, and reduction. Some tips for remembering oxidation and reduction.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

For free. For everyone. Forever. #youcanlearnanything subscribe to Khan Academy’s Chemistry channel:
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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

In redox reactions, both reduction and oxidation take place. Let's learn more about them.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

Let's understand the old definition of oxidation and reduction.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by
Aakash Singh Bagga

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 10 days ago

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Aakash Singh Bagga

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by
Aakash Singh Bagga

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

Practice this concept - “

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by
Aakash Singh Bagga

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

In this video, Anmol discusses how we can use the relation between sum and product of roots and the coefficients of the quadratic equation to find the value of the unknowns in the given equation.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

In this video, Anmol discusses how we can use the relation between sum and product of roots and the coefficients of the quadratic equation to find the value of the unknown in the given equation.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

Let's see how we can find the highest common factor (HCF) and the lowest common multiple (LCM) of two large numbers using prime factorization.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

Let's learn how we can find the highest common factor (HCF) of three numbers using prime factorization.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 10 days ago

In the previous video ( we saw how we can find whether the decimal expansion of any given rational number is terminating or non-terminating and recurring (repeating) without actual division. In this video, let's see why do we need 2s and 5s to check whether the decimal expansion of the given rational number is terminating or non-terminating and recurring.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 10 days ago

Let's learn how we can find whether the decimal expansion of any given rational number is terminating or non-terminating and recurring (repeating) without actual division.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 10 days ago

Let's learn how we can find the lowest common multiple (LCM) of three numbers using prime factorization.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM's Australian senior science course offerings.
Email the meriSTEM team ( for further information, course access and video usage requests.

meriSTEM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM's Australian senior science course offerings.
Email the meriSTEM team ( for further information, course access and video usage requests.

meriSTEM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

Relevant to curriculum descriptors: ACSBL050 - Biochemical processes in the cell are controlled by the nature and arrangement of internal membranes, the presence of specific enzymes, and environmental factors.
ACSBL051 - Enzymes have specific functions, which can be affected by factors including temperature, pH, the presence of inhibitors, and the concentrations of reactants and products.

Created by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis. Presented by Professor Spencer Whitney.

Spencer’s research focuses on utilising novel biotechnological tools to scrutinize the biology of the biospheres most abundant protein, the photosynthetic Carbon dioxide-fixing enzyme Rubisco.
Spencer undertook his Bachelor of Science (Honours) and PhD at James Cook University.
From 2004 to 2009 he held an ARC Research Fellowship and from 2009 to 2013 held an ARC Future Fellowship.

0:00 Introduction
0:34 How big is it?
1:03 Catalytic sites

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM's Australian senior science course offerings.
Email the meriSTEM team ( for further information, course access and video usage requests.

meriSTEM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

Thanks to the ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis (CoETP) for contributing this video on how to make a stomata slide. Huge wrap to presenter Ross Dennis who's PhD research focuses on sugar sensing in cereal seed and plant development. Find out about the Centre's research at

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM's Australian senior science course offerings.
Email the meriSTEM team ( for further information, course access and video usage requests.

meriSTEM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM's Australian senior science course offerings.
Email the meriSTEM team ( for further information, course access and video usage requests.

meriSTEM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

- ACSBL045: The cell membrane separates the cell from its surroundings and controls the exchange of materials, including gases, nutrients and wastes, between the cell and its environment.
- ACSBL046: Movement of materials across membranes occurs via diffusion, osmosis, active transport and/or endocytosis.

Presented by Sarah Rottet. Sarah works with Chief Investigator Dean Price at the ANU Node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis.

She is synthetic biologist with experience in working on membrane transporters. She previously worked on transporters in Dr Colin Scott’s lab at CSIRO Black mountain. Currently she is working on RIPE projects related to transferring functional bicarbonate and CO2 pumps to the C3 chloroplast, with a view to improving photosynthetic CO2 fixation.

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 10 days ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 10 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 11 days ago

In this video, Anmol discusses how we can use zeros of the given polynomial to find the value of the given expression.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can use the determinant of a quadratic equation to check whether the equation has real or unreal roots.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 11 days ago

In this video, we have two quadratic equations with two unknowns. Anmol discusses how we can use the given conditions to find the value of those unknowns.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 11 days ago

In this video, we have two quadratic equations with two unknowns. Anmol discusses how we can use the given conditions to find the value of those unknowns.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 11 days ago

In this video, we have two quadratic equations with two unknowns. Anmol discusses how we can use the given conditions to find the value of those unknowns.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can use the concept of equal roots to find the value of the unknown in the given quadratic equation.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can use the concept of equal roots to find the value of the unknown in the given quadratic equation.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can solve an equation that may not seem like a quadratic equation in the first glance.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can solve an equation that may not seem like a quadratic equation in the first glance.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can solve an equation that may not seem like a quadratic equation in the first glance.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 11 days ago

Anmol finds the roots of the given quadratic equation with irrational leading coefficient by factorizing the given expression.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 11 days ago

Anmol finds the roots of the given quadratic equation with variable coefficients by factorizing the given expression.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can solve a word problem based on the quadratic equations. The solution comprises of two parts: a. Interpreting the problem to get the mathematical equation b. Solving the equation.

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can solve a word problem based on the quadratic equations. The solution comprises of two parts: a. Interpreting the problem to get the mathematical equation b. Solving the equation.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 11 days ago

Let's see how we can solve a word problem based on the quadratic equations. The solution comprises of two parts: a. Interpreting the problem to get the mathematical equation b. Solving the equation.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 12 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 13 days ago

Let's learn how we can evaluate a difficult trigonometric expression using:
a. Trigonometric ratios of special angles.
b. Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles.
c. Trigonometric identities.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 13 days ago

Let's learn how we can evaluate a difficult trigonometric expression using:
a. Trigonometric ratios of special angles.
b. Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles.
c. Trigonometric identities.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 13 days ago

Let's learn how we can evaluate a trigonometric expression made up of trigonometric ratios of special angles.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 13 days ago

In this video, Supriya explains how to find the trigonometric ratios (sin, cos, tan, cosec, sec, and cot) of some special angles: 0 degrees and 90 degrees.

To watch the previous video, click:

For more details on 30-60-90 triangle, watch:
For more details on 45-45-90 triangle, watch:

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 13 days ago

In this video, Supriya explains how to find the trigonometric ratios (sin, cos, tan, cosec, sec, and cot) of some special angles: 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees.

For more details on 30-60-90 triangle, watch:
For more details on 45-45-90 triangle, watch:
To watch the next video, click:

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 13 days ago

Let's learn how we use the concept of complementary angles to find the value of the unknown angle asked in the question.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 13 days ago

Let's see how we can find the value of the given trigonometric expression using the trigonometric ratio given to us.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 13 days ago

Let's see how we can find the value of the given trigonometric expression using the side lengths of the right-angled triangle given to us.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 13 days ago

In this video, Supriya discusses how we can find the cotangent of an angle of a right-angled triangle when the ratio of its sides is given.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 13 days ago

In this video, Supriya discusses how we can find the cosecant of an angle of a right-angled triangle when two of its sides are given.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 13 days ago

Visit us ( for health and medicine content or ( for MCAT related content. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Khan Academy video. Created by Vishal Punwani.

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NCLEX-RN on Khan Academy: A collection of questions from content covered on the NCLEX-RN. These questions are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License (available at

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 14 days ago

How to find the mean of the grouped data when the frequency is given? FInd out in this video, which covers the comprehensive understanding of the concept with an example.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by
Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 14 days ago

In this video students will learn about finding the values corresponding to pie slices from a pie chart. The skill covered is an application level skill on the pie chart.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by
Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 14 days ago

Let's solve a couple of questions on factors affecting mutual inductance

Practice this concept -

Master the concept of Mutual inductance through practice exercises and videos -

Check out more videos and exercises on Electromagnetic induction -

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics name, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 14 days ago

Let's take some examples and apply Lenz's law to find the direction of induced current!

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 14 days ago

Let's figure out how much energy a magnetic field has per unit volume!

More free lessons & practice "Link"
Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 14 days ago

Gauss's law for Magnetism says that Magnetic Monopoles are not known to exist. Let's explore where that comes from.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 14 days ago

Let's explore the EMF and flux equations of an AC generator and draw graphs for them.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 14 days ago

Let's calculate the mutual inductance of two concentric coils with a bigger radius R1, and a smaller radius R2 much smaller than R1.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 14 days ago

Let's calculate the mutual inductance of two coaxial long solenoids.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 14 days ago

Let's calculate the self-inductance of a long solenoid.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 14 days ago

When changing current in one coil induces an EMF in the other, the phenomenon is called mutual induction. The strength of the EMF induced depends on the mutual inductance of the pair of coils. The S.I. unit of mutual inductance is Henry, the same as that of self-inductance.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 14 days ago

An inductor carrying current is analogous to a mass having velocity. So, just like a moving mass has kinetic energy = 1/2 mv^2, a coil carrying current stores energy in its magnetic field giving by 1/2 Li^2. Let's derive the expression for it using the concept of self-induction.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 14 days ago

Self-inductance is the tendency of a coil to resist changes in current in itself. Whenever current changes through a coil, they induce an EMF which is proportional to the rate of change of current, through the coil.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 14 days ago

Let's explore how to calculate the induced emf in a conducting rod rotating about its end in a uniform magnetic field.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 14 days ago

Eddy currents are current loops formed over conductor surfaces due to changing magnetic flux. They are useful in induction heating, levitating, electromagnetic damping, and electromagnetic braking.
They can be minimized by adding slots in the conductor surface & laminating.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

Thanks to Rowel Morales of Lunch Leave Chemistry ( for this contribution to meriSTEM's Year 11 Chemistry course.

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 14 days ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

Relevant to curriculum descriptor ACSCH018 - Atoms can be modelled as a nucleus surrounded by electrons in distinct energy levels, held together by electrostatic forces of attraction between the nucleus and electrons; atoms can be represented using electron shell diagrams (all electron shells or valence shell only) or electron charge clouds.

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 14 days ago

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 14 days ago

Find out more about Dr Nick White's ANU Supramolecular Chemistry Group at

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 15 days ago

A proton and electron have the same kinetic energy, let's compare their de Broglie wavelength. Next, a proton, and an alpha particle are accelerated through the same potential difference, let's compare their de Broglie wavelength.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 15 days ago

Let's solve some numerical on Einstein's photoelectric equation.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 15 days ago

Let's explore how the graph of stopping potential vs frequency can be used to calculate the Planck's constant experimentally!
From Einstein's photoelectric equation, this graph is a straight line with the slope being a universal constant. This slope has the value of h/e. In an effort to disprove Einstein, Robert Millikan conducted experiments with various metals only to conclusively prove him right. Millikan, Einstein, and Max Planck, all won a Nobel prize for their contribution to photoelectric effect and giving birth to the quantum nature of light!

