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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the standard protocol used to transfer data across the web. In this video, you'll learn about the basic concepts of the HTTP protocol with an example of a conversation between client and server.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table Of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
01:32 HTTP Protocol Basics
07:04 HTTP Developer Tools
11:11 HTTP Request Methods
16:35 GET Request - Example
21:48 POST Request - Example
25:06 HTTP Response
25:45 HTTP Response - Example
27:26 Response Status Codes
34:03 Content-Type and Disposition Headers
38:47 HTTP Conversation - Example
44:52 Outro

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#http #httpprotocol #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a unique address on the Internet you type in the browser to request a specific resource from the server. In this video, you will learn its components and the rules of URL encoding.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table Of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
00:44 Structure of a URL
08:52 Query String
11:37 URL Encoding
15:35 Valid and Invalid URLs
16:22 Outro

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#urlencoding #urlstructure #uniformresourcelocator #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago

Problem solving and algorithmic (logical) thinking are essential for every developer. In this video, you will learn about these and other fundamental skills of software engineers, as well as some approaches to solving tech problems.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table Of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
02:18 Fundamental Skills of Software Engineers
14:35 Algorithmic Thinking
18:39 Definition of Problem and Problem Solving
25:35 Stages of Problem Solving
29:28 Example of a Real-World Problem
35:01 Examples of Logical Thinking Problems
40:22 Examples of Tech Problems
42:34 Solutions to the Example Problems
1:25:32 Tips and Best Practices for Solving Exam Problems
1:46:27 Outro

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

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#problemsolving #programmingthinking #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

In this bonus part of the Java Foundations Certification, you will learn the difference between JRE and JDK, between java and javac, and what JVM is. Тhe javac command is used to compile Java programs, it takes .java file as input and produces bytecode.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table Of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
1:30 Java Programming Language
15:51 Java vs Java Platform
21:00 Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
33:17 Using Java and Javac
51:09 Next Steps

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago

Prepare for your Java Foundations official exam by learning more about some Java API Classes you already use like Math, Random, Arrays, BigInteger and BigDecimal, and more. You will also get familiar with the date and time API.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
01:07 Table of Content
03:04 The Judge System
04:48 The Math Class
13:14 Math Random
48:10 The Array Class
01:07:11 Java Formatter
01:22:06 BigInteger and BigDecimal Class
01:55:03 Date and Time API
02:15:55 Summary

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago

In Java exceptions are objects. The base for all exceptions is the Throwable class – it contains information about the cause of the exception, its description, and the stack trace. To raise an exception, you use the throw keyword. When an exception is thrown the program execution stops, and the execution travels over the stack until a matching catch block is reached to handle it.
Learn what are the main methods for exception handling and how to simplify your code construction.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
01:10 Table of Content
03:12 The Judge System
04:27 What are Exceptions?
17:05 Throwable Class
18:23 Types of Exceptions in Java
27:25 Exception Hierarchy in Java
29:30 Handling Exceptions
57:02 Try-Finally
01:03:05 Throwing Exceptions
01:19:55 The "throws" in Method Declaration
01:35:08 Custom Exceptions
02:02:39 Outro

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

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- IntelliJ IDEA

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

Learn the foundations of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). See how to define simple classes and conventions, create objects of these classes, object references, and what is the difference between an object and a class.
Become familiar with data fields and access modifiers, and of course – constructors, getters, and setters, which are the building blocks of every class.
By the end of the lesson, you will also have a good understanding of the term static, which you’ve surely encountered multiple times so far.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
01:32 Table of Content
05:22 The Judge System
07:09 Defining Simple Classes
08:55 Naming Classes
10:58 Class Members
13:14 Creating an Object
23:22 Object References
25:28 Classes vs Objects
27:08 Class Data
30:10 Access Modifiers
38:19 Methods, Getters and Setters
01:15:59 Constructors
01:36:08 Static Members
02:09:31 Summary

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago

Take your first steps in the world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - one of the most widely-used programming paradigms today. Make sure to practice what you’ve learned with the exercises included in the blog post.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
1:54 The Judge System
02:24 Judge System: Demo
04:38 Course Instructors
05:08 Table of Content
07:06 Object and Classes
55:19 Collections of Key-Value Pair
1:48:28 Defining Simple Classes
3:10:02 Summary
03:12:00 Outro

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

Understand the concept of more advanced structures like associative arrays (or maps), which hold key-to-value mappings. Learn how to use standard API classes, such as Map, HashMap, and TreeMap, to work with maps in Java.
Also, get familiar with Lambda expressions and functions and Stream API.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
1:47 The Judge System
02:16 Judge System: Demo
04:30 Course Instructors
05:25 Table of Content
07:14 Associative Arrays
53:27 Collections of Key-Value Pair
1:18:22 Lambda Expressions
2:17:57 Converting Collections
02:55:23 Summary
02:56:46 Outro

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

Learn more about the String class and its functions and how to efficiently process strings and text.
Find out what StringBuilder is and why it's so widely used.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
1:10 The Judge System
01:39 Judge System: Demo
03:52 Course Instructors
04:19 Table of Content
05:39 Strings Definition
29:26 Manipulating Strings
1:30:28 StringBuilder
1:57:40 Summary
1:59:29 Outro

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 22 days ago

Become a Java Certified Developer!

In this Java series, you will acquire all the needed skills to become a Java-certified developer. By now you’ve learned all about arrays, but did you know there are more data structures in programming? Lists are one of the most popular data structures in programming, as they allow for flexibility. You can insert and delete elements at any point and their length is not fixed! Cool, right?

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On the course website, you can find the practical hands-on assignments, the course slides, and the automated code grading system for your exercise solutions:
You can get free help from mentors and other community members.

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
1:05 The Judge System
01:35 Judge System: Demo
03:48 Course Instructors
04:13 Table of Content
05:23 Lists Definition
51:58 Reading Lists from the Console
1:53:02 Sorting Lists and Arrays
2:33:36 Summary
2:36:38 Outro

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system.

Remember that coding is a skill, and it should be practiced, just like any other skill. Write code to learn the skill of coding.

To check your solutions to the practical hands-on exercises from this course, I give you free access to SoftUni's automated judge system, where you send your code, and you get automated grading: the judge tells you whether your solution is correct or wrong. This is quite useful. Try it and you will love it!

You can find all SoftUni coding tutorials and video lessons here:

Join the SoftUni community at and ask for free help from our mentors. Yes, you can ask anything about this training, and you'll get a free answer! At SoftUni we already helped hundreds of thousands of students to learn to code. See their profiles at SoftUni alumni at LinkedIn.

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➭ Recommended Books:

IDE used in this lesson:
- IntelliJ IDEA

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

Learn what methods are, and how to use them to structure and extend our code functionality. Solve the practical problems you'll find in the blog post to exercise what you've learned so far.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
1:07 The Judge System
01:37 Judge System: Demo
03:50 Course Instructors
04:15 Table of Content
07:34 Methods
31:55 Void Type
38:29 Declaring a Method
46:50 Methods Parameters
1:04:28 Returning Values from Methods
1:25:25 Value vs Reference Types
1:38:03 Overloading Methods
2:06:09 Method Naming and Best Practices
2:17:20 Outro

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

In this third episode of the Java Foundations Course, learn how to declare an array, iterate over array, and perform multiple operations using arrays. Solve the practical problems included in the blog post to test your knowledge.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
1:09 The Judge System
01:39 Judge System: Demo
03:50 Course Instructors
04:51 Table of Content
05:40 Arrays
29:49 Working with the Array Elements
44:41 Reading Array
55:44 Printing Array
1:20:32 Iterating over Array
1:50:10 Summary
1:51:28 Outro

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 22 days ago

Learn how to work with primitive data types, declare and use variables and perform type conversions from one data type to another. Solve the practical problems you'll find in the blog post to better understand the material.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
00:59 The Judge System
01:31 Judge System: Demo
03:44 Course Instructors
04:11 Data Types and Variables
36:15 Integer Type
51:25 Integer Literals
56:52 Real Number Types
1:27:36 BigDecimal Class
1:36:50 Type Conversion
1:46:01 Boolean Type
1:54:39 Character Type
2:21:48 String Type
2:32:42 Summary
2:34:01 Outro

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's start with a review of the Java basics from the previous course. In this brand-new Java Foundations series, you will be working with data types, conditions, and loops, and solve a lot of practical problems to help you better understand the concepts.

➡️ Find the full blog post here:

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐

00:00 Intro
00:54 Course Instructors
04:35 Java Introduction
05:51 The Judge System
06:24 Judge Demo
09:10 Table of Content
11:12 Introduction and Basic Syntax
33:21 Console I/O
58:29 The if-else Statement
1:48:18 Loops
2:25:24 Debugging your Code
2:51:43 Summary
2:52:56 Outro

If you’ve missed other tutorials in this series, catch up here:

This course teaches skills, not just theory. Each course video comes with carefully prepared hands-on practical exercises, where you write code to solve practical problems, run and test your solutions, maybe make mistakes, fix them, and test your code over and over until it finally works properly. The entire course provides more than 70 exercises, with automated grading in the SoftUni judge system. You can find the link in the blog post.

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And remember, you learn to code by writing code. Do the assignments, submit them in the SoftUni Judge system, and get instant results. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from me or any of the mentors and members of the SoftUni Global Community. Our mission is to create experts by helping you learn Programming and start a job in IT.

Till next time!

#java #programming #codelessons #free #lessons #codewithnakov #softuniglobal

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 22 days ago

How can we separate dissolved salt from water? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

From Light to Shadow: Let's navigate the world of Umbra and Penumbra

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Some changes can be reversed, while some can't be. Let's look at examples of the same!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

Some changes are slow and some are fast. Let's look at some examples for each of them!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Some objects and some sink. Objects can be categorised according to that property!