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 15 days ago

Let's explore various graphs of photoelectric experiment, and see how changing intensity and frequency changes the graphs.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 15 days ago

Stopping potential is the minimum negative voltage applied to the anode to stop the photocurrent. The maximum kinetic energy of the electrons equal the stopping voltage, when measured in electron volt.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 15 days ago

Let's explore how to measure the no. of photoelectrons emitted per second experimentally, in photoelectric effect. We will also draw a graph of the photocurrent vs anode potential.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 15 days ago

When light of frequency 2.42 X 10^15 Hz is incident on a metal surface, the fastest photoelectrons are found to have a kinetic energy of 1.7eV. Find the threshold frequency of the metal.
Let's explore how to use Einstein's photoelectric equation to solve such numerical on photoelectric effect.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 15 days ago

Light of wavelength 430 nm is incident on each of the metals given in the table. We will explore how to predict which of the metals will show photoelectric emission.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 15 days ago

Let's explore what work function is, and why, in photoelectric effect, electrons come out with different kinetic energies. While exploring this, we will rediscover Einstein's photoelectric equation

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 15 days ago

Let's calculate the number of photons emitted per second from a 100 watt light bulb, and the no. of photons hitting the wall per second from a 5W/m^2 intensity laser light.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 15 days ago

Let's explore how the quantum theory of light explains the below experimental results of photoelectric effects.
1. The kinetic energy of the photoelectrons are independent of intensity but depend on frequency.
2. Below a minimum frequency called the threshold frequency, no photoelectric effect takes place, even if the light has very high intensity.
3. Photoelectric effect is almost instantaneous.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Mahdiyeh Razeghi from the Australian National University ( describes how satellites are used to accurately determine how much water there is, and where it is in the environment. This as part of a series of educational videos on our Earth's water.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
- The modern atmosphere has a layered structure characterised by changes in temperature: the troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and thermosphere (ACSES022)
- Water’s unique properties, including its boiling point, density in solid and liquid phase, surface tension and its ability to act a solvent, and its abundance at the surface of Earth make it an important component of Earth system processes (for example, precipitation, ice sheet formation, evapotranspiration, solution of salts) (ACSES024)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Kial Stewart from the Australian National University ( takes and in depth look at water vapour pressure, and how it works in a real life experiment. This as part of a series of educational videos on our Earth's water.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
- The modern atmosphere has a layered structure characterised by changes in temperature: the troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and thermosphere (ACSES022)
- Water’s unique properties, including its boiling point, density in solid and liquid phase, surface tension and its ability to act a solvent, and its abundance at the surface of Earth make it an important component of Earth system processes (for example, precipitation, ice sheet formation, evapotranspiration, solution of salts) (ACSES024)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Kial Stewart from the Australian National University ( shows how to break hydrogen bonds for a change of phase in water. This as part of a series of educational videos on our Earth's water.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
- Water is present on the surface of Earth as a result of volcanic outgassing and impact by icy bodies from space; water occurs in three phases (solid, liquid, gas) on Earth’s surface (ACSES023)
- Water’s unique properties, including its boiling point, density in solid and liquid phase, surface tension and its ability to act a solvent, and its abundance at the surface of Earth make it an important component of Earth system processes (for example, precipitation, ice sheet formation, evapotranspiration, solution of salts) (ACSES024)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Kial Stewart from the Australian National University ( shows how to break hydrogen bonds for a change of phase in water. This as part of a series of educational videos on our Earth's water.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
- Water is present on the surface of Earth as a result of volcanic outgassing and impact by icy bodies from space; water occurs in three phases (solid, liquid, gas) on Earth’s surface (ACSES023)
- Water’s unique properties, including its boiling point, density in solid and liquid phase, surface tension and its ability to act a solvent, and its abundance at the surface of Earth make it an important component of Earth system processes (for example, precipitation, ice sheet formation, evapotranspiration, solution of salts) (ACSES024)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Kial Stewart from the Australian National University ( describes why the molecular structure of water is important. This as part of a series of educational videos on our Earth's water.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
- Water is present on the surface of Earth as a result of volcanic outgassing and impact by icy bodies from space; water occurs in three phases (solid, liquid, gas) on Earth’s surface (ACSES023)
- Water’s unique properties, including its boiling point, density in solid and liquid phase, surface tension and its ability to act a solvent, and its abundance at the surface of Earth make it an important component of Earth system processes (for example, precipitation, ice sheet formation, evapotranspiration, solution of salts) (ACSES024)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Andy Hogg from the Australian National University ( describes the three phases of water in the environment. This as part of a series of educational videos on our Earth's water.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
- Water is present on the surface of Earth as a result of volcanic outgassing and impact by icy bodies from space; water occurs in three phases (solid, liquid, gas) on Earth’s surface (ACSES023)
- Water’s unique properties, including its boiling point, density in solid and liquid phase, surface tension and its ability to act a solvent, and its abundance at the surface of Earth make it an important component of Earth system processes (for example, precipitation, ice sheet formation, evapotranspiration, solution of salts) (ACSES024)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Trevor Ireland from the Australian National University ( shares what we know about how Earth's oceans formed. This as part of a series of educational videos on our Earth's water.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Water is present on the surface of Earth as a result of volcanic outgassing and impact by icy bodies from space; water occurs in three phases (solid, liquid, gas) on Earth’s surface (ACSES023)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Siyuan Tian from the Australian National University ( shares her research tracking bushfire smoke in the layers of Earth's atmosphere. This as part of a series of educational videos on Earth's atmosphere.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The modern atmosphere has a layered structure characterised by changes in temperature: the troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and thermosphere (ACSES022)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Luigi Renzullo from the Australian National University ( identifies temperature differences in the layers of Earth's atmosphere. This as part of a series of educational videos on Earth's atmosphere.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The modern atmosphere has a layered structure characterised by changes in temperature: the troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and thermosphere (ACSES022)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Luigi Renzullo from the Australian National University ( introduces Earth's atmosphere, and its layers. This as part of a series of educational videos on Earth's atmosphere.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The modern atmosphere has a layered structure characterised by changes in temperature: the troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and thermosphere (ACSES022)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( describes how photosynthesis affected Earth's atmosphere. This as part of a series of educational videos on Earth's atmosphere.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The atmosphere was derived from volcanic outgassing during cooling and differentiation of Earth and its composition has been significantly modified by the actions of photosynthesising organisms (ACSES021)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Richard Arculus from the Australian National University ( describes how the plate tectonic revolution changed our understanding of how Earth's oceans and atmosphere formed. This as part of a series of educational videos on Earth's atmosphere.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
- The atmosphere was derived from volcanic outgassing during cooling and differentiation of Earth and its composition has been significantly modified by the actions of photosynthesising organisms (ACSES021)
- Water is present on the surface of Earth as a result of volcanic outgassing and impact by icy bodies from space; water occurs in three phases (solid, liquid, gas) on Earth’s surface (ACSES023)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Research led by The Australian National University (ANU) has solved the mystery of how the first animals appeared on Earth, a pivotal moment for the planet without which humans would not exist.

GFX credit: Rose Draper / Australian Academy of Science

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Caleb Bishop from the Australian National University ( provides the evidence to support the theory of when prokaryotes evolved into eukaryotes. This as part of a series of educational videos on mass extinctions and expansions.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The diversification and proliferation of living organisms over time (for example, increases in marine animals in the Cambrian), and the catastrophic collapse of ecosystems (for example, the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous) can be inferred from the fossil record (ACSES029)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 15 days ago

Tharika Liyanage from the Australian National University ( provides the evidence to support the theory of mas extinctions and evolutionary expansions. This as part of a series of educational videos on mass extinctions and expansions.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The diversification and proliferation of living organisms over time (for example, increases in marine animals in the Cambrian), and the catastrophic collapse of ecosystems (for example, the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous) can be inferred from the fossil record (ACSES029)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 15 days ago

Tharika Liyanage from the Australian National University ( describes the theory behind mass species extinctions and evolutionary expansions. This as part of a series of educational videos on mass extinctions and expansions.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The diversification and proliferation of living organisms over time (for example, increases in marine animals in the Cambrian), and the catastrophic collapse of ecosystems (for example, the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous) can be inferred from the fossil record (ACSES029)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 15 days ago

Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver from the Australian National University ( shares what researchers understand about how life emerged on Earth. This as part of a series of educational videos on early life.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Laboratory experimentation has informed theories that life emerged under anoxic atmospheric conditions in an aqueous mixture of inorganic compounds, either in a shallow water setting as a result of lightning strike or in an ocean floor setting due to hydrothermal activity (ACSES026)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver from the Australian National University ( describes the isotopic evidence of early life on Earth. This as part of a series of educational videos on early life.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Fossil evidence indicates that life first appeared on Earth approximately 4 billion years ago (ACSES025)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver from the Australian National University ( describes the macroevidence of early life on Earth. This as part of a series of educational videos on early life.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Fossil evidence indicates that life first appeared on Earth approximately 4 billion years ago (ACSES025)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Professor John Mavrogenes (Mav) from the Australian National University ( is on site at Dolphin Point and describes dropstones and what can be inferred from their presence. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Professor John Mavrogenes (Mav) from the Australian National University ( is on site at Dolphin Point and describes the fossils found over time in the area, and what can be inferred from their presence. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Professor John Mavrogenes (Mav) from the Australian National University ( is on site at Dolphin Point and describes the fossils found in the area, and what can be inferred from their presence. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Professor John Mavrogenes (Mav) from the Australian National University ( is on site at Dolphin Point and describes the mudstone of the area and what can be inferred from its presence. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:

The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Patrick De Dekker from the Australian National University ( describes past environmental indicators. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Patrick De Dekker from the Australian National University ( describes fossils and what can be inferred from their presence. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Patrick De Dekker from the Australian National University ( describes dropstones and what can be inferred from their presence. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Patrick De Dekker from the Australian National University ( describes ikaites and what can be inferred from their presence. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 15 days ago

Associate Professor David Heslop from the Australian National University ( describes magnetic properties of rocks and what inferences from the past climate can be made from their presence. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 15 days ago

Claudia Tomkins and Lauren Schenk from the Australian National University ( describe what inferences can be made from looking at the internal sequence and texture of rocks. This as part of a series of educational videos on the Earth science timeline.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils (ACSES028)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Geoff Bonning from the Australian National University ( describes the challenges of dating the formation of Earth. This as part of a series of educational videos on Dating the Earth.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Precise dates can be assigned to points on the relative geological time scale using data derived from the decay of radioisotopes in rocks and minerals; this establishes an absolute time scale and places the age of the Earth at 4.5 billion years (ACSES017)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 15 days ago