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

A force is made up of two things - direction and magnitude. Let's see how!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

How can we separate two solids from each other?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

How can we separate water from dissolved salt?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

How does water reach the top of a plant or a tree? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's understand the concept of pressure through a simple activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

How can we separate water and tiny insoluble particles in it?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's carry out a simple activity and actually see iron rusting!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

How do the wires conduct electricity? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Rutherford discovered the structure of the atom! Let's understand his model through a simple activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Heat transferred depends on specific heat as well! Let's understand that through this activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

How does heat transfer in solids? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor PandeyDescription

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Why do we feel warm when we are near a heat source? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Will the level of the water inside the bottle rise if I keep it in boiling water?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

How does pressure change when different force is applied on the same contact area?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

The level of water rises when an object is submerged into it. But by how much? Is there any relation between the volume of object and the volume of water displaced?

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's explore the relation between buoyant force and displaced liquid!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Why do things feel lighter when they are under water? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Why does a ship float and a tiny piece of metal sink? Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's find out if light travels in a straight line through an interesting activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's see if a magnet behaves the same when a metal plate comes in between!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's understand why the balloon inflated!

Here's the activity:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's see gases expanding in front of our eyes using simple materials!

Here's the explanation:

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change? We have two cases here, dissolved salt in water and burning magnesium. Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
1 Views · 22 days ago

Which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change? We have two cases here, Dissolving sugar and burning sugar. Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change? We have two cases here, deformation of a solid and spoilage of food. Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's look at a cool example of refraction!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

What produces a sound? Let's understand that through a small activity!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's test if vinegar, oil, water, liquid detergent etc. show any change in the color of a red and blue litmus paper.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Which one's a physical change and which one's a chemical change? We have two cases here, heating iron and rusting of iron. Let's find out!

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's solve a question on electric field due to a dipole.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 22 days ago

Let's practice solving board type numerical from Electricity chapter
More free lessons & practice:
Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 22 days ago

Wheatstone bridge is a special circuit consisting of 5 resistors. When the resistances in the adjacent arms have the same ratio, no current flows through the middle resistor! This is called a balanced Wheatstone bridge.
It's used in calculating unknown resistances using a meter-bridge set up.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 22 days ago

Let's learn the functions & parts of fore, mid & hindbrain.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
7 Views · 22 days ago

Is there a pattern in how the flowers are arranged in plants? What are the different types of floral arrangements? Watch this video to learn about inflorescence.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Nivedhitha Suresh

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Algebra 2

NEXT Video:
Factoring with Polynomial Division:

How to factor a polynomial of degree 3 with grouping. This method works great for 3rd degree polynomials that can be grouped.

THIS DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK: To learn more about factoring a cubic polynomial continue watching our playlist on factoring or skip to the next video:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago | Algebra

This will be a review of how fractions cancel. Understanding these basic rules now will make everything easier later on in the course when things get more complicated.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Algebra

Multiplying fractions is the easiest thing to do with fractions! This will be a quick review of how fractions multiply. We'll use this throughout the algebra course.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago | Algebra

Subtraction is a very poorly behaved operation. It isn't commutative and it isn't associative. But we can force it to be have by turning subtraction into addition!

a - b = a + (-b)

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago | Algebra

The associative property tells us that is doesn't matter how we group addition or multiplication. The property can be written like this:

a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
a(bc) = (ab)c

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Algebra

In this video we learn the commutative property of addition and multiplication. The commutative property tells us that it doesn't matter which order we add or multiply in. We can right this rule like this:

a + b = b + a
ab = ba

Although this rule is very simple its very important!

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 23 days ago | Algebra

In this video we'll review important sets of numbers:

Natural Numbers
Rational Numbers
Real Numbers
Complex Numbers

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Algebra

Welcome to the Algebra course. We'll get started by introducing variables and seeing examples of them in simple equations.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

We prove that the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular if and only if the sides of the parallelogram are the same length.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

http://www.rootmath.og | Linear Algebra

The definition of orthogonal: Two vectors are orthogonal when their dot product is zero.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

A brief example of using the dot product definition of the angle between two vectors to find that angle.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

The dot product helps us define the angle between two vectors. In this video we use the law of cosines and the dot product to help us define the angle between two vectors.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

We learn the definition of the dot product and we see an example. In the next video we will see how this definition helps us to define the angle between two vectors.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

We learn some basic properties of vectors like commutativity and associativity of addition, along with others.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

This is a proof that vector addition is commutative and associative. The proof relies on the same properties for the real numbers.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

We derived the length of vectors with 2 and 3 components using the Pythagorean Theorem. Now will will extend the notion of vector length to higher dimensions.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

In this video we'll define R^n. This will hopefully put us on the same page for notation that is coming up in the course.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

In this video we'll derive a formula for finding the length of a 3-dimensional vector. We'll also briefly discuss how to find the length of a vector with more than 3 components.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

We'll look at how to graph vectors with 3 components using 3-dimensional axes.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

u - v = u + (-v)

Since we know how to add vectors and multiply by negative one, we can also subtract vectors. Vector subtraction has geometric significance that we will utilize in a later video.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

When you multiply a vector by a scalar you simply multiply each component by that scalar. Since we can multiply a vector by -1 we can have -v. With this we have the tools we need to talk about vector subtraction (next video)

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

Vectors are added by adding corresponding components. Graphically we add vectors with a "head to tail" approach.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Linear Algebra

To find the length of a vector we simply use the Pythagorean Theorem. The components of a vector form the base and height of a right triangle. The length of the vector is simply they hypotenuse of that triangle.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of using critical numbers to help us gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of using critical numbers to examine the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of using critical numbers to help us gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

Another example of using critical numbers to help us gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

We use critical numbers to help us gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between a function and it's derivative

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

We'll look at the definition of a critical number and how we can find them.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

An example that will expand on our understanding of the relationship between extrema and the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

In this video we'll introduce extrema (maximum and minimum points) and analyze them in terms of slope and the derivative

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

A more difficult problem involving the rate of change of a man's shadow as he walks away from a lamp post.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

In this problem we related the rate of the rotation of a security beam to the rate at which the beam moves across the floor.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

An introduction to a very interesting problem. I definitely recommend you watch this video before moving on to part 2.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

This problem is very similar to filling a pool but with an added consideration. This is a very typical related rates problem for a Calculus 1 class. You may find a problem like this on a test or exam.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

This will be a basic related rates problem. We'll try to relate the rate at which water is entering to the pool to the rate at which the water level is rising.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

An introduction to related rates and an overview of the example problems to come

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

We use implicit differentiation to take the derivative of arcsec(x).

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus 1

We use implicit differentiation to take the derivative of the inverse sine function: arcsin(x).

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

We learn how to take the derivative of the natural log of x.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

We take the derivative of the equation of a circle.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

We get a feel for how we might take a derivative implicitly and we get the intuition of why implicit differentiation is really just uses the chain rule.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

We now learn how the product rule and chain rule can take the place of the quotient rule.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

We learn the quotient rule

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

This is a more advanced example of using the chain rule. In this video we need to use the chain rule twice in a row in order to find the complete derivative. Don't let the title fool you, its not difficult, its just a more advanced example that you should know how to do!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

Our second example of using the chain rule. In this video we will take the derivative of sin(x^2 + 1) using the chain rule. Also remember:

"Derivative of the outside, repeat the inside, times by the derivative of the inside."

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | Calculus

We use the chain rule to take the derivative of e^(2x).

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

Same chain rule, different notation. We'll look at a popular way of viewing the chain rule.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

We learn the chain rule using function notation. This will be the most important rule we have for taking derivatives.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago | calculus 1

We learn how to take the derivative of a product by using the product rule.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

Discover the Magical World of St. Lucy’s Day! Our video unveils this centuries-old annual Swedish tradition. It explores the history, enchanting processions, and delicious treats that make St. Lucy’s Day an exceptional celebration. #saintlucysday #santalucia #tradition #explainervideos #simpleshowfoundation

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

Successful communication in a culturally diverse environment requires knowledge and understanding. Our video suggests ways to communicate effectively in a culturally diverse workplace. #culturaldiversity #diversity #culturalawareness #interculturalcommunication #simpleshowfoundation #explainervideos

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

On October 5, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. Teachers shape future leaders to build positive and inspired future generations. Our video looks at the role of teachers in our society today. #WorldTeachersDay #teachers #TeachersDay

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 23 days ago

September 8 is International Literacy Day. Literacy is vital for self-esteem, functionality, and career advancement. This video sheds light on the issue and clarifies what we can do to increase global literacy. #literacy #internationalliteracyday #literacyday #simpleshowfoundation

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

January 24 is the International Day of Education. It aims to give a greater understanding of the value and impact of quality education and promotes everyone’s fundamental right to education. Our video emphasizes the relevance of this day. #DayofEducation #internationaldayofeducation #education

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

On 5 October we celebrate the work of dedicated teachers around the world who continue to strive every day to ensure that inclusive and quality education become a reality globally. This video sheds light on the celebration of World Teachers’ Day!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

Teachers often fear that creativity in the classroom will be disruptive for the education of the students. How can teachers create a difference in an era of rapid technological change and at the same time value the creativity?
Check out our new video and find out how can creativity be cultivated in the classroom.

This video was produced by one of our volunteers. Responsibility for the accuracy of the content provided resides solely with the authors.

This video was created in the context of the UNSSC and simpleshow foundation Volunteer Initiative:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

What is SDG#4 about? SDG #4 defines the aim to ensure that all children have access to free primary and secondary education by the year 2030 and also what measures can be taken to achieve this goal.

This video was produced by the volunteer author: Stacey Moran
Responsibility for the accuracy of the content provided resides solely with the authors

This video was created in the context of the UNSSC and simpleshow foundation Volunteer Initiative:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

Quality education is written down as goal #4 in the 2030 Agenda.

Check out this video created by our volunteer Chandani López Peralta, explaining ‘’Why are so many children dropping out of school in Nepal’’ and what measures must be taken to achieve goal #4: Quality Education.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

How has Brexit affected educational systems in the EU? Find out in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

What is the relationship between education and nutrition? How does one impact the other? Find out in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

How are teachers hired in the US? Find out in our video!

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago

Mental health is extremely important and plays a large part in education. Learn more in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago

Does blended learning improve education? Learn what blended learning is and if it improves education in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 23 days ago

Budget cuts have a negative effect on students and teachers. Find out more about it in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

School overcrowding is an issue in many places around the world. What can be done to solve the problem? Find out more about overcrowding in schools in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

How should technology be used in the classroom? Find out in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

Education shouldn't end when you finish school because learning is a lifelong experience! Learn why continuing education is beneficial for working adults in our video.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 23 days ago

What are life skills? Which ones do students learn in school? Find out in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 23 days ago

There are varying ideas on how to make schools safer. Learn some of these ideas in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 23 days ago

What are some factors that contribute to a quality education? Find out in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 23 days ago

What is lifelong learning? Why does it matter? Find out in our video.

This video was created by Chris Ross.

This video was created to support the campaign "Goal 4 - Quality Education". Find more information on our website

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus 1

The derivative of all 6 trig functions.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago | calculus 1

We must use the limit definition of the derivative to find the derivative of sin(x)

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago | calculus 1

Power Rule- the easiest thing since counting

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus 1

The derivative of a constant is 0

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus

This is the third example where will will use the definition to take the derivative of a function. More importantly we will explore the relationship between a function and it's derivative. It is essential that you understand this relationship!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus

This is the second example where will will use the definition to take the derivative of a function. More importantly we will explore the relationship between a function and it's derivative. It is essential that you understand this relationship!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus

This is the first example where will will use the definition to take the derivative of a function. More importantly we will explore the relationship between a function and it's derivative. It is essential that you understand this relationship!

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus

Our third and final example of finding the slope of a tangent line by using the definition of the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus

We look at the square root of x and find the slope of the tangent line when x is one. This is another example of finding the slope of a tangent line using the definition of the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

We will find the slope of the tangent line by using the definition of the derivative.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus

In this video we discover the derivative by attempting to find the slope of a tangent line. We'll see that the derivative is just a limit involving slope.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

Solving a problem involving a circle, secant lines and tangent lines. This problem will lead directly to learning the definition of a derivative.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

Solving an interesting limit problem involving radicals

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago | calculus 1

A look at the geometry of a limit we looked at previously.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 24 days ago | Calculus 1

Examining the geometry of the trig functions sec(x) and tan(x)

I mention that I couldn't find information. I do not mean to imply that the information isn't out there (it certainly is), I just couldn't find it after doing some brief searches so I decided to just toy with these ideas on my own. I hope this encourages you to do the same!

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago

Proof of the lim(sinx/x) = 1

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago

An example of forcing a piece-wise function to be continuous.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago

Continuity is a requirement for many theorems, we'll look at how it is defined.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago

An example to test our understanding of one sided limits.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago

A quick explanation of one sided limits

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago

This is an advanced example of proving a limit using the epsilon-delta definition.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

An example of using the definition of a limit to prove the limit.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 24 days ago

An understanding of the Epsilon Delta definition of a limit.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

A look at intervals and notation involved in the Epsilon Delta definition of a limit.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

Solving two limits of trig functions.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 24 days ago

Often times a few special trig limits are proven in class. We'll look at one that we'll prove later, and one that we can prove now.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

Solving limits involving complicated fractions. Please see the lesson page for practice exercises:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 25 days ago

Rationalization (getting rid of square roots), a new technique for solving limits. Please visit the lesson page for practice exercises:

Square Roots: Positive or Negative?

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

Factoring, a new technique for solving limits analytically. Please visit the lesson page for practice exercises:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 25 days ago


We'll learn properties of limits (what we can and can't do with limits). We'll start to take these for granted in future videos when we solve limits.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

Our third example of a limit that does not exist. This limit does not exist because the function oscillates as x approaches 0 and so the limit does not exist.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

A limit does not exist when it 'grows without bound.' Intuitively, if a function keeps getting bigger as you approach the limit value then the limit does not exist.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

Some limits don't exist. The absolute value of x over x, |x|/x, has no limit as x approaches 0. This is because there is a jump in the graph at zero, or a jump discontinuity. This causes the value of the function to differ at the two sides of the jump and so the limit fails to exist.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

Introduction to the limit of a function. We cover how to find a limit by estimating it numerically and we explain why limits are useful. This technique will be made more precise in later videos where we find that our estimate and the exact value are the same.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

An introduction to limits. We'll explore the concept of a limit in basic terms.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago | Calculus 1

An overview of the Calculus Course to come.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 25 days ago | Algebra

This is the second example of finding a least common denominator by first finding a Least Common Multiple. This technique is useful for 'small' or 'easy' numbers.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago | Algebra

In this video we find a least common denominator by first finding a Least Common Multiple. This technique is useful for 'small' or 'easy' numbers.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago | Algebra

An introduction to adding fractions. We'll look at the easy case of adding fractions with a common denominator and we'll also see why we can't add fractions with different denominators.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago | Algebra

In this video we learn that certain fractions are equal to 1. This will be very useful later when we want to find common denominators.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago | Algebra

In this video we learn how to multiply fractions. Multiplying fractions is the easiest thing you can do with fractions so it's the first thing we'll learn.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago | Algebra

In this video we get a basic understanding of fractions. We learn what a numerator and denominator is and what pieces of information they tell us.

Reine Francisco
2 Views · 25 days ago

The US spends more on its military that the next nine nations combined. Both its aircraft carrier and F-35 programs have gone way over budget - while America continues to innovate its next-generation weapons for the battlefields of Ukraine.

The True Cost Of Amazon's Push For Speed | True Cost | Business Insider
How Extreme Breeding Is Leaving Pugs And Bulldogs Breathless | True Cost | Business Insider
What Really Happens Inside Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers | True Cost | Business Insider


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How The US Military Spends $800B Per Year On War Machines | True Cost | Business Insider

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

This lesson walks through 12 climate types of the world. Organized into 9 climates classified by latitude and 3 climate types that can be found at any latitude, Mr. Rueschhoff explains each climate, where they are found, the climate factors that contribute to their creation, and their associated biome.

Climates discussed are Tropical Wet; Tropical Wet/Dry; Humid Subtropical; Humid Continental; Mediterranean; Marine West Coast; Sub-Arctic; Tundra; Icecap; Arid, Semi-Arid; and the Highland Climates.

Together with the previous lesson on the Five Factors of Climates and Biomes, viewers should be able to up their finger on the globe and have a good idea of what it is like there in terms of climate.

While accessible to anyone, this lesson is specifically written to address the educational standards of the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

The lesson builds upon our look at latitude's impact on seasons and adds four more factors to explain how the Earth's climate is created. In addition to Latitude--the most important factor--are Elevation, Wind Currents, Ocean Currents, and Topography.

The lesson reviews how latitude greatly influences temperature on Earth and introduces how Elevation also has an impact on temperature of regions on Earth. Next, the lesson introduces Wind and Ocean Currents. It explains how convection drives our winds and creates the Hadley Cell and Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) that has a profound impact of climate in the tropics and creates the conditions for some the world's largest deserts.

Influenced by these Wind Currents are the Ocean Currents which are in a constant cycle of warm and cold water exchange between the equator and poles. Why the waters off of the west coast of a continent are usually cool while waters off the east coast are warm are explained. (Hint, it has to do with the Coriolis Effect). The role that El Nino and the North Atlantic Drift have in shaping the climate of the Americas and Europe are discussed as is the impact of Continentality.

The lesson concludes by discussing Topography's role in our climate--chiefly due to the Rainshadow Effect.

While useful to all audiences, this lesson is specifically designed to address elements of the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography Studies Course.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

This video lesson explains why we have seasons on Earth. Specifically, it examines the Earth-Sun relationship. Viewers will learn it isn't just that the Earth rotates every 24 hours or even that it revolves around the Sun ever 365.25 days. Rather, what is special is that the Earth is titled that means that the Sun's energy (solar insolation) is distributed unevenly on the Earth's surface.

The big takeaway--beyond the fact that the Earth's seasons are caused by the Earth's revolution and tilt--is that latitude is an extremely important factor in determining what makes up the characteristics of a location.

Mr. Rueschhoff uses models to show the stages of this Earth-Sun relationship throughout the year to explain what Solstices and Equinoxes are. He concludes by breaking latitude into three bands (High, Middle, and Low) and explain how these three latitude bands have uniquely different seasons--it's not just Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter!

A lesson that can be viewed and appreciated by all, but is specifically designed to address standards in the Texas Education Knowledge Standards (TEKS) for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

This video lesson looks at external factors that shape the Earth's landforms: weathering, erosion, and deposition. This examination of physical geography and geology aspects of the world includes looking at the differences between chemical and physical (or mechanical) weathering, how rain, wind, ice (glaciers), and even gravity moves sediment, and then how deposition of sediment creates landforms such as river deltas as well as produces fertile areas such as the North European Plain through the deposition of loess.