Geoff Bonning from the Australian National University ( describes what we know about the early formation of Earth. This as part of a series of educational videos on Dating the Earth.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Precise dates can be assigned to points on the relative geological time scale using data derived from the decay of radioisotopes in rocks and minerals; this establishes an absolute time scale and places the age of the Earth at 4.5 billion years (ACSES017)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Geoff Bonning from the Australian National University ( describes how researchers date the formation of the Sun. This as part of a series of educational videos on Dating the Earth.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Precise dates can be assigned to points on the relative geological time scale using data derived from the decay of radioisotopes in rocks and minerals; this establishes an absolute time scale and places the age of the Earth at 4.5 billion years (ACSES017)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Geoff Bonning from the Australian National University ( describes what radioisotopes are. This as part of a series of educational videos on Dating the Earth.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Precise dates can be assigned to points on the relative geological time scale using data derived from the decay of radioisotopes in rocks and minerals; this establishes an absolute time scale and places the age of the Earth at 4.5 billion years (ACSES017)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Hrvoje Tkalčić from the Australian National University ( describes how seismic waves were used to confirm the hypothesis that Earth's inner core is solid. This as part of a series of educational videos on inner Earth.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
ACSES018 - Earth has internally differentiated into a layered structure: a solid metallic inner core, a liquid metallic outer core and a silicate mantle and crust; the study of seismic waves and meteorites provides evidence for this structure.
ACSES008 - Science is a global enterprise that relies on clear communication, international conventions, peer review and reproducibility.

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Professor Hrvoje Tkalčić from the Australian National University ( describes Inge Lehmann's hypothesis that Earth's inner core is solid, and how she came to propose this idea.

This as part of a series of educational videos on inner Earth. This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Earth has internally differentiated into a layered structure: a solid metallic inner core, a liquid metallic outer core and a silicate mantle and crust; the study of seismic waves and meteorites provides evidence for this structure (ACSES018)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Hrvoje Tkalčić from the Australian National University ( describes how seismic waves can be used to evidence the internal structure of Earth.

This as part of a series of educational videos on inner Earth. This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Earth has internally differentiated into a layered structure: a solid metallic inner core, a liquid metallic outer core and a silicate mantle and crust; the study of seismic waves and meteorites provides evidence for this structure (ACSES018)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Caroline Eakin from the Australian National University ( shows the texture and behaviour of the internal structure of Earth. This as part of a series of educational videos on inner Earth.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Earth has internally differentiated into a layered structure: a solid metallic inner core, a liquid metallic outer core and a silicate mantle and crust; the study of seismic waves and meteorites provides evidence for this structure (ACSES018)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Caroline Eakin from the Australian National University ( explores what happens underneath your feet in the internal structure of our Earth. This as part of a series of educational videos on inner Earth.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Earth has internally differentiated into a layered structure: a solid metallic inner core, a liquid metallic outer core and a silicate mantle and crust; the study of seismic waves and meteorites provides evidence for this structure (ACSES018)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Caleb Bishop from the Australian National University ( introduces the idea of using correlation to match absolute dates to relative time scales, and provides an example of this in the research. This as part of a series of educational videos on reading the rocks.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Chitrangada (Chini) Datta from the Australian National University ( discusses how we can match absolute ages to the relative geological time scale.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Chitrangada (Chini) Datta from the Australian National University ( concludes a worked example on relative time scales.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Chitrangada (Chini) Datta from the Australian National University ( takes us through a worked example on relative time scales.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Chitrangada (Chini) Datta from the Australian National University ( summarises the relative timescale of the State Circle shale and sandstone in Canberra, Australia. This as part of a series of educational videos on reading the rocks.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 15 days ago

Chitrangada (Chini) Datta from the Australian National University ( looks at the relative timescale of the State Circle shale and sandstone in Canberra. This as part of a series of educational videos on reading the rocks.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Chitrangada (Chini) Datta from the Australian National University ( looks at how relative time scales are worked out. This as part of a series of educational videos on reading the rocks.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 15 days ago

Dr Brad Opdyke from the Australian National University ( introduces the idea of included fragments and cross cutting relationships as a method of relatively dating rocks. This as part of a series of educational videos on reading the rocks.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Brad Opdyke from the Australian National University ( introduces several concepts known as 'Steno's Principles' as a part of a series of educational videos on reading the rocks.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation (ACSES016)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Brad Opdyke from the Australian National University ( introduces the concept of uniformitarianism as a part of a series of educational videos on reading the rocks.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Observation of present day processes can be used to infer past events and processes by applying the Principle of Uniformitarianism (ACSES015)

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Tiah Penny from the Australian National University ( introduces metamorphic rocks as a part of a series of educational videos on the rock cycle (ACSES019).
For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Tiah Penny from the Australian National University ( introduces the texture of igneous rocks as a part of a series of educational videos on the rock cycle.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Rocks are composed of characteristic assemblages of mineral crystals or grains that are formed through igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic processes, as part of the rock cycle (ACSES019).

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Tiah Penny from the Australian National University ( introduces the composition of igneous rocks as a part of a series of educational videos on the rock cycle.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Rocks are composed of characteristic assemblages of mineral crystals or grains that are formed through igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic processes, as part of the rock cycle (ACSES019).

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Tiah Penny from the Australian National University ( introduces sorting of sediments as a part of a series of educational videos on the rock cycle (ACSES019).
For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 15 days ago

Tiah Penny from the Australian National University ( introduces the rock cycle in an overview preceding more in depth explanations in further videos.

This clip has been created by the Research School of Earth Sciences ( These resources are part of a comprehensive program, curriculum matched to the unit 'Introduction to Earth systems'.

This video touches on the following curriculum descriptors:
Rocks are composed of characteristic assemblages of mineral crystals or grains that are formed through igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic processes, as part of the rock cycle (ACSES019).

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Tiah Penny from the Australian National University ( introduces sediments as a part of a series of educational videos on the rock cycle (ACSES019).

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 15 days ago

Tiah Penny from the Australian National University ( introduces the rock cycle in an overview preceding more in depth explanations in further videos (ACSES019).

For practice questions after each video, register an account to access our free senior science courses at Teachers can access free lesson plans and in-class activities by joining our teacher community via

This video is part of meriSTEM Australian senior science educational resources (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Email the team ( for further information, course access and curriculum links.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 16 days ago

In this video we learn about converting the given ratio into percentage terms and how to represent quantities into percentage when they are presented as a ratio.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

In this lesson I will complete an assignment which requires you to find the equation of the function and determine various points on the extrapolated graph.
See the handout here:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Correction to the ferris wheel question.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 17 days ago

Part 2 of the test with solutions
Get your downloadable practice test here:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

In this video I will take up the first few questions of the the practice test that you can download here by simply hitting the download button at the top of the page:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

In this video we will look at questions 5d) 6d) and 10 from pages 392-393. Try them first, then come back for the full picture!

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 17 days ago

How to determine the equations by using amplitude, the type of sinusoidal function (positive sine or cosine, negative sine or cosine), the period and the horizontal and vertical shifts.
Focusing on the "Check your Understanding" page 391
see textbook link here:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

In this video I will clearly explain how easy it is to sketch a transformed sinusoidal function using skills that you already know and a few tricks for the sinusoidal function.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Graphing 6 sinusoidal functions that have undergone transformations. The link to download your own copy is
Try it FIRST ... then come back and check your answers here!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Clear explanations of the various possible transformations to trigonometric functions. f(x)=sinx f(x) = cos x
f(x) = a sin [k(x-d)]+c
Stretches, compressions, shifts, where to find the equation of the axis and how to determine the period of the function.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

Using graphs to determine some key characteristics of sinusoidal functions, including axis, amplitude, speed.
I explain questions 4 and 6 on page 371
Also, here is the solution to the nail in a tire question (#8)

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Graphing y = sinθ and y = cosθ using the unit circle and knowledge that we have about sine and cosine ratios.
Please note that the last example is actually on page 363 not page 360 : )

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

Description of what a periodic function is with examples of the key words that you will need to know for further work in sinusoidal functions.
Read the basic examples in

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Here is the link to the practice test. Give it a try before you start the video and come back and check your solutions! Good luck on your test!!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

In this video I will go over three of the word problems from your textbook' numbers 8, 9 and 11. If you don't have a Nelson textbook that's okay as I have written out the questions for you. Make sure that you try the questions first!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

We will look at various logarithmic scales including Richter scale calculations for comparing the intensities of earthquakes, decibels and sound, pH and calculating hydronium ion concentrations.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Lots of practice with various types of equations. Watch out for inadmissible solutions Most questions involve quadratics so you must be good at switching between logarithmic and exponential forms. Be a log bae!!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Solving exponential equations by taking the log of both sides, factoring, finding a common factor and also rewriting using the same base. Lots of practice questions from your textbook to give you a good selection of examples.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Techniques such as finding a common base, taking the log of both sides and applying logarithmic rules to isolate x, and factoring. Remember that the log of a number can be evaluated on your calculator!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Product law, quotient law and power law for logarithms. Proof of these laws is in your text book and you should take a look at them. Lots of textbook examples for you to follow along with!

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

Be a Log Bae! That's all you need to remember to help you switch between the exponential form and the logarithmic form. Lots of practice with different homework questions.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

How to graph a transformed Logarithmic function using the points of its reciprocal function *i.e the exponential function. Using mapping rules and stating domain and range as well as the transformations

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

Graphing the exponential and finding the logarithmic function from its points. Basic logarithmic calculations. Note that at 3:39 I mistakingly identify the y axis as y=0 when it should be labeled x=0

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Books by Alexander Fufaev:
1) Equations of Physics: Solve EVERY Physics Problem
2) Alexander Fufaev and His Never Ending Story:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 17 days ago
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Velocity selector (electric & magnetic force).
03:20 Derive velocity of particle
04:24 Derivation: Mass Spectrometer Formula
06:25 Specific charge, neutrons and facts

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago
00:00 Hall effect: Explanation
02:19 Derivation of the Hall voltage / coefficient

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago
00:00 What is Lorentz force?
00:28 Moving charge perpendicular to the magnetic field
01:12 Determine Lorentz force direction
02:40 Lorentz force qvB-equation
04:12 Movement at an angle to the magnetic field
04:59 Lorentz and centripetal force
06:20 Determine velocity of the electron

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago
00:00 Introduction
00:06 Setup and Applications of a plate capacitor
01:53 Voltage of a capacitor
03:33 Capacitance of a capacitor
04:52 Force and Electric field inside capacitor

Books by Alexander Fufaev:
1) Equations of Physics: Solve EVERY Physics Problem
2) Alexander Fufaev and His Never Ending Story:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 17 days ago
00:00 Introduction
00:16 Difference: Connection
00:47 Difference: Current
01:21 Difference: Voltage
02:00 Difference: Resistance
02:33 Difference: Conductance

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago
00:00 The 1st ingredient: Voltage
00:46 The 2nd ingredient: Electrical conductor
01:13 The 3rd ingredient: Electric current
02:43 Data points and Ohm's law as a graph
05:14 Ohmic conductors
06:06 Slope of the graph
07:07 Ohm's law as a formula
09:32 Example #1: Resistance unknown
09:57 Example #2: Voltage unknown
10:26 Example #3: Current unknown

Books by Alexander Fufaev:
1) Equations of Physics: Solve EVERY Physics Problem
2) Alexander Fufaev and His Never Ending Story:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago
00:00 Positive and negative electric charge
01:12 Charge separation generates voltage
02:58 Voltage is energy per charge
05:33 Voltage source and electric current
08:09 Is voltage dangerous?