In addition, a review of what soil is and how it is created is included as well as how these processes create sedimentary rock.

This lesson is designed to not only inform all audiences, but also to focus on the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

CORRECTION: AT 8:58, I stated that if there is just one Continental Plate you would have Convergent Subduction. I meant to say OCEANIC Plate. Sorry.

Ever heard someone say you're "making a mountain out of a molehill?" Well, I don't actually know what a molehill is (actually, I think I do), but in this lesson, we will examine the Earth's forces that creates its mountains--namely Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics.

This lesson begins by looking at the composition of the Earth and discover that its core, mantle, and crust make it much more like a baseball, than a blue marble that some have called it.

We then look at the outside of the Earth and find that it also has stitches, just like a baseball. Here we learn of Alfred Wegner's examination of the Earth which used records of fossils and rock formations to assert that the continents move--giving rise to the theory of Continental Drift.

While the geology community thought that Wegner was crazy, Harry Hess joined the Navy and through the use of sonar mapped the ocean floor and with carbon dating of the ocean crust, discovered Wegner was right and explained how the continents move through a process not unlike a lava lamp (interested, gotta watch the video--hint, it's through convection of the magma in the asthenosphere).

The lesson then looks at the three major ways that tectonic plates will move in relation to each other: divergence, convergence, and transform boundaries and discover that these moving plates create landforms such as mountains and volcanoes--and even rift valleys.

Because of the different densities, the lesson points out that if there is an oceanic crust involved in a collision of tectonic plates, it will cause something called Convergent Subduction which creates the subduction zone of the Ring of Fire. And if there are two continental plates, it creates Convergent Folding which is the process that continues to create the Himalaya Mountains and Mt. Everest.

All of the movement of these plates, creates a great deal of stress on the crust creates cracks, called faults which is where Earthquakes occur. And the lesson examines how tsunamis are created through underwater earthquakes.

Last, the lesson concludes discussing the Hot Spots that have created the Hawaii Islands as well has turned Yellowstone into a Supervolcano.

This lesson is designed for anyone, but is focused on meeting the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography studies course in the State of Texas.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

This lesson walks students through the basic landforms on the Earth. This includes plains, mountains, hills, plateaus, peninsulas, islands, archipelagos, valleys, and canyons. The importance of rivers and the deltas and alluvial plains they create are examined.

The lesson also discusses the difference between oceans, seas, gulfs, and bays. The importance of straits are discussed and how they are the mirror opposite of isthmuses. The difference between lakes and reservoirs--despite usually all called lakes--is pointed out.

Beyond discussing the definitions, as fluid as they might be, the lesson discusses the ways that many of these landforms have been created. This includes the weathering, erosion, and deposition of sediment by wind, water, ice (glaciers), and even gravity. The role that plate tectonics in oceanic and continental plate convergence--either convergent subduction or convergent folding--has in creating landforms such as mountains is shown.

While this lesson can be enjoyed by all audiences, it is designed to meet various standards of the Texas Education Knowledge Standards (TEKS) for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

This lesson introduces the viewer to the Four Earth Systems: Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, and Biosphere.

The lesson explains how each system is made up of sub-components and how each system interacts with the other three systems--all supporting life on Earth.

The Carbon Cycle and Water Cycle are described and the Life Cycle is introduced.

This lesson is designed to satisfy elements of the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

This lesson looks at the way that countries seek to influence each other. In other words, how countries use power.

Calling upon Mr. Rueschhoff's over 23 years of military service his Master's Degree in Military Studies, he describes the Sources of National Power and the Instruments of National Power. These are concepts used by strategic planners in capitals around the globe.

First, the term power is defined and the concept of the Balance of Power is introduced and its role in keeping world peace.

Then, the lesson looks at what makes a nation powerful through the Sources of National Power which are its physical geography, economics, people, national will, and national direction.

But being powerful isn't enough, it is about how you use this power and Mr. Rueschhoff explains that countries use the DIME: Diplomacy, Information, Military, and Economics. These are the Instruments of National Power. Countries will use a blend of these four instruments to avoid war, gain territory, increase trade, resolve conflicts, and form alliances.

The organizations and alliances that are discussed are the United Nations, European Union, NATO, and OPEC.

While useful to all audiences, this lesson is specifically made to address standards of the World Geography studies course in the Texas Education Knowledge Standards (TEKS).

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

This is part 2 of our Agriculture and Economies lesson. In part 1, we went over the agricultural and industrial revolutions that made our economies possible.

In this lesson, we go over the 4 Economic Activities (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary) and the types of Natural Resources. Then, we go over the types of economic systems. We meet Adam Smith and Karl Marx and discuss Free Market, Command (Socialism & Communism), and Mixed Economies. We also briefly discuss Mercantilism and we describe traditional economies.

While all audiences can benefit from this lesson, it is specifically written for a World Geography studies course satisfying multiple standards within the Texas Education Knowledge Standards (TEKS).

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

This is part one of a two-part lesson that outlines how the agricultural and industrial revolution have shaped our world and our economic systems.

This lesson focuses on the Neolithic Revolution when mankind first discovered agriculture, the Enclosure Movement that spurred the 2nd Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, and the Green Revolution.

Useful for all audiences, this lesson was specially designed to be used in Texas classrooms and addresses standards found in the World Geography studies and World History TEKS when it discusses the differences between Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture and the effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 25 days ago

This video lesson builds on the discussion about developing and developed countries in the Population Geography lesson. In this lesson, Mr. Rueschhoff describes the United Nation's Human Development Index, how it is determined, and how it can be used to describe countries of the world.

Each of the HDI's dimensions is discussed: Long, Healthy Living, Knowledge, and Standard of Living. This includes explaining the difference between Gross National Income, Gross National Product, and Gross Domestic Product.

Mean and Expected Schooling is discussed as are literacy rates when discussing the knowledge dimension of the UN's HDI.

The lesson concludes with Mr. Rueschhoff showing the population pyramids of a developed country, developing country, and a newly industrialized country and how these relate to the UN's HDI categories.

Thumbnail photograph was used under a Creative Commons license from NigerTZai (BY-SA 4.0).

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

This lesson introduces the basics of population geography including population demography and population pyramids. Push and Pull factors of migration are also examined.

Specifically, birth rate, fertility rate, mortality rate, and infant mortality rates are defined and different types of population pyramids are examined with how they can help show the developmental status of different countries.

This lesson is provided to satisfy selected standards in the Texas Education Knowledge Standards for the World Geography studies course.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 25 days ago

This lesson explores culture: defining what culture is, what are its basic elements, and how it shapes our world today.

Concepts such as ethnocentrism, ethnicity, cultural hearths, cultural diffusion, cultural divergence, cultural convergence, acculturation, and enculturation are explained for the viewers. In addition, the role that technology and innovation have in making culture dynamic is discussed.

As culture is not only dynamic, but also symbolic, language as a mirror of culture is examined. Aspects of language are defined such as language families, dialects, and how lingua francas are used in the world.

While applicable to anyone who is wishing to better understand what culture is and what it entails, this lesson is provided to specifically address elements of the Texas Education Knowledge Standards of the World Geography studies course.

Reine Francisco
4 Views · 25 days ago

Lama Hasan reports on the day of mourning in Russia after more than 130 people were killed in a terror attack; Meteorologist Somara Theodore has the forecast for a cross-country storm with snow and rain moving east; Aaron Katersky reports on former President Trump’s looming deadline to pay his $464M bond in his civil trial; and more on tonight’s broadcast of World News Tonight.

00:00 Intro
02:18 Day of mourning after 130+ killed in Moscow terror attack
05:13 Cross-country storm moving east
07:32 Assets could be seized if Trump doesn’t pay $464M bond in civil case
08:49 Intense fighting around Gaza’s largest hospital
10:36 ABC News exclusive interview with Vice President Harris
13:07 Report: FAA weighs action against United Airlines
14:21 Deadly “incident” aboard cruise ship
15:45 One dead in rare mountain lion attack in California
17:30 Preliminary results of Riley Strain’s autopsy
17:56 Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots skyrocket
18:12 Referee removed from NCAA game due to “background conflict”
18:37 The nurses and the baby who changed their lives forever

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Reine Francisco
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Reine Francisco
4 Views · 25 days ago


Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 26 days ago

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Web Scraping isn't just for those fancy "programmers" and "software developers". Us analysts can use it too! In this project I walk through how to scrape data from Amazon using BeautifulSoup and Requests.

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Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Pandas! In this video, we learn about Exploratory Data Analysis in Pandas.

Dataset in GitHub:

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Pandas Course:
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
1:51 First Look at Data
3:45 Info()
4:40 Describe()
5:47 Counting all Null Values
7:09 Count of Unique Values
8:15 Sorting on Values
10:40 Correlation between Columns
11:53 Heatmap using Seaborn
14:43 Grouping Data
25:02 Visualizing Grouped Data
26:17 Boxplots for Outliers
29:07 Data Types of Columns
30:41 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Pandas! In this video, we learn about Creating Visualizations in Pandas.

Dataset in GitHub:

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Pandas Course:
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:15 Importing Libraries
0:52 Reading in Dataset
1:52 Plot() in Pandas
3:12 Line Plot
6:00 Bar Plot
7:56 Scatter Plot
9:34 Histogram
11:22 Boxplot
12:13 Area Plot
13:08 Pie Chart
14:30 Choosing Styles
15:56 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Pandas! In this video, we learn about Merging, Joining, and Concatenating Dataframes in Pandas.