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago
0:00 Electric charges
01:45 What causes the electric current?
03:17 Formula + unit of electric current
05:18 Is one ampere a large current?
06:19 Summary

Books by Alexander Fufaev:
1) Equations of Physics: Solve EVERY Physics Problem
2) Alexander Fufaev and His Never Ending Story:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 17 days ago

Here you will learn how an electric dipole (e.g. a molecule) behaves in a homogeneous and inhomogeneous electric field. More:

Books by Alexander Fufaev:
1) Equations of Physics: Solve EVERY Physics Problem
2) Alexander Fufaev and His Never Ending Story:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Here you will learn how an electric dipole (e.g. a molecule) behaves in a homogeneous and inhomogeneous electric field. More:

Books by Alexander Fufaev:
1) Equations of Physics: Solve EVERY Physics Problem
2) Alexander Fufaev and His Never Ending Story:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago
00:00 A bit of history
02:06 Setup of the double slit experiment
02:20 What is observed in the double slit experiment?
03:36 Interference and wave path difference
05:19 Interference pattern explained
11:30 Derivation (formula for wavelength)

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago
00:00​ Why do I need differential equations?
00:30 What is a differential equation?
03:24​ Different notations of a differential equation
05:03​ What should I do with a differential equation?
06:15 How to identify a differential equation
07:11​ What are coupled differential equations?
08:36​ Classification: Which DEQ types are there?
15:48​ What are DEQ constraints?
18:08 Difference between boundary and initial conditions
20:39​ Solving method #1: Separation of variables
23:03​ Example: Radioactive Decay law
24:49​ Solving method #2: Variation of constants
28:02​ Example: RL Circuit
31:33​ Solving method #3: Exponential ansatz
37:17 Example: Oscillating Spring
43:21 Solving method #4: Product / Separation ansatz

Books by Alexander Fufaev:
1) Equations of Physics: Solve EVERY Physics Problem
2) Alexander Fufaev and His Never Ending Story:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Books by Alexander Fufaev:
1) Equations of Physics: Solve EVERY Physics Problem
2) Alexander Fufaev and His Never Ending Story:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 17 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Supercharge your IB Diploma revision with the OSC Study app! Available with 10+ subjects, the app features 8000 SMARTPREP flashcards, 5000 Studynova video tutorials, and 24 OSC revision guides, all at an affordable price.

The app just launched and you can try it out for free.

I think you'll love what we've been working on!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 18 days ago

Supercharge your IB Diploma revision with the OSC Study app! Available with 10+ subjects, the app features 8000 SMARTPREP flashcards, 5000 Studynova video tutorials, and 24 OSC revision guides, all at an affordable price.

The app just launched and you can try it out for free.

I think you'll love what we've been working on!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 18 days ago

Supercharge your IB Diploma revision with the OSC Study app! Available with 10+ subjects, the app features 8000 SMARTPREP flashcards, 5000 Studynova video tutorials, and 24 OSC revision guides, all at an affordable price.

The app just launched and you can try it out for free.

I think you'll love what we've been working on!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 18 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 19 days ago

Let's learn how placenta helps in nourishing the fetus
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore the male reproductive system in humans
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore the physical changes in humans at puberty.
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore how fertilisation takes place in flowers.
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore pollination, its types and agents.
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore the unisexual and bisexual flowers
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Let's see how the DNA number is maintained in sexual reproduction.
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore how sexual reproduction speeds up variations
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore vegetative propagation with examples & advantages.
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 19 days ago

Hydra, yeast, spirogyra, planaria, starfish, rhizopus reproduction. More free lessons & practice - Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore binary & multiple fission with examples.
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore what variation is and it's need
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore reproduction at cellular level.
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore why most living things reproduce
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Let's solve some questions on diffraction slit width

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Master the concept of Diffraction due to single width through practice exercises and videos -

Check out more videos and exercises on Wave optics-

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics name, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 19 days ago

Let's figure out the angular position of maximas in Single slit diffraction!

00:16 Condition for destructive interference
03:04 Dividing the slit into three parts
06:30 Condition for constructive interference

Master the concept of Diffraction due to single slit through practice exercises and videos -

Check out more videos and exercises on Wave optics -

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's solve a couple of questions on the size and intensity of central maxima in single-slit diffraction!

00:00 1st question
00:24 What is the size of the central maximum?
01:39 What is the angular width of the central maximum?
02:16 Condition for destructive interference in a single-slit diffraction
03:09 Deducing change in angular width of central maximum
04:06 Deducing change in the size of central maximum
05:55 2nd question
06:18 Intensity proportional to the square of the amplitude
07:41 Deducing change in intensity when the width of the slit is increased

Practice this concept -

Master the concept of Diffraction in a single slit through practice exercises and videos -

Check out more videos and exercises on Wave Optics -

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned with CBSE syllabus and is available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Let's calculate the expression for the intensity of interfering waves due to coherent sources. The expression turns out to be I =4 Io cos^2 (phi/2)

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Fringe width is the distance between two consecutive bright spots (maximas, where constructive interference take place) or two consecutive dark spots (minimas, where destructive interference take place). Let's derive an expression for the linear and angular fringe width.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

00:00 Example 1
00:35 Breaking down the question + Drawing the set-up
02:08 Approach to solving the question
03:23 Calculating the distance between central and third fringe
04:17 Example 2
04:50 Breaking down the question + Drawing the set-up
06:00 Calculating the distance between the screen and plane of slits

Practice the concept -

Master the concept of Young's double slit interference through practice exercises and videos -

Check out more videos and exercises on Alternating Current -

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics -

Khan academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to the CBSE syllabus and is available in Hindi, English and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

00:07 Example 1
00:45 Breaking down the question
01:19 Approach to solving the question
02:25 Solving for overlapping fringes
04:57 Example 2
05:52 Approach to solving the question
07:28 Solving for the least distance where dark fringes overlap

Practice the concept -

Master the concept of Young's double-slit experiment through practice exercises and videos -

Check out more videos and exercises on Wave optics -

To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics -

Khan academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to the CBSE syllabus and is available in Hindi, English and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Wavefronts are always perpendicular to the rays of light, always! Let's explore why.

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Huygen's proposed that light is a longitudinal wave in the aether medium - a medium that pervades the entire universe. The set of particles oscillating in phase with each other is called a wavefront. Point sources give out spherical wavefronts, while sources at infinity give plane wavefronts.

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

Huygen's principle states every point on the current wavefront acts as a source of secondary spherical waves. These secondary waves propagate outwards, in the forward direction, and a common tangent (an envelope) to all these waves constitute the new wavefront.

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Huygen's principle states that every point on a wavefront behaves as a source for secondary waves, whose common tangent (envelop) becomes the new wavefront. Using this principle, let's prove the laws of reflection

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Ferromagnets with high retentivity and coercivity are used as permanent magnets (hard magnets), while the ones with low retentivity & coercivity (soft magnets) are used as cores in electromagnets. But all ferromagnets have high permeability.
Let's explore these differences between the permanent magnets and the ones used in electromagnets, by looking at their hysteresis loops.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

The magnetic field inside a ferromagnet lags the vacuum field, and this lagging is called the hysteresis. Let's explore this hysteresis curve of ferromagnets.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Magnetic susceptibility is a measure of how readily materials tend to get magnetized. Diamagnets have a small negative susceptibility while paramagnets have a small positive susceptibility. Ferromagnets have a large susceptibility.
Relative permeability is a measure of how readily materials allow the field lines to pass through them, compared to vacuum.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Ferromagnets are strongly attracted to magnets due to their magnetic domains. Magnetic domains are groups of atoms whose dipole moments are spontaneously aligned in the same direction. Above the Curie temperature, these magnetic domains break down and the material becomes a paramagnet.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Most materials are either weakly attracted (paramagnets) or weakly repelled (diamagnets) by magnets. Diamagnetism is an inherent property of all materials, and it arises from Lenz's laws. Paramagnetism is seen in materials whose atoms have at least one unpaired electron.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Magnetic declination at a point on earth is the angle between the earth's geographic & magnetic meridian at that point. Meridians can be thought of great circles that pass through a point on earth and either the geographic or the magnetic poles.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we find out how milk turns into yogurt/curd overnight and that it is more than okay to consume some very special bacteria. It may sound a little gross, but trust us.

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we get a little cheesy. We talk about how different cheese is from curd/yogurt and which microbes help in creating the most delicious pizza topping ever.

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we talk about the role of bacteria and fungi in the making of dosas, idlis and breads. And, how they are responsible for the tiny holes in all these foods.

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we find out what really happens after you flush down last night's dinner. We discover the importance of microbes in sewage treatment and how we have shaped a critical process around it.

00:00 Introduction
00:51 Primary treatment
03:32 Secondary treatment and BOD
09:11 Sludge digestion

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we talk about modifying crops by inserting bacterial genes into them to prevent them from insects and pests. We dive deep into crops like Bt cotton and Bt maize and understand how they are so resistant to multiple pest attacks!

00:00 - Introduction and Bt toxins
01:44 - Mechanism of cry proteins
05:42 - Examples of Bt crops
07:59 - Are Bt crops safe to consume?

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with biology, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Biology here:

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

RNAi or RNA interference is a major breakthrough in the world of biology. This video talks about the process of how RNA interferes with itself and defends us from harmful proteins.

00:00 - Introduction
01:07 - How RNAi works against viral RNA
11:06 - How RNAi works against microRNA

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we explore how RNA interference (RNAi) plays a crucial role in the world of agriculture by controlling roundworms. We find out how a genetically modified plant can induce the RNAi mechanism in roundworms, ultimately killing them.

00:00 - Introduction
01:15 - Overview of RNAi process
04:12 - How is RNAi involved in pest control?
08:00 - Why does the plant's RNAi mechanism stop in the middle?

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with biology, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Biology here:

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we look into the type of insulin that has become a breakthrough in managing diabetes mellitus. We explore how genetically engineered insulin or human insulin is made and how it is so much better than its previous ancestors.

00:00 - Introduction
01:28 - Animal-sourced insulin
03:53 - How is human insulin made?
06:56 - How was human insulin upgraded?

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we talk about literally correcting genes with the help of gene therapy. We specifically tap into the first disease that was cured with gene therapy and learn about the intricacies of this remedy.

00:00 - ADA deficiency
01:10 - Bone marrow transplantation and enzyme replacement
03:20 - What is gene therapy?
04:41 - How is gene therapy done?
10:41 - Why is it promising?

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with biology, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Biology here:

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we are introduced to the world of molecular diagnostics. We particularly focus on one of the most common methods of molecular diagnosis - polymerase chain reaction or PCR - and how it can detect pathogens like a pro!

00:00 - Introduction
02:49 - PCR as a molecular diagnostic method
03:55 - Process of PCR
08:23 - Role of gel electrophoresis

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with biology, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Biology here:

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video, we find out what a game changer ELISA is. Based on the principle of antigen-antibody interactions, we explore how this method has become an icon in the world of molecular diagnostics.

00:00 - What is ELISA?
01:17 - Sandwich ELISA
02:55 - How sandwich ELISA works?

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with biology, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Biology here:

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Created by Sulagna Das

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's explore how human ears work.
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 19 days ago

A shortcut method on how to find the square of any number ending with 5.

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Created by Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video we learn about the method of finding cube using a vedic math algorithm called as Nikhilam.

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Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

This video describes an algorithm and a solved problem for finding the cube of the number. This is a vedic math method that is known as Yavdunam.

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Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video you will learn about the Urdhvatiryak method of multiplication , we have covered multiplication of 2 digit numbers in here.

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Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 19 days ago

Basics video:

This video descirbes the method of multiplication by vedic method using base and supplement or poorak.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video you will know the basics of multiplication by vedic math method of multiplication. Finding base and Supplement of the number is a key thing to be done before you can find the multiplication.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by
Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Watch the video above to know the basics.

In this video I have discussed how to multiply two numbers using vedic math method, by finding base of a number and the poorak, which is what I have called a supplement.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video we describe a vedic math method called Paravartya Yojayet which is different than nikhilam method of divison. In this method you will find that the base is less than the divisor.

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Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video we cover the case of division using vedic math method called nikhilam where the base is 100, and you can extending the logic for bases which are even larger.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

In this video you will learn about basic method of division using vedic math which is done by specific method called Nikhilam! This video of divison is among three parts of nikhilam method we have. This is the first part.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Now that we know how alcohols can be synthesized using Grignard reagents, let's look at an example and see how to deconstruct an alcohol and figure out the starting reactants.

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Created by
Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's briefly discuss the mechanism behind the addition of Grignard reagents to carbonyl compounds to obtain different types of alcohols with the help of a few examples.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Reduction of carbonyl compounds using reducing agents, lithium aluminium hydride and sodium borohydride, gives alcohols. Let's explore the mechanism of this reduction reaction and also solve a few problems based on the same.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Lithium aluminium hydride and sodium borohydride are versatile reducing agents, yet they cannot be used interchangeably. One is more selective while the other is highly reactive. Let's explore what makes these reducing agents unique and when can we use them.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by
Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

How can we obtain alcohols from alkenes of anti-Markovnikov orientation? Using a selective method called hydroboration followed by oxidation. Let's solve a few questions based on the same.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by
Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Let's discuss the type of products that is formed in the acid-catalysed hydration of alkenes.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by
Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 19 days ago

Phenol is prepared commercially from cumene and this synthesis involves some interesting chemistry concepts like a phenyl shift. Let's take a brief look at this preparation method.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by
Revathi Ramachandran

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

In this video we use a u-sub and the natural log rule to integrate tanx.

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

In this video we use a little 'trick' to help us integrate secx. Ultimately we will rely on a u-substitution and the natural log rule to evaluate the integral.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

In this video we go over a classic example of using u-sub and the natural log rule to evaluate an integral. Specifically we look at the function 1/xlnx.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

Our third example of using u-substitution with the natural log rule to solve evaluate and integral. In this example we are evaluating a function involving tan and sec

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

Here we find an anti-derivative (indefinite integral) for a function involving a fraction and e to a power. To do this we use u-substitution and the natural log rule for integrals.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

We explore coming u-substitution with the natural log (ln) rule for integration. This will allow us to find the integral of an even wider range of functions.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

In this video we evaluate a definite integral with a u-substitution. When we use u-substitution we must change the limits of integration.

There is another technique that does not involve changing the limits of integration and we'll explore that idea in this video also.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

In this example we use u-substitution to find an integral involving sin and cos.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

In this example we find the 2 integrals that involve a square root. Each integral will require a u-sub.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

This is our third example of using u-substitution to solve an integral. In this example we learn how to adjust for a constant

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

This video is an introduction to the idea behind u-substitution. This is a very important technique for solving integrals!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

This video is an introduction to the idea behind u-substitution. This is a very important technique for solving integrals!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

We learn how to re-write and simplify integrals to make them easier to solve. This is the third example.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

We learn how to re-write and simplify integrals to make them easier to solve. This is the second example.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

We learn how to re-write and simplify integrals to make them easier to solve. This will allow us to integrate more complicated expressions than we could in the past.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

The definite integral and the fundamental theorem of let us compute the average value of a function over an interval.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

Area trapped under the x-axis is interpreted as 'negative' area by the definite integral.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

Some basic but useful properties of integrals.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

In this video we will do a few more examples of using the fundamental theorem to evaluate definite integrals. This should help you get a better understanding of how the theorem works and how to use it.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

This video is an introduction to the first fundamental theorem of calculus. It will mostly focus on evaluating definite integrals and how that relates to area under a curve.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

This video defines a Riemann Sum and a Definite Integral. This is built upon the previous videos and just slightly refines what we've already seen so far.

To see an example of a Riemann Sum where delta x_i is not equal to (b-a)/n see:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

This is a slightly more advanced example. It illustrates the point that the width of the rectangles does not need to be constant.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

This video builds upon our previous knowledge of finding exact area, but here we introduce the idea of a left hand sum, or lower sum.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of finding exact area under a curve by taking the limit of a sum.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

The exact area under a curve is the sum of an infinite amount of infinitely small rectangles. We'll derive this amazing result by taking the limit of a sum.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

Using 4 rectangles to estimate the area under a curve. We'll combine what we've talked about so far, and emphasis the importance of finding the height of the "ith" rectangle.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 20 days ago

This is video 4 in series on summations. In this video we combine the 3 formulas and 2 properties of sums we learned in the last videos to solve more complex sums.

Summation Playlist:


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago

This is video 3 in series on summations. In this video we learn 2 properties of sums (linear properties) which will help us break down complex sums in to simpler pieces. These properties are essential to being able to solve more complex sums in the future.

Summation Playlist:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago

This is video 2 in a series on summations. In this video we learn 3 fundamental summation formulas. These formulas are essential to solving more difficult sums in the future.

Summation Playlist:


Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago

This video is a first in a series on summation. We learn how to read summation notation which will help us solve sums in the future. The videos on summation should be helpful for both algebra students learning about sums for the first time and for calculus students learning about Riemann Sums.

Summation Playlist:


Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

The area under a curve is difficult to find so we will estimate the area by using rectangles.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

Before we learn more advanced integration techniques these common antiderivative, and antiderivative rules will allow us to find some basic antiderivatives.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

Some basic properties of antiderivatives. We see the antiderivative of a constant and the antiderivative of a sum.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

We learn the antiderivative power rule. This is analogous to the derivative power rule.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus

An introduction to antiderivatives, or indefinite integrals, the process that 'undoes' the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | calculus 1

We learn about linear approximations and use a tangent line to approximate the value of the function.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

Deciding how much wire to use on a circle and a square to maximize the amount of area created.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

Part 2 of creating a box with a maximum volume

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

Part 1 of creating a box with a maximum volume

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

We discuss concavity and the second derivative keeping in mind everything we've learned up to this point

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

We examine inflection points and how they relate to the function and it's derivatives

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

We discuss the concavity of a function by looking at the second derivative

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

We get familiar with concavity and how it relates to the derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

Part 2 of finding the extrema of a function.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

Part 1
Using the first derivative test to find extrema

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

We look at what it means for a function to be increasing and decreasing and get introduced to the first derivative test.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

We use the mean value theorem to prove a car was speeding evn though it was going the speed limit when the police radared it.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 20 days ago | Calculus 1

We learn Rolle's Theorem and see where it falls in terms of it's importance in a calculus class

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

The video helps us recall the various factors that help stabilise a carbocation. This helps us to compare the various substrates during an SN1 reaction

00:00- Need to talk about the stability of carbocations.
01:03- Comparing the rates of SN1 reaction for the given substrates.

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Created by
Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about the effect of substrate on the rate of an SN1 reaction. It helps compare various substrates having the same type of leaving group and also briefly helps recall the mechanism of the SN1 rate.

00:00- Recall the mechanism of SN1 reaction.
00:50- Factors affecting the rate of an SN1 reaction.
01:16- Why does the strength of a nucleophile not affect the rate of an SN1 reaction?
01:50- Comparing various substrates for their reactivity towards an SN1 reaction.
6:15- What happens in the next video?

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Created by
Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 21 days ago

Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions might involve the formation of more than one product. How is that possible? And, which would be the major product? This video talks about why and how carbocation rearrangement occurs, leading to the formation of unexpected major products!

00:00- Introduction
00:39- 1,2-Hydride shift.
4:23- 1,2-Methyl shift
6:45- How to know when rearrangement happens?

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Created by
Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about the mechanism involved in an SN1 reaction. It also elaborates on what is a rate determining step and how it affects the rate of a reaction. We learn how to calculate the rate of an SN1 reaction and also, what is the order of an SN1 reaction. In the end, it tells why the nucleophile does not affect the rate of an SN1 reaction while the concentration and type of substrate does.

00:00- Introduction
00:30- What is nucleophilic substitution?
1:15- How does nucleophilic substitution occur?
1:40- Mechanism of SN1 reaction
3:00- What is RDS?
4:11- Equation for reaction rate
5:47- Factors affecting the rate

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Created by
Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about the effect of a leaving group and solvent on the rate of an SN1 reaction.