Thanks again to @Zendesk for sponsoring this video! If you're interested in attending their flagship event, #ZendeskRelate 2023, you can find the links here:

🌉 Attend in person on May 10 in San Francisco:
🧑‍💻 Or tune in virtually:

I started using Zendesk for my company's customer analytics and have found it extremely helpful. Zendesk Relate dives into analytics, messaging, and the future of AI.

Datasets in GitHub:

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Pandas Course:
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Science -
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Pandas! In this video, we learn about Group By and Aggregate Functions in Pandas.

Dataset in GitHub:

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Pandas Course:
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:15 Read in Dataset
1:20 First Group By
1.57 First Aggregation
3:08 Popular Aggregate Functions
5:38 .agg Function
7:32 Group By on Multiple Columns

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Pandas! In this video, we learn about Indexing in Pandas.

Datasets in GitHub:

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Pandas Course:
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:34 Import Pandas and Read DataFrame
1:12 Index
1:45 Changing the Index
2:47 Reset Index
3:14 Setting Index
4:11 Searching through an Index
5:42 Multi Index
6:44 Sort Index
8:51 Searching through Multi Index
10:25 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Pandas! In this video, we learn about Filtering and Ordering Dataframes in Pandas.

Datasets in GitHub:

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Pandas Course:
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:11 Import Dataset
0:55 Filtering
8:13 Order By
11:22 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Pandas! In this video, we learn about Reading in Files in Pandas.

Datasets in GitHub:

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Pandas Course:
Data Analysis with Pandas and Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:58 Read in CSV File
7:39 Read in Txt File
8:53 Read in JSON File
9:32 Read in Excel File
11:30 Looking at Max Rows/Columns
13:35 Looking at Data in DataFrame
18:05 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this Web Scraping tutorial we are going to be scraping data from a real website!

GitHub Code:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Science -
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this Web Scraping tutorial we are going to be looking at Find and Find_All!

GitHub Code:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Science -
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this Web Scraping tutorial we are going to be looking at BeautifulSoup and Requests!

Website Link:

GitHub Code:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Science -
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this Web Scraping tutorial we are going to learn the basics of HTML and how to inspect Web Pages!

GitHub Code:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Science -
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this tutorial we are going to walk through how to create a File Sorter using Python. This will allow us to automate the sorting of our files without having to drag and drop files into folders.


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams for Members and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this tutorial we will walk through how to create a BMI Calculator in Python!

Project Code in Github:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams for Members and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video we learn about Converting Data Types in Python.

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
1:13 Converting String to Integer
2:20 Converting Lists, Sets, and Tuples
3:48 Converting Dictionaries
5:42 Converting Strings to Lists
6:15 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video we learn about Functions in Python.

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:36 Syntax of Function
1:40 Arguments in Functions
3:13 Multiple Arguments
4:29 Arbitrary Arguments
7:43 Keyword Arguments
9:03 Arbitrary Keyword Arguments
12:10 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video we learn about While Loops in Python.

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:35 Syntax of While Loop
1:57 Break Statement in While Loop
2:44 Else Statement in While Loop
3:50 Continue Statement in While Loop
5:18 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video we learn about For Loops in Python.

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
1:09 Syntax of For Loop
3:03 Variable Name in For Loop
3:28 Looping through a Dictionary
6:21 Nested For Loops
8:45 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video we learn about If-Else Statements in Python.

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:48 Syntax of If Statement
1:46 If/Else Statement
2:46 If/Elif/Else Statement
4:30 If/Else Statement on One Line
5:10 Nested If/Else Statement
6:13 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video we learn about Operators in Python.

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Comparison Operators
2:54 Logical Operators
5:05 Membership Operators
6:50 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series, we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video, we learn about Data Types in Python.

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:20 Numeric
1:57 Boolean
2:44 Strings
7:25 Lists
11:16 Tuples
12:45 Sets
16:40 Dictionaries
21:38 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video we learn about Variables in Python.

Code in GitHub:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Introduction
0:16 Writing a Variable
3:18 Assigning Multiple Variables
4:46 Creating a List Variable
6:07 Naming Variables
9:53 Operators with Variables
12:42 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Python Course Here:

In this series we will be walking through everything you need to know to get started in Python! In this video we are going to set up our environment using Anaconda and Jupyter Notebooks.

Link to Download Anaconda/Jupyter Notebooks:

Favorite Python Courses:
📖Python for Everybody Specialization -
📖Data Analysis with Python -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:52 Downloading Anaconda
3:52 Jupyter Notebooks
7:41 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 26 days ago

In this video we will be walking through popular visualizations in Power BI!

Download Microsoft Power BI:

Download Project Dataset:

Favorite Power BI Courses:
Power BI for Business Intelligence -
Power BI A-Z -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
1:30 Stacked Bar Chart
3:00 Stacked Column Chart
5:12 Line Chart
7:30 Line and Clustered Column Chart
8:36 Scatter Chart
9:29 Pie Chart/Donut Chart
11:08 Card
12:21 Table

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

In this series we will be walking through the basics of Microsoft Power BI. In this video we will be walking through how to use Bins and Lists in Power BI.

Download Microsoft Power BI:

Download Apocalypse Dataset:

Favorite Power BI Courses:
Power BI for Business Intelligence -
Power BI A-Z -


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

In this series we will be walking through the basics of Microsoft Power BI. In this video we will be walking through how to use Conditional Formatting in Power BI.

Download Microsoft Power BI:

Download Apocalypse Dataset:

Favorite Power BI Courses:
Power BI for Business Intelligence -
Power BI A-Z -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

In this series we will be walking through the basics of Microsoft Power BI. In this video we will be walking through how to use Drill Down in Power BI.

Download Microsoft Power BI:

Download Apocalypse Dataset:

Favorite Power BI Courses:
Power BI for Business Intelligence -
Power BI A-Z -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

In this series we will be walking through the basics of Microsoft Power BI. In this video we will be walking through how to use DAX in Power BI.

Download Microsoft Power BI:

Download Apocalypse Dataset:

Favorite Power BI Courses:
Power BI for Business Intelligence -
Power BI A-Z -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:35 Looking at the Data
1:08 Creating a Measure
1:43 DAX - Count
3:30 DAX - SUM
4:43 SUM vs SUMx
10:19 DAX - Date Functions
13:50 DAX - If Statement
14:55 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

In this series we will be walking through the basics of Microsoft Power BI. In this video we will be walking through how to manage relationships in Power BI.

Download Microsoft Power BI:

Download Apocalypse Dataset:

Favorite Power BI Courses:
Power BI for Business Intelligence -
Power BI A-Z -


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:30 Taking a look at the Data
1:29 Loading Data into Power BI
2:02 Auto-Generated Relationships
3:45 Cardinality
4:32 Cross Filter Direction
6:28 Making Relationship Active
6:58 Building Relationships from Scratch
7:58 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

In this series we will be walking through the basics of Microsoft Power BI. In this video we will be walking through how to use the Power Query Editor in Power BI.

Download Microsoft Power BI:

Download Apocalypse Dataset:

Favorite Power BI Courses:
Power BI for Business Intelligence -
Power BI A-Z -

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


🙌Patreon Page -

💻Alex The Analyst Shop -


📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:29 Looking at the Data
1:45 Load data into Power Query
2:32 Power Query UI
5:26 Removing Rows
6:17 Changing the Headers
6:49 Changing Data Types
8:00 Removing Rows with "x" Value
8:58 Removing Columns
9:25 Pivoting/Unpivoting
12:15 Saving Transformation
12:44 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

In this series we will be walking through the basics of Microsoft Power BI. In this video we will be walking through how to download Power BI, import our dataset, and create our first visualization.

Download Microsoft Power BI:

Download Apocalypse Dataset:

Recommended Power BI Courses on Udemy:
Power BI for Business Intelligence -
Power BI A-Z -


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
1:10 Download Power BI Desktop
1:52 Import Data
3:12 Intro to Power Query
5:24 Looking at User Interface
7:30 Building First Visualization
12:17 Outro

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

This is our 5th of 5 tutorials on Tableau. In this series we will learn the UI of tableau as well as how to effectively create visualizations and dashboards. This project is meant for beginners to get their feet wet and go from there onto bigger and better projects.

Excel File:
*File was too large for GitHub so I put it in Kaggle as a workbook*

To Get Up To Date Data:

Final Tableau Dashboard:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

This is our fourth of 5 tutorials on Tableau. In this series we will learn the UI of tableau as well as how to effectively create visualizations and dashboards.

Excel File:

Favorite Tableau Course:
Tableau A-Z -

Joins video in SQL:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 26 days ago

This is our third of 5 tutorials on Tableau. In this series we will learn the UI of tableau as well as how to effectively create visualizations and dashboards.

Alteryx Sign Up Link:


Favorite Tableau Courses:
Tableau Data Visualization -
Tableau A-Z -


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 26 days ago

This is our second of 5 tutorials on Tableau. In this series we will learn the UI of tableau as well as how to effectively create visualizations and dashboards.


Favorite Tableau Courses:
Tableau Data Visualization -
Tableau A-Z -


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

This is our first of 5 tutorials on Tableau. In this series we will learn the UI of tableau as well as how to effectively create visualizations and dashboards.

Tableau Download:


Favorite Tableau Courses:
Tableau Data Visualization -
Tableau A-Z -


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 26 days ago

Excel is one of the most used skills in the data world. In this series we will be walking through all of the most important topics that Data Analysts need to know in order to be proficient in Excel.

Excel Charts Template:

Udemy Excel Courses:
Pivot Tables in Excel:
Visualizations and Charts in Excel:
All Excel Essentials:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Excel for Data Analytics Course!

Excel is one of the most used skills in the data world. In this series we will be walking through all of the most important topics that Data Analysts need to know in order to be proficient in Excel.

Excel Conditional Formatting Template:

Udemy Excel Courses:
Pivot Tables in Excel:
Visualizations and Charts in Excel:
All Excel Essentials:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Excel for Data Analytics Course!

Excel is one of the most used skills in the data world. In this series we will be walking through all of the most important topics that Data Analysts need to know in order to be proficient in Excel.

Excel XLOOKUP Template:

Microsoft XLOOKUP Documentation:

Udemy Excel Courses:
Pivot Tables in Excel:
Visualizations and Charts in Excel:
All Excel Essentials:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

0:00 Intro
0:59 XLOOKUP Overview
4:14 XLOOKUP w Multiple Rows
6:16 XLOOKUP Exact Match
9:29 XLOOKUP Search Order
12:12 XLOOKUP Horizontal Search
12:55 XLOOKUP w SUM()

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Excel for Data Analytics Course!

Excel is one of the most used skills in the data world. In this series we will be walking through all of the most important topics that Data Analysts need to know in order to be proficient in Excel.

Excel Formula Template:

Udemy Excel Courses:
Pivot Tables in Excel:
Visualizations and Charts in Excel:
All Excel Essentials:

0:00 Intro
2:25 Max/Min
4:33 IF/IFS
8:46 Len
10:30 Left/Right
13:29 Date to Text
17:02 Trim
18:27 Concatenate
20:45 Substitute
24:42 Sum/SumIF/SumIFS
28:02 Count/CountIF/CountIFS
30:36 Days/NetworkDays


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 26 days ago

Take my Full Excel for Data Analytics Course!

Excel is one of the most used skills in the data world. In this series we will be walking through all of the most important topics that Data Analysts need to know in order to be proficient in Excel.

Bike Dataset:

Udemy Excel Courses:
Pivot Tables in Excel:
Visualizations and Charts in Excel:
All Excel Essentials:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Reine Francisco
4 Views · 27 days ago

Elon Musk: Quest for a Fantastic Future:
(New York Times and International Bestseller
More than 1.5 Million Copies Sold)

Elon Musk's Work Ethics Will Leave You Speechless.

Music Credits: Borrtex

This is a channel that presents video content related to personal development, self-motivation, and self-discipline techniques.

We analyze the content of successful personalities and then we add music, visuals, captions, storytelling, color grading, animation, unique script writing, and voiceovers to enhance the experience for our audience. We hope the influence will have a good impact on humankind.

Our videos are created to provide the best motivational experience to the viewers. We include clear subtitles to provide the best experience to every viewer including hearing-impaired viewers. We add premium music and high-quality visuals to enhance the meaning of the speech and create a more inspiring and uplifting experience for the audience. Further, we divide the video into smaller sections and cover each topic separately, making it easier to understand and follow along.

Additionally, We invest in expert video editors, scriptwriters, high-quality music, and amazing visuals to ensure that our videos are not only visually appealing but also well-crafted and engaging to our audience.

- The speeches used in our videos are written and narrated by our team. Additionally, we include audio clips from different motivational speakers under the fair use policy.

- We have obtained all the requisite consents and approvals for the commercial use of the clips in our videos, including those related to models and properties featured in them. The use of these clips is governed by Artgrid's and Storyblocks' License Agreement and its Terms of Use.

- Our background music is licensed through Musicbed, Soundstripe, Epidemic Sound, Artlist, Premiumbeat, and Audiojungle.

Editing software: Adobe Premier Pro

Thanks for watching!


*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.*


Reine Francisco
5 Views · 27 days ago

Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg gave his address at Harvard's 366th Commencement on May 25, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit

Reine Francisco
3 Views · 27 days ago watch this video to change your life ...
@noexcuse-themotivation6059 see Buddha motivation

Reine Francisco
3 Views · 27 days ago

Streaming now at

Russia's Federal Security Service says 40 people were killed and more than 100 were wounded in an attack at a Moscow concert hall. FULL STORY:

Reine Francisco
5 Views · 27 days ago

Several gunmen have burst into a concert hall on the edge of Moscow, according to Russia's Federal Security Service.

The attack took place days after President Vladimir Putin won the Russian presidential election.

Read more:

#moscow #russia #terrorattack

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

Today we continue our Data Analyst Portfolio Project Series. In this project we will be cleaning data in SQL. Data Cleaning is a super underrated skill in the Data Analyst community so I hope this can be helpful to start you on your journey to learning that skill.

Please remember to save this project and add it to your GitHub once you are done!

Project Dataset:

Link to SQL Code:

Link to Install SQL Server:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

0:00 Introduction
1:02 Download Dataset
1:56 Import Data into SQL
50:32 Recap

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

Today we start our Data Analyst Portfolio Project Series. In our first project we will be using SQL to do some Data Exploration. We will then visualize the data in Tableau for our next project.

Link to GitHub:

Link to Dataset:
** It appears the dataset may have been changed at the source. Please use these 2 links to get the data from the 2 excels:
1. Covid Deaths:
2. Covid Vaccinations:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

0:00 Introduction
1:43 Getting Out Dataset
6:41 Importing Datasets into SQL
13:40 Data Exploration
1:13:35 Import Code into GitHub

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Advanced SQL lesson we walk through how to use Subqueries.

Link to Code:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Advanced SQL lesson we walk through how to use Stored Procedures.

Link to SQL Code:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Advanced SQL lesson we walk through how to use String Functions.

Link to SQL Code:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Advanced SQL lesson we walk through how to use Temp Tables.

Link to SQL Code:

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Advanced SQL lesson we walk through how to use CTEs. ____________________________________________

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Every dollar donated is put back into my channel to make my videos even better. Thank you all so much for your support!


*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Intermediate SQL lesson we walk through Using the Partition By. ____________________________________________

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Every dollar donated is put back into my channel to make my videos even better. Thank you all so much for your support!


*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

Today we look at how to alias columns and tables. This becomes very important as your queries begin to grow and you begin handing off scripts to teammates. It's important to use proper aliases to maintain clean, understandable code.

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
23 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Intermediate SQL lesson we walk through Updating/Deleting Data.

All Topics Covered: Joins, Unions, Case Statements, Updating/Deleting Data, Partition By, Data Types, Aliasing, Views, Having Clause, GetDate(), Primary vs Foreign Key


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Intermediate SQL lesson we walk through the Having Clause. Very underappreciated in the SQL community if you ask me.

All Topics Covered: Joins, Unions, Case Statements, Updating/Deleting Data, Partition By, Data Types, Aliasing, Views, Having Clause, GetDate(), Primary vs Foreign Key


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Intermediate SQL lesson we walk through Case Statements.

All Topics Covered: Joins, Unions, Case Statements, Updating/Deleting Data, Partition By, Data Types, Aliasing, Views, Having Clause, GetDate(), Primary vs Foreign Key


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Intermediate SQL lesson we walk through Unions.

All Topics Covered: Joins, Unions, Case Statements, Updating/Deleting Data, Partition By, Data Types, Aliasing, Views, Having Clause, GetDate(), Primary vs Foreign Key


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

In today's Intermediate SQL lesson we walk through Joins. Joins allow us to combine several tables, choose columns from each table, and use them in a single output.

All Topics Covered: Joins, Unions, Case Statements, Updating/Deleting Data, Partition By, Data Types, Aliasing, Views, Having Clause, GetDate(), Primary vs Foreign Key


Joins image:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 27 days ago

Learn how to use the Group By and Order By Statements. This is the last video on the series and hopefully you will continue to practice these skills and master the basics.

Select + From Statements -
Where Statement -
Group By + Order By -



SQL Server Management Studio:

SQL Server:

Github Scripts:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

Learn how to use the Where Statement to filter your data down. In the next video we will be going over the Group by and Order by Statements.

Create Table + Insert Into -
Select + From Statements -
Group By + Order By -



SQL Server Management Studio:

SQL Server:

Github Scripts:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

Learn how to use the Select and From Statement to choose what columns are returned and from what tables. In the next video we will go over the Where Statement to filter down your data.

Create Table + Insert Into -
Where Statement -
Group By + Order By -



SQL Server Management Studio:

SQL Server:

Github Scripts:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full MySQL Course Here:

Learn how to Install SQL Server Management Studio, Create Tables, and Insert data into those tables.

Select + From Statements -
Where Statement -
Group By + Order By -



SQL Server Management Studio:

SQL Server:

Github Scripts:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*



*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 27 days ago

Here is my step by step process on how to become a Data Analyst in 2023!

Check out Analyst Builder!

1. Learn the Data Analyst Skills
📖Alex The Analyst SQL Playlist:
📖Alex The Analyst Tableau Playlist:
📖Alex The Analyst Power BI Playlist:
📖Alex The Analyst Excel Playlist:
📖Alex The Analyst Python Playlist:

Other Resources:
📖Coursera Curriculum:
📖Udemy Curriculum:

2. Build Projects and a Portfolio

📖Alex The Analyst Guided Projects Playlist:
📖Build a Portfolio Website FREE:

3. Build a Data Analyst Resume

📖Alex The Analyst Resume Building:

4. Applying to Jobs

📖Using LinkedIn to Reach Recruiters:


Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Science -
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

0:00 Intro
0:48 Learn the Skills
5:58 Build Projects + Portfolio
7:29 Building a Resume
8:39 Applying to Jobs
10:47 Timeframe for Each Step

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 27 days ago

Take my Full Courses and Practice Technical Question on Analyst Builder:

Link to Data Analyst Bootcamp Playlist:

In this video we walk through the Free Data Analyst Bootcamp right here on my YouTube channel.