00:11- Mechanism of SN1 reaction.
00:35- Why care about the leaving group stability?
1:12- Examples!
4:54- Effect of solvent

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Created by
Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about the effect of leaving group on the rate of an SN2 reaction.

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Created by
Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about how the strength of a nucleophile affects the rate of an SN2 reaction.

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Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about what happens when HBr is added to an alkene in the presence of a peroxide and how is that different from the usual addition of HBr to an alkene.

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Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

This video gets a little more interesting than the other two parts as it talks about whether or not the attacking nucleophile will be able to replace the leaving group.

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Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about the mechanism involved when a symmetrical alkyne is treated with a hydrogen halide.

00:00- Introduction
1:03-Reaction between ethyne and HBr
1:44- Why is there no resonance in case of a vinylic carbocation?
3:40- What happens if we have excess HBr?
4:42- How do we decide the major product?

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Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about what happens when an unsymmetrical terminal alkyne is treated with excess of HCl.

00:00- Introduction
1:10- Mechanism

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Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

This video depicts how the inductive effect helps stabilise or destabilise a given reaction intermediate.

00:00- Introduction
00:32- Common reaction intermediates
02:50- Reaction intermediates and inductive effect
3:27- Examples

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Created by
Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

This video depicts how the inductive effect helps stabilise or destabilise a given reaction intermediate.

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Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will look at the mechanism behind Reimer-Tiemann reaction where phenol is converted to ortho-hydroxy benzaldehyde (also called salicylaldehyde).

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Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will look at the product that is formed when aniline undergoes bromination. We will also see how to modify the substrate, aniline, in order to selectively obtain the para-product.

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Created by
Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

In this video how to compare basic strength of some basic nitrogenous aromatic organic molecules.

What are we doing? - 0:00
Comparing Ammonia with its aromatic derivatives - 0:14
Playing with aniline - 2:42
Steric inhibition of protonation - 3:00
Basic strength of pyrrole - 5:15
What did we learn? - 6:27

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Created by Ishani Rathore

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video how to compare basic strength of some basic aliphatic organic molecules.

What are we doing? - 0:00
What are Bronsted-Lowry bases? - 0:20
Set #1 (Formate ion vs. aliphatic carboxylate ions) - 0:35
Set #2 (Hydroxide ion vs. azanide ion) - 2:35
Which atom is most apt to be protonated? - 3:50
Which atom is most apt in this molecules? - 5:58
What did we learn? - 7:30

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Created by Ishani Rathore

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we take up random basic organic molecules and compare their acidic strength using electronic effects.

Introduction - 0:00
Set #3 (Salicylic acid vs. Nitrobenzoic acid vs. Catechol vs. Nitrophenol) - 0:11

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Created by Ishani Rathore

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video we take up random basic organic molecules and compare their acidic strength using electronic effects.

Introduction - 0:00
Set #1 (Alcohol vs. sulphonic acid vs. phenol vs. carboxylic acid) - 0:09
Set #2 (Wate vs. hydrogen sulphide vs. benzene vs. ethyne) - 5:34
What do we learn in part 2 - 10:00

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Created by Ishani Rathore

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

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Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will learn how to prepare p-nitrophenol, a very important intermediate in the synthesis of the drug, paracetamol.

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Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will explore the mechanism of bromination of phenol. We will also see how the product varies when we change the solvent and why does that happen so?

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Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about the methods to form amides in a laboratory using carboxylic acid and its derivatives. It also talks about why do we add a base in a mixture of acid halide and ammonia to get an amide, or why do we heat a mixture of an acid and ammonia to form an amide.

00:00- Introduction
01:40- Acid and ammonia
2:22- Why heat?
2:45- Acid chloride and ammonia
6:00- Acid chloride and amines
7:16- Use of a base while reacting an acid chloride with ammonia
8:18- Acid anhydride and ammonia
9:11- Ester and ammonia
9:51- Summary

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Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

This video talks about how a nucleophile attacks a given carbonyl compound, the mechanism involved, and the change in hybridisation of the central atom during the process. The video also talks about the difference in mechanism observed when a neutral nucleophile attacks an aldehyde or a ketone instead of an anionic one.

00:00- Introduction
00:10- What are nucleophiles?
1:30- Mechanism of nucleophilic attack
3:22- Hybridisation of the central atom in the reactant, intermediate and product.
4:45- Attack of a neutral nucleophile

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Created by
Aanchal Arora

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

How are the architecturally diverse pollen grains or microspores produced in flowering plants? What role do each part of the male reproductive structure in plants serve? Watch this video to understand the process of pollen formation.

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Created by Nivedhitha Suresh

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we explore what the rate of decay of radioactive nuclei depends upon and also how we know if the rate is fast or slow.

00:00 Introduction
00:41 How does the rate of decay depend on the number of radioactive nuclei?
04:00 How does the decay constant determine if the rate of decay would be rapid or slow?
06:30 Units of Activity
07:15 Graphing Activity
08:59 Mean life

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's derive an expression for the nuclear radius and calculate a numerical value for the density of a nucleus!

00:07 Recapping Alpha scattering
01:43 What does the distance of closest approach tell us?
03:51 Volume is directly proportional to the mass number
04:57 Deriving an expression for the nuclear radius
06:43 Calculating the density of a nucleus

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Unstable nuclei can undergo alpha, beta or gamma decay. In this video, we explore when alpha and beta decay occur.

00:00 Introduction
00:35 N/Z ratio
03:38 Plotting N/Z ratio
04:56 Beta minus decay
07:36 Beta plus decay
09:28 Alpha decay

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

We will calculate the magnifying power of a telescope in normal adjustment, given it's objective and eyepiece focal lengths.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's figure out the magnifying power (magnification) of our telescope.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore how telescopes work intuitively using a demo. Then we will talk about some nuances involved in ray diagram and derive an expression for magnifying power.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's solve a numerical on compound microscope.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore the principle of a compound microscope and then logically build one, step by step.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore our magnifying glass a little more and see what's the min. and maximum magnification it can give.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore how a magnifying glass (simple microscope) really works.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's help our friend, Veena, to select the right lens for her eyes.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's help our friend, Suresh, to pick the right lens for his glasses.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore what are the symptoms and causes of Presbyopia. We will also see how bifocals correct them.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore the common defects, Myopia (shortsightedness) and hypermetropia (farsightedness) using ray diagrams.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Why do distant things get blurred when we concentrate on things close to us? Why can't we see things which are very close to us?
Let's explore how our eyes work and get answers to questions like these by exploiting the power of ray diagrams

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore cornea, pupil, iris, crystalline lens, ciliary muscles, aqueous & vitreous humour, retina, & optic nerves. We will study their structure & functions.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore why the sky is blue, why the sunset/sunrise is red, why are clouds white. It's all due to scattering of light by the molecules of our atmosphere

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore the scattering of light with the help of an experiment. When we shine a laser through a glass of water with few drops of milk, we can see the path of light. This effect is often called the Tyndall effect. Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Why do we see the sun even before it rises?
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

What causes the twinkling effect of stars (but not planets)?
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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organisation with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organisation, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Power is an incredibly useful quantity when it comes to lenses. Let's find out what it is and where it is used.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's figure out the effective focal length when thin lenses are in contact.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's derive the thin lens formula which connects the object distance to the image distance.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Using lens formula can be tricky because we need to substitute using signs. In this video, we will take one example and discuss how to use the lens formula.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

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Concave Lenses. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Convex Lens Examples. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
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Convex Lenses. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Can a convex lens diverge beam of light?
Let's do some problem-solving. Let's figure out the focal length of the convex lens when it's kept in air and oil.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Short derivation of the lens maker formula using curved surface refraction formula. This formula connects the focal length of a lens to its refractive index & the radii of curvatures. To make the derivation short, we skip using the sign conventions.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's solve a numerical on a curved surface refraction
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's derive a formula connecting object distance (u) and image distance (v) for refraction at a curved surface.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

What makes the 22 degrees halo, 22 degrees?
Let's derive an expression for the angle of minimum deviation.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

What causes the famous 22-degree halo around the sun? In this video let's explore the concept of minimum deviation in a prism and how that results in beautiful halo formations.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore how Sir Issac Newton experimentally proved that white light is made of all the colours of the rainbow.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

By doing an experiment let's explore what prisms are and what happens to white light as it passes through a prism.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

The index of refraction in a material isn't always the same for every wavelength. This is how prisms split white light into so many colors. Created by David SantoPietro.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Critical incident angle and total internal reflection. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's find an expression between the relative refractive index and absolute refractive index

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore the refractive index in detail. We will see the difference between absolute and relative refractive index
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

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Snell's Law Example 2. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

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Snell's Law Example 1. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore refraction of light through any parallel sided medium. Will also see why things appear to shift (lateral shift) when looked through such a medium.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

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Refraction in Water. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Courses on Khan Academy are always 100% free. Start practicing—and saving your progress—now:

Refraction and Snell's Law. Created by Sal Khan.

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Physics on Khan Academy: Physics is the study of the basic principles that govern the physical world around us. We'll start by looking at motion itself. Then, we'll learn about forces, momentum, energy, and other concepts in lots of different physical situations. To get the most out of physics, you'll need a solid understanding of algebra and a basic understanding of trigonometry.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

We will find the properties of the image formed by a convex mirror.
We will do that using the mirror formula and by applying the sign convention.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore how we can generalize the mirror formula by introducing cartesian sign conventions.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will derive the mirror formula (expression connecting u,v, and f) and magnification formula.
We will use a concave mirror to do it.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore the ray tracing technique to figure out the properties of images when things are kept in front of a concave or a convex mirror.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will introduce the terms radius of curvature, and see its connection with focal length.
We will also introduce the term principal axis and see the need for it.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will explore two kinds of curved mirrors, parabolic and spherical mirrors.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will look at some applications of concave mirrors.
Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

When curved mirrors have a reflecting surface on the outside, they are called convex mirrors. (vex stands for bulging out).
Let's learn what they do and their applications in our day to day life.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we will see how concave mirrors focus a parallel beam of light to a single point.

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we solve a question on Snell's window and also deal with refraction and TIR across 3 mediums!

00:06 1st Question
00:51 Drawing all the light rays from the source
02:38 How do the light rays look when they are incident at critical angle?
03:01 Using Snell's law to calculate the critical angle
03:59 Relating critical angle with the angle subtended at the source
04:55 2nd Question
05:48 Comparing the refractive indices of the three mediums
07:43 Using Snell's law to relate the refractive indices of medium A and B

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

We use sign convention once in derivation, and once while solving problems. Why do we use it twice? Let's understand that in this video!