I'll walk through how to do it and how to earn the certification in the video :)

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
📖Google Data Analyst Certification:
📖Data Analysis with Python -
📖IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
📖Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
📖Python for Data Science -
📖Statistics for Data Science -
📖SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
📖Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Want to support the channel? Consider becoming a member! I do Monthly Livestreams and you get some awesome Emoji's to use in chat and comments!

📱Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 27 days ago

Database vs Data Warehouse vs Data Lake | Today we take a look at these 3 different ways to store data and the differences between them.

Check out Analyst Builder!

Do you want to become a Data Analyst? That's what this channel is all about! My goal is to help you learn everything you need in order to start your career or even switch your career into Data Analytics. Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any content!


Coursera Courses:
Google Data Analyst Certification:
Data Analysis with Python -
IBM Data Analysis Specialization -
Tableau Data Visualization -

Udemy Courses:
Python for Data Analysis and Visualization-
Statistics for Data Science -
SQL for Data Analysts (SSMS) -
Tableau A-Z -

*Please note I may earn a small commission for any purchase through these links - Thanks for supporting the channel!*


Patreon Page -

Alex The Analyst Shop -


Instagram: @Alex_The_Analyst

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 28 days ago

Let's explore the translocation through phloem
More free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 28 days ago

Let's learn how transpiration helps water transport in xylem
More free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 28 days ago

Let's explore xylem and phloem (transport in plants)
More free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 28 days ago

Let's explore respiration sites and what ATPs are.
More free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

Lets explore cellular respiration (Aerobic & anaerobic)
More free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

Let's explore the photosynthesis process.
More free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 28 days ago

Let's explore Autotrophs, holozoic, saprotrophs & parasites
More free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 28 days ago

Let's explore the various life processes that keep us alive.
More free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

How is the juicy fruit in mangoes and grapes formed? How are the seeds, which can grow into a new plant, formed? This video answers these questions.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

Experience the joy of easy, seamless, accessible learning anywhere, anytime with Khan Academy.

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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
Donate here:

Created by Nivedhitha Suresh

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

This is Animation video on Phototropism and Geotropism

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

The ability to accurately observe, dissect and record an organism is a key skill for biology students. Many students are intimidated by the idea of making a scientific drawing, and struggle to develop their skills in this area.

This video will guide you through how to complete a dissection and scientific drawing of a flower. We recommend using Alstroemeria, as they are regularly available in supermarkets. However, there is an alternative version in which students follow in the footsteps of Darwin, making careful observations and dissections of primulas. Primulas are available in garden centres through much of the late autumn, winter and spring months, and flower in the garden in spring.

0:00 Credits
0:17 Step 1 - remove sepals
0:45 Step 2 - remove petals
1:11 Step 3 - remove stamens opposite sepals
1:54 Step 4 - remove stamens opposite petals
2:21 Step 5 - bissect the ovary
2:58 Step 6 - identify the line of symmetry in the flower
3:16 Step 7 - slice along the line of symmetry
3:32 Step 8 - continue slicing through the petals
4:00 Step 9 - arrange the parts for drawing
4:21 Step 10 - observe the flower parts
4:55 Step 11 - produce anatomical flower drawing

Follow our channel for biology practicals and more.
Teaching and technical notes plus student sheets:
#saps #alevelbiology #flowers

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 28 days ago

Watching gas bubble up from a pondweed as it photosynthesises can be a great demonstration or student practical. When placed closer to a light , the rate of bubbling will speed up, and as the pondweed is taken further away, the bubbles will slow down again – an instant and visual indicator of the importance of light in photosynthesis.

This video demonstrates how best to use this protocol with your students in the lab, which species of pondweed can be used, how to care for pondweeds and a short explanation on the physiology that allows pondweed to bubble.

A great lab practical for investigating photosynthesis and respiration at GCSE and A-level / post-16. The bubbles produced by pondweed can be counted and the rate of bubbling can serve as an indication of the rate of photosynthesis, or the gas can be collected in a pipette or microsyringe and the amount measured. Students can investigate the effects of either light intensity or the wavelength (colour) of light on photosynthesis.

0:00 Introduction
0:59 Different types of pondweed
3:35 Keeping pondweed healthy
5:37 Setting up the bubbling pondweed practical
10:04 Why does pondweed bubble?
12:03 Summary

Full teaching notes are available at
#scienceexperiment #photosynthesis #plantscience #saps

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
8 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 29 days ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Reine Francisco
3 Views · 29 days ago

China’s authoritarian government is quietly developing artificial intelligence designed to conquer and control not just its own citizens, but the West as well. Over ten million Uyghur people are trapped in a digital prison that monitors every movement, every conversation, and every face. Now, the world’s most powerful authoritarian state is directing its AI capability squarely at the West—and our living rooms. Liz Hayes is joined by a panel of top Canberra insiders and New York Times journalists to investigate just how far China’s silent invasion could go.

WATCH more of Under Investigation:
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FOLLOW Under Investigation on Instagram: @underinvestigationau

Reine Francisco
4 Views · 29 days ago

About 450 Cold War-era Minuteman nuclear missiles were only supposed to last 10 years. But now, these ICBMs have defended the U.S. for more than 50. The Air Force is planning to spend $130 billion on replacing them to boost the U.S. nuclear defense strategy with a new modern iteration—the Sentinel missile.

WSJ explains the science and strategy behind nuclear missiles and the logistical challenges of the Sentinel project.

0:00 Expired ICBMs
0:42 The U.S.’s nuclear triad
3:12 Weaknesses
5:00 What’s next for the Sentinel project?

Equipped examines military innovation and tactics emerging around the world, breaking down the tech behind the weaponry and its potential impact.

#Military #ICBM #WSJ

Reine Francisco
5 Views · 1 month ago

Many times in this journey of life we face challenges that seem so huge and insurmountable.

There are times when you hit the wall and you can't see anything ahead but darkness. There are times when the enemy speaks with a very frightening voice and you feel like giving up. BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS- there is a God who fights battles for those who trust in Him. That God who stood by David in the face of Goliath, the mighty giant!

May this song encourage all of us NEVER TO LOSE HOPE even in the hardest of times. I have seen that God turn the darkest of situations into the brightest of days.

To you all friends who feel like giving up on account of whatever situation you're facing, I dedicate this song. Rise up. Stand up. Move ahead. #OSOBOLA

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows oxidation reduction reactions and explains the formation of the products.

NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you!

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows the collection of pH data for the titration curve for a weak base strong acid titration.

NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you!

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows the measurement of the pH of aqueous solutions of ionic compounds.

NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you!

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows the collection of pH data for the titration curve for a weak acid strong base titration.

NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you!

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows the standardization of an unknown solution of NaOH with KHP with experimental data.

NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you!

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows for the standardization of an unknown solution of NaOH with KHP without experimental data.

NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you!

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows the titration of a sample of standardized HCl with an unknown solution of NaOH to determine its molarity.

NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you!

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows titration of a solution of HCl using a pH probe and CBL.

NCSSM, a publicly funded high school in North Carolina, provides exciting, high-level STEM learning opportunities. If you appreciate this video, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the NCSSM Foundation. Thank you!

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under creative commons CC-BY-NC-SA

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video is an exploration of what buffers are and buffer capacity.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the collection of pH data for the titration curve for a strong acid strong base titration.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the relative hydrogen ion concentrations is a solution of HCl , CH3COOH, and a CH3COOH-CH3COONa buffer by comparing the rate of reaction with CaCO3.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the addition of a strong acid and a strong base to water as part of the buffer activity lab.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the addition of HCl and NaOH to a 0.10 M CH3COOH/ CH3COONa buffer as part of the buffer activity lab.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the collection of pH data for the titration curve for phosphoric acid.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the collection of pH data for the titration curve for sodium carbonate.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the determination of the mass percent of sodium hypochlorite in household bleach.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the shifting of the FeSCN2+ equilibrium in the LeChatelier's Principle lab.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the collection of spectrophotometric data to determine the Ksp for silver chromate.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the collection of pH data to determine the Ksp of Ca(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the collection of data to determine the K sp of Ca(OH)2 in water and a solution of CaCl2.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the collection of titration data to determine the equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis of an ester.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video is the introduction to Chapter 14 of the web course.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the technique of an acid-base titration.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the collection of data to determine the specific heat of a metal.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the determination of the yield of NaCl from the reaction of NaHCO3 and HCl .

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the conductivity titration of Ba(OH)2 with H2SO4 using a conductivity probe.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the determination of the mole ratio in an acid-base reaction by measuring the temperature change in the reaction with a temperature probe. The method of continuous variations and a Job's plot is used.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: Part 2 of 2 videos shows gravimetric determination of a two component mixture of carbonates.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: Part 1 of 2 videos shows gravimetric determination of a two component mixture of carbonates.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: Determination of the molar Volume of a Gas at STP.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the making a solution by measuring a compound and using a volumetric flask.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the measurement of the conductivity of different concentrations of calcium chloride with a conductivity probe and the determination of the concentration of an unknown solution.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: Introduction to chapter 3: Atomic and Molecular Structure.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the freezing of a sample of t-Butanol.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the simple distillation of methanol and its separation from a nonvolatile dye.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the chemical change that occurs during the thermal decomposition of Copper Carbonate.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the crystallization of sodium acetate from a supersaturated solution.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the chemical change that occurs when magnesium burns.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the boiling of a sample of t- butanol.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Part of NCSSM CORE collection: This video shows the bending of a bimetallic strip when it is heated due to the different rate of linear expansion.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows different rate of expansion and contraction of a brass ball and ring when they are heated.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This video introduces the concept of significant figures in measurement.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This video shows the setup of the long term reaction of CuCl2 and an iron nail.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

This video explains the importance of chemistry in our everyday lives. There is also a demonstration of the reaction between copper metal and nitric acid.