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Deriving mirror equation for a concave mirror
04:21 Deriving mirror equation for a convex mirror
08:59 Different equations for different cases
09:28 Applying sign convention once
11:01 Benefit of using sign convention once
11:28 Applying sign convention the second time
13:31 Same goes for lenses

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics name, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

In this video, we solve two questions on the image formed by multiple lenses

00:00 1st question
01:00 Strategy
02:50 Using thin lens formula to calculate image formed by the first lens
04:19 Using thin lens formula to calculate image formed by the second lens
05:49 2nd question
06:52 Drawing the set-up
08:09 Strategy
09:21 Using thin lens formula to calculate image formed by the first lens
10:00 Calculating image distance for the second lens

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore some applications of total internal reflection!

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Recap TIR
01:28 Diamonds
05:30 Snell's window
09:15 Prisms - Binoculars

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore virtual objects and how to use the idea of virtual objects in numericals

00:00 Virtual object in a plane mirror
03:09 Virtual object in a thick convex lens
09:12 Using virtual objects in questions with multiple thin lenses

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's solve a couple of questions on magnification in mirrors

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Master the concept of Reflection of light by spherical mirrors through practice exercises and videos -

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Physics name, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Physics here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

What will happen if we wrap a poly bag around a leaf and leave it overnight? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

What are the factors that work depends on? And how? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's look at a method to obtain fabric from fiber!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

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2 Views · 21 days ago

What is the difference and similarity between periodic and oscillatory motion Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

What is the difference between a tyre's motion and a car's motion which moving on a roundabout? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

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2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's see how air is a mixture of gases through this simple activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

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2 Views · 21 days ago

How do fish, camels and giraffes adapt to survive and thrive in their habitat? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

How do cacti, lotus and pine trees survive and thrive in their habitat? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore how clouds are formed through this simple activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

What happens if we tie a poly bag around a leaf and leave it overnight? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

How can we prove that air is present all around us? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

What kind of energy do moving objects have? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

What kind of energy does a stretched rubber band, or a compressed spring have? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

How can we check our pulse? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's learn how to measure length and width of objects!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's find out the correct way to measure length of objects!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Energy can be transformed from one from to another. Let's understand that with a simple activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore the characteristics of the images formed by a plane mirror!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

What happens if you strike two metal spoons inside water? Do you hear them striking, or not? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's draw a ray diagram to understand the path of light when it reflects off a mirror!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

What are clothes made up of? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

What is energy? How is it related to work? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

Let's look at one method of obtaining fabric from fiber!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago



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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago

What happens when white light passes through a prism! Something, beautiful! Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 21 days ago


Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Have you ever seen an iron nail attract other iron pieces! Well, be prepared!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Can a charged object attract neutral objects? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Let's draw a ray diagram to identify the path of light when it refracts through a glass slab, and also learn about Snell's law!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago


Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Is the magnetic strength of a magnet constant throughout its length or does it vary at the ends? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

What happens when you bring two north poles of a magnet close to each other, and what happens when you bring north and a South Pole close to each other? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Some salt can be dissolved in water at a certain temperature of water. But can more or less be dissolved if we change the temperature of water?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Let's draw a ray diagram to identify the path of light through a prism!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Some substances are attracted to a magnet and some aren't. Let's look at some examples!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Unlocking the Invisible Dance: Exploring the Wonders of Magnetic Field Lines!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's see if the ice cubes in a glass sink or float, when we pour some water into it!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's have a look at a simple electrical circuit in action!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's understand how do converging and diverging beams look like!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 21 days ago

Let's explore the characteristics of the images formed by a concave mirror for objects placed at different positions!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

How can we purify salt water solution? Let's say we want to obtain pure water form the solution, how do we do that?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

What happens when you rub twi straws with a cloth and bring them close? Something, very interesting! Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

If we keep a magnetised needle near a current carrying wire, it deflects! But why?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

What happens when we leave a glass of cold water resting on a table for some time? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

What are the different types of forces? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago


Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

When you freely suspend a magnet, it always point in a fixed direction! What direction is that? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Let's identify which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

How do we separate the large insoluble solid particles from water?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Water vapor can change back to its state. What is it called? Let's watch it happen!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 21 days ago

Some changes happen after a definite period while some can happen at any point in time. Let's look at examples for the same!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

Light doesn't pass through all materials. Materials can be categorised according to that property!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 21 days ago

There are two types of mixtures. Let's see what are they!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 22 days ago

How can we separate dissolved salt from water? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

From Light to Shadow: Let's navigate the world of Umbra and Penumbra

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Some changes can be reversed, while some can't be. Let's look at examples of the same!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

Some changes are slow and some are fast. Let's look at some examples for each of them!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Some objects and some sink. Objects can be categorised according to that property!

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

A force is made up of two things - direction and magnitude. Let's see how!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

How can we separate two solids from each other?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

How can we separate water from dissolved salt?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

How does water reach the top of a plant or a tree? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's understand the concept of pressure through a simple activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

How can we separate water and tiny insoluble particles in it?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's carry out a simple activity and actually see iron rusting!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

How do the wires conduct electricity? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Rutherford discovered the structure of the atom! Let's understand his model through a simple activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Heat transferred depends on specific heat as well! Let's understand that through this activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

How does heat transfer in solids? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor PandeyDescription

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Why do we feel warm when we are near a heat source? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Will the level of the water inside the bottle rise if I keep it in boiling water?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

How does pressure change when different force is applied on the same contact area?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

The level of water rises when an object is submerged into it. But by how much? Is there any relation between the volume of object and the volume of water displaced?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's explore the relation between buoyant force and displaced liquid!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Why do things feel lighter when they are under water? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Why does a ship float and a tiny piece of metal sink? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's find out if light travels in a straight line through an interesting activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's see if a magnet behaves the same when a metal plate comes in between!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's see gases expanding in front of our eyes using simple materials!

Here's the explanation:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change? We have two cases here, dissolved salt in water and burning magnesium. Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 22 days ago

Which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change? We have two cases here, Dissolving sugar and burning sugar. Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change? We have two cases here, deformation of a solid and spoilage of food. Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's look at a cool example of refraction!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

What produces a sound? Let's understand that through a small activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's test if vinegar, oil, water, liquid detergent etc. show any change in the color of a red and blue litmus paper.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change? We have two cases here, heating iron and rusting of iron. Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's solve a question on electric field due to a dipole.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's practice solving board type numerical from Electricity chapter
More free lessons & practice:
Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Wheatstone bridge is a special circuit consisting of 5 resistors. When the resistances in the adjacent arms have the same ratio, no current flows through the middle resistor! This is called a balanced Wheatstone bridge.
It's used in calculating unknown resistances using a meter-bridge set up.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

Let's learn the functions & parts of fore, mid & hindbrain.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
7 Views · 22 days ago

Is there a pattern in how the flowers are arranged in plants? What are the different types of floral arrangements? Watch this video to learn about inflorescence.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Nivedhitha Suresh

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Algebra 2

NEXT Video:
Factoring with Polynomial Division:

How to factor a polynomial of degree 3 with grouping. This method works great for 3rd degree polynomials that can be grouped.

THIS DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK: To learn more about factoring a cubic polynomial continue watching our playlist on factoring or skip to the next video:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 22 days ago | Algebra

This will be a review of how fractions cancel. Understanding these basic rules now will make everything easier later on in the course when things get more complicated.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Algebra

Multiplying fractions is the easiest thing to do with fractions! This will be a quick review of how fractions multiply. We'll use this throughout the algebra course.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 22 days ago | Algebra

Subtraction is a very poorly behaved operation. It isn't commutative and it isn't associative. But we can force it to be have by turning subtraction into addition!

a - b = a + (-b)

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 22 days ago | Algebra

The associative property tells us that is doesn't matter how we group addition or multiplication. The property can be written like this:

a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
a(bc) = (ab)c

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Algebra

In this video we learn the commutative property of addition and multiplication. The commutative property tells us that it doesn't matter which order we add or multiply in. We can right this rule like this:

a + b = b + a
ab = ba

Although this rule is very simple its very important!

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 22 days ago | Algebra

In this video we'll review important sets of numbers:

Natural Numbers
Rational Numbers
Real Numbers
Complex Numbers

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Algebra

Welcome to the Algebra course. We'll get started by introducing variables and seeing examples of them in simple equations.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

We prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular if and only if the sides of the parallelogram are the same length.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

http://www.rootmath.og | Linear Algebra

The definition of orthogonal: Two vectors are orthogonal when their dot product is zero.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

A brief example of using the dot product definition of the angle between two vectors to find that angle.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

The dot product helps us define the angle between two vectors. In this video we use the law of cosines and the dot product to help us define the angle between two vectors.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

We learn the definition of the dot product and we see an example. In the next video we will see how this definition helps us to define the angle between two vectors.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

We learn some basic properties of vectors like commutativity and associativity of addition, along with others.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

This is a proof that vector addition is commutative and associative. The proof relies on the same properties for the real numbers.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

We derived the length of vectors with 2 and 3 components using the Pythagorean Theorem. Now will will extend the notion of vector length to higher dimensions.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

In this video we'll define R^n. This will hopefully put us on the same page for notation that is coming up in the course.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

In this video we'll derive a formula for finding the length of a 3-dimensional vector. We'll also briefly discuss how to find the length of a vector with more than 3 components.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

We'll look at how to graph vectors with 3 components using 3-dimensional axes.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

u - v = u + (-v)

Since we know how to add vectors and multiply by negative one, we can also subtract vectors. Vector subtraction has geometric significance that we will utilize in a later video.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

When you multiply a vector by a scalar you simply multiply each component by that scalar. Since we can multiply a vector by -1 we can have -v. With this we have the tools we need to talk about vector subtraction (next video)

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

Vectors are added by adding corresponding components. Graphically we add vectors with a "head to tail" approach.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Linear Algebra

To find the length of a vector we simply use the Pythagorean Theorem. The components of a vector form the base and height of a right triangle. The length of the vector is simply they hypotenuse of that triangle.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of using critical numbers to help us gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of using critical numbers to examine the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of using critical numbers to help us gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of using critical numbers to help us gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

We use critical numbers to help us gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

We'll look at the definition of a critical number and how we can find them.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

An example that will expand on our understanding of the relationship between extrema and the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

In this video we'll introduce extrema (maximum and minimum points) and analyze them in terms of slope and the derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

A more difficult problem involving the rate of change of a man's shadow as he walks away from a lamp post.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

In this problem we related the rate of the rotation of a security beam to the rate at which the beam moves across the floor.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

An introduction to a very interesting problem. I definitely recommend you watch this video before moving on to part 2.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

This problem is very similar to filling a pool but with an added consideration. This is a very typical related rates problem for a Calculus 1 class. You may find a problem like this on a test or exam.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

This will be a basic related rates problem. We'll try to relate the rate at which water is entering to the pool to the rate at which the water level is rising.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

An introduction to related rates and an overview of the example problems to come

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

We use implicit differentiation to take the derivative of arcsec(x).

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus 1

We use implicit differentiation to take the derivative of the inverse sine function: arcsin(x).

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | calculus 1

We learn how to take the derivative of the natural log of x.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | calculus 1

We take the derivative of the equation of a circle.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | calculus 1

We get a feel for how we might take a derivative implicitly and we get the intuition of why implicit differentiation is really just uses the chain rule.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | calculus 1

We now learn how the product rule and chain rule can take the place of the quotient rule.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | calculus 1

We learn the quotient rule

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus

This is a more advanced example of using the chain rule. In this video we need to use the chain rule twice in a row in order to find the complete derivative. Don't let the title fool you, its not difficult, its just a more advanced example that you should know how to do!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus

Our second example of using the chain rule. In this video we will take the derivative of sin(x^2 + 1) using the chain rule. Also remember:

"Derivative of the outside, repeat the inside, times by the derivative of the inside."

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | Calculus

We use the chain rule to take the derivative of e^(2x).

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | calculus 1

Same chain rule, different notation. We'll look at a popular way of viewing the chain rule.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago | calculus 1

We learn the chain rule using function notation. This will be the most important rule we have for taking derivatives.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago | calculus 1

We learn how to take the derivative of a product by using the product rule.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

The derivative of all 6 trig functions.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

We must use the limit definition of the derivative to find the derivative of sin(x)

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

Power Rule- the easiest thing since counting

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

The derivative of a constant is 0

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

This is the third example where will will use the definition to take the derivative of a function. More importantly we will explore the relationship between a function and it's derivative. It is essential that you understand this relationship!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

This is the second example where will will use the definition to take the derivative of a function. More importantly we will explore the relationship between a function and it's derivative. It is essential that you understand this relationship!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

This is the first example where will will use the definition to take the derivative of a function. More importantly we will explore the relationship between a function and it's derivative. It is essential that you understand this relationship!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

Our third and final example of finding the slope of a tangent line by using the definition of the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

We look at the square root of x and find the slope of the tangent line when x is one. This is another example of finding the slope of a tangent line using the definition of the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

We will find the slope of the tangent line by using the definition of the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

In this video we discover the derivative by attempting to find the slope of a tangent line. We'll see that the derivative is just a limit involving slope.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

Solving a problem involving a circle, secant lines and tangent lines. This problem will lead directly to learning the definition of a derivative.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

Solving an interesting limit problem involving radicals

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

A look at the geometry of a limit we looked at previously.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

Examining the geometry of the trig functions sec(x) and tan(x)

I mention that I couldn't find information. I do not mean to imply that the information isn't out there (it certainly is), I just couldn't find it after doing some brief searches so I decided to just toy with these ideas on my own. I hope this encourages you to do the same!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

Proof of the lim(sinx/x) = 1

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

An example of forcing a piece-wise function to be continuous.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

Continuity is a requirement for many theorems, we'll look at how it is defined.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

An example to test our understanding of one sided limits.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

A quick explanation of one sided limits

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

This is an advanced example of proving a limit using the epsilon-delta definition.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

An example of using the definition of a limit to prove the limit.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

An understanding of the Epsilon Delta definition of a limit.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

A look at intervals and notation involved in the Epsilon Delta definition of a limit.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

Solving two limits of trig functions.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

Often times a few special trig limits are proven in class. We'll look at one that we'll prove later, and one that we can prove now.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago

Solving limits involving complicated fractions. Please see the lesson page for practice exercises:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 24 days ago

Rationalization (getting rid of square roots), a new technique for solving limits. Please visit the lesson page for practice exercises:

Square Roots: Positive or Negative?

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago

Factoring, a new technique for solving limits analytically. Please visit the lesson page for practice exercises:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago


We'll learn properties of limits (what we can and can't do with limits). We'll start to take these for granted in future videos when we solve limits.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago

Our third example of a limit that does not exist. This limit does not exist because the function oscillates as x approaches 0 and so the limit does not exist.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago

A limit does not exist when it 'grows without bound.' Intuitively, if a function keeps getting bigger as you approach the limit value then the limit does not exist.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago

Some limits don't exist. The absolute value of x over x, |x|/x, has no limit as x approaches 0. This is because there is a jump in the graph at zero, or a jump discontinuity. This causes the value of the function to differ at the two sides of the jump and so the limit fails to exist.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago

Introduction to the limit of a function. We cover how to find a limit by estimating it numerically and we explain why limits are useful. This technique will be made more precise in later videos where we find that our estimate and the exact value are the same.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago

An introduction to limits. We'll explore the concept of a limit in basic terms.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus 1

An overview of the Calculus Course to come.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago | Algebra

This is the second example of finding a least common denominator by first finding a Least Common Multiple. This technique is useful for 'small' or 'easy' numbers.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago | Algebra

In this video we find a least common denominator by first finding a Least Common Multiple. This technique is useful for 'small' or 'easy' numbers.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago | Algebra

An introduction to adding fractions. We'll look at the easy case of adding fractions with a common denominator and we'll also see why we can't add fractions with different denominators.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago | Algebra

In this video we learn that certain fractions are equal to 1. This will be very useful later when we want to find common denominators.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago | Algebra

In this video we learn how to multiply fractions. Multiplying fractions is the easiest thing you can do with fractions so it's the first thing we'll learn.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago | Algebra

In this video we get a basic understanding of fractions. We learn what a numerator and denominator is and what pieces of information they tell us.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

This lesson walks through 12 climate types of the world. Organized into 9 climates classified by latitude and 3 climate types that can be found at any latitude, Mr. Rueschhoff explains each climate, where they are found, the climate factors that contribute to their creation, and their associated biome.

Climates discussed are Tropical Wet; Tropical Wet/Dry; Humid Subtropical; Humid Continental; Mediterranean; Marine West Coast; Sub-Arctic; Tundra; Icecap; Arid, Semi-Arid; and the Highland Climates.

Together with the previous lesson on the Five Factors of Climates and Biomes, viewers should be able to up their finger on the globe and have a good idea of what it is like there in terms of climate.

While accessible to anyone, this lesson is specifically written to address the educational standards of the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

The lesson builds upon our look at latitude's impact on seasons and adds four more factors to explain how the Earth's climate is created. In addition to Latitude--the most important factor--are Elevation, Wind Currents, Ocean Currents, and Topography.

The lesson reviews how latitude greatly influences temperature on Earth and introduces how Elevation also has an impact on temperature of regions on Earth. Next, the lesson introduces Wind and Ocean Currents. It explains how convection drives our winds and creates the Hadley Cell and Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) that has a profound impact of climate in the tropics and creates the conditions for some the world's largest deserts.

Influenced by these Wind Currents are the Ocean Currents which are in a constant cycle of warm and cold water exchange between the equator and poles. Why the waters off of the west coast of a continent are usually cool while waters off the east coast are warm are explained. (Hint, it has to do with the Coriolis Effect). The role that El Nino and the North Atlantic Drift have in shaping the climate of the Americas and Europe are discussed as is the impact of Continentality.

The lesson concludes by discussing Topography's role in our climate--chiefly due to the Rainshadow Effect.

While useful to all audiences, this lesson is specifically designed to address elements of the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography Studies Course.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

This video lesson explains why we have seasons on Earth. Specifically, it examines the Earth-Sun relationship. Viewers will learn it isn't just that the Earth rotates every 24 hours or even that it revolves around the Sun ever 365.25 days. Rather, what is special is that the Earth is titled that means that the Sun's energy (solar insolation) is distributed unevenly on the Earth's surface.

The big takeaway--beyond the fact that the Earth's seasons are caused by the Earth's revolution and tilt--is that latitude is an extremely important factor in determining what makes up the characteristics of a location.

Mr. Rueschhoff uses models to show the stages of this Earth-Sun relationship throughout the year to explain what Solstices and Equinoxes are. He concludes by breaking latitude into three bands (High, Middle, and Low) and explain how these three latitude bands have uniquely different seasons--it's not just Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter!

A lesson that can be viewed and appreciated by all, but is specifically designed to address standards in the Texas Education Knowledge Standards (TEKS) for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

This video lesson looks at external factors that shape the Earth's landforms: weathering, erosion, and deposition. This examination of physical geography and geology aspects of the world includes looking at the differences between chemical and physical (or mechanical) weathering, how rain, wind, ice (glaciers), and even gravity moves sediment, and then how deposition of sediment creates landforms such as river deltas as well as produces fertile areas such as the North European Plain through the deposition of loess.

In addition, a review of what soil is and how it is created is included as well as how these processes create sedimentary rock.

This lesson is designed to not only inform all audiences, but also to focus on the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago

CORRECTION: AT 8:58, I stated that if there is just one Continental Plate you would have Convergent Subduction. I meant to say OCEANIC Plate. Sorry.

Ever heard someone say you're "making a mountain out of a molehill?" Well, I don't actually know what a molehill is (actually, I think I do), but in this lesson, we will examine the Earth's forces that creates its mountains--namely Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics.

This lesson begins by looking at the composition of the Earth and discover that its core, mantle, and crust make it much more like a baseball, than a blue marble that some have called it.

We then look at the outside of the Earth and find that it also has stitches, just like a baseball. Here we learn of Alfred Wegner's examination of the Earth which used records of fossils and rock formations to assert that the continents move--giving rise to the theory of Continental Drift.

While the geology community thought that Wegner was crazy, Harry Hess joined the Navy and through the use of sonar mapped the ocean floor and with carbon dating of the ocean crust, discovered Wegner was right and explained how the continents move through a process not unlike a lava lamp (interested, gotta watch the video--hint, it's through convection of the magma in the asthenosphere).

The lesson then looks at the three major ways that tectonic plates will move in relation to each other: divergence, convergence, and transform boundaries and discover that these moving plates create landforms such as mountains and volcanoes--and even rift valleys.

Because of the different densities, the lesson points out that if there is an oceanic crust involved in a collision of tectonic plates, it will cause something called Convergent Subduction which creates the subduction zone of the Ring of Fire. And if there are two continental plates, it creates Convergent Folding which is the process that continues to create the Himalaya Mountains and Mt. Everest.

All of the movement of these plates, creates a great deal of stress on the crust creates cracks, called faults which is where Earthquakes occur. And the lesson examines how tsunamis are created through underwater earthquakes.

Last, the lesson concludes discussing the Hot Spots that have created the Hawaii Islands as well has turned Yellowstone into a Supervolcano.

This lesson is designed for anyone, but is focused on meeting the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography studies course in the State of Texas.

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