Please attribute this work as being created by the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. This work is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY

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Reine Francisco
6 Views · 1 month ago

Vladimir Putin has claimed victory in Russia’s presidential election as exit polls declared that he had won more than 87% of the vote.

Speaking at his campaign headquarters, Mr Putin thanked voters and “our warriors”, a reference to soldiers fighting in Ukraine. The result will secure Mr Putin another six years as Russian President.

Thousands of people took part in protests as the United States declared that the election was neither free nor fair. Dozens of protesters were arrested in Russia as they joined queues outside polling stations at noon on the last day of voting, in a show of defiance called for by the widow of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died suddenly last month in an Arctic penal colony.

If the 87% share of the vote for Mr Putin is confirmed it will be the biggest claimed victory for a candidate since the fall of the Soviet Union. It will also mean that Vladimir Putin overtakes Joseph Stalin to become the longest-serving Russian leader in more than 200 years.

The result is expected to strengthen Mr Putin’s grip on power. It comes two years after the invasion of Ukraine and at a time of sweeping political repression in Russia, with Mr Putin condemned as an international pariah by many nations.

Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Steve Rosenberg in Moscow.

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Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

How To Do Titrations | Chemical Calculations | Chemistry | FuseSchool

Learn how to carry out titration experiments.

In this video, you will learn what apparatus needs to be used to conduct a titration, including pipettes, burettes and conical flasks.

Titration experiments enable us to work out the exact concentration of an unknown solute, when we know the concentration of another solute. You can calculate the concentration of acids and alkalis through this method.

You may need to use an indicator to help you spot when the acid or alkali has been neutralised.

This video shows you how to carry out the experiment, and then you will also need to know how to do the calculations to actually find the concentration.


SUBSCRIBE to the FuseSchool YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

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Alagai Augusten
10 Views · 1 month ago

Lesson - 06 : The Solid State part - 02 (Closed Packed Structures of Solids)

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Lesson 6 :The Solid State Part - 03 (Packing Efficiency,Classification of Solids Based on Their..)

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Lesson - 6 :The Solid State Part 1 (Properties of Solids Crystal Lattice and Unit Cells)

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Lesson - 5 : The Gaseous and Liquid State part -2 (The Gas Laws)

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 1 month ago

Lesson - 5 : The Gaseous and Liquid State part -1 (Types of Intermolecular Interactions/Forces)

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 1 month ago

Lesson - 25 Compounds of Carbon containing Halogens (Haloalkanes and Haloarenes)

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣L 3 Basics of periodic classification of elements P 2

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣L 2 Basics of Atomic Structure Part 1

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣L 2 Basics of Atomic Structure Part 2

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣L 3 Basics of periodic classification of elements P 1

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Nomenclature & General Principles of Organic Compounds

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Atomic Structure

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Chemical Bonding

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Coordination Compounds

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Nomenclature & General Principles of Organic Compounds

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Chemical Bonding

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. Do you want the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Mixing a solution of Copper Sulphate with one of sodium carbonate (washing soda) produces a remarkably visual reaction and precipitate!


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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science.

#Chemicalreaction #ThinkTac #coppersulphate science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

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. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Website:

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#LitmusPaper #DIYLitmusPaper #ThinkTac #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

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. Make a battery using different metal strips, a separator and different solutions as electrolyte.

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Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Make your own small fire extinguisher using citric acid and baking soda.


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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science. science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science

#Fireextinguisher #ThinkTac #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Using sulphur powder and lime powder, we make acidic and basic solutions that are diluted enough to be safe and easily tested using litmus papers

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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science. science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Once an acid-base reaction is done, How do we determine the amount of either one of the reactants?.

We "titrate", that is to measure the concentration of the unknown reactant (called analyte) using a reactant with a known concentration ( called "Titrant"). Let us see how to do this!

Here we use Bromothymol blue , as a reaction indicator

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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science. science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
8 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Make tweezers using ice cream sticks and aluminum strips. Burn a magnesium strip by holding it using the tweezers.

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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science. science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Magnesium ribbon pieces are immersed in a solution of citric acid to produce hydrogen. This gas is collected in a balloon and see how the balloon floats in the air.

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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science. science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Mixing a solution of copper sulphate with one of sodium carbonate (washing soda) produces a remarkably visual reaction and precipitate!

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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science.

#Precipitation #coppersulphate #thinktac #sodiumcarbonate science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources The ability of a metal to react with other chemicals is an important property of the metal and is called its Reactivity. In this TACtivity, we perform a simple experiment with three metals (Copper, Iron, and Magnesium) to see how their reactivities compare.

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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science. science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources
. You want to get the observation sheet for the video you watched - join Myunlab to get more resources Using Benedict's reagent, one can detect the presence of glucose in a food substance. The foods we use are milk, cornflour solution, cooked dhal, sugar solution, and salt solution.

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Experiential science at school and at home, face-to-face and online, providing materials & resources to create, experiment, tinker, innovate and learn science. science experiments for kids, simple science experiments, easy science experiments, experiments for kids, science experiments at home, science experiments with water, easy experiments, cool science experiments, science experiments for kids at school, easy science experiments for kids, simple experiments for kids, fun science experiments, simple science experiments for class 5, easy science experiments to do at home, science experiments for class 5, easy experiments for kids, easy science #SchoolScienceExhibition, #NewScienceProjects, #ScienceExperimentsForKids, #DIYScience

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

#NEET #JEE, #JEEADV, #CentumAcademy #JEE2020
This Video Series cater to the needs of aspirants of KVPY, JEE Mains and Advanced. A step by step guide to ace these examinations is what an aspirant needs. CENTUM ACADEMY’s e-learning modules have been designed to help students get a structured approach towards preparation for examinations like KVPY, JEE Mains and JEE Advanced.
You can let us know if you want to get video sessions on specific topics by mentioning the same in Comments Section.
Enjoy Learning!!!

Do also visit for mock tests and topic wise Daily Practice Sheets.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

#NEET #JEE, #JEEADV, #CentumAcademy #JEE2020
This Video Series cater to the needs of aspirants of KVPY, JEE Mains and Advanced. A step by step guide to ace these examinations is what an aspirant needs. CENTUM ACADEMY’s e-learning modules have been designed to help students get a structured approach towards preparation for examinations like KVPY, JEE Mains and JEE Advanced.
You can let us know if you want to get video sessions on specific topics by mentioning the same in Comments Section.
Enjoy Learning!!!

Do also visit for mock tests and topic wise Daily Practice Sheets.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Basic Introduction. System Definitions and their types, Surroundings and types of Boundary

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This Video Series for those who want to delve a little deep into the world of Geometry. The gems of Geometry .i.e. the theorems and their proofs have been compiled in this series. This series is for students - those who want to explore geometry as well as those who are appearing for Mathematics Olympiads (PRMO, RMO, INMO, IMO) and for Maths enthusiasts.

For more such sessions, please visit:

#Olympiads #Geometry #Theorems

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Found this video helpful? Need more help with your A Levels but for more than just Chemistry? Head over to where we’ve got an elaborate suite of subject videos, revision guides, flash cards and even 1:1 academic support for a number of A Level courses. Companion site:

AS Chemistry 42 Day Revision Challenge
Playlist Link:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Found this video helpful? Need more help with your A Levels but for more than just Chemistry? Head over to where we’ve got an elaborate suite of subject videos, revision guides, flash cards and even 1:1 academic support for a number of A Level courses. AS Chem: States of Matter (Gas Laws)
Companion site:

AS Chemistry 42 Day Revision Challenge
Playlist Link:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Quiz section for MSE 170: Fundamentals of Materials Science.
Recorded Summer 2020

Leave a comment if I got something wrong. Happy to receive feedback.

Checkout our undergraduate journal:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

If you like what you saw here and organic chemistry has started to make a whole lot more sense, head over to [a][/a] for access to:

1. Videos
2. Past Paper Solutions
3. Revision Guides
4. Notes
5. Doubt solving with experts
6. Flashcards
7. An active and global online community

PLUS a whole lot more. Not just for Chemistry, but 5 other A Level subjects.

See you there


Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

If you like what you saw here and organic chemistry has started to make a whole lot more sense, head over to [a][/a] for access to:

1. Videos
2. Past Paper Solutions
3. Revision Guides
4. Notes
5. Doubt solving with experts
6. Flashcards
7. An active and global online community

PLUS a whole lot more. Not just for Chemistry, but 5 other A Level subjects.

See you there


Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

If you like what you saw here and organic chemistry has started to make a whole lot more sense, head over to [a][/a] for access to:

1. Videos
2. Past Paper Solutions
3. Revision Guides
4. Notes
5. Doubt solving with experts
6. Flashcards
7. An active and global online community

PLUS a whole lot more. Not just for Chemistry, but 5 other A Level subjects.

See you there


Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

If you like what you saw here and organic chemistry has started to make a whole lot more sense, head over to [a][/a] for access to:

1. Videos
2. Past Paper Solutions
3. Revision Guides
4. Notes
5. Doubt solving with experts
6. Flashcards
7. An active and global online community

PLUS a whole lot more. Not just for Chemistry, but 5 other A Level subjects.

See you there


Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

If you like what you saw here and organic chemistry has started to make a whole lot more sense, head over to [a][/a] for access to:

1. Videos
2. Past Paper Solutions
3. Revision Guides
4. Notes
5. Doubt solving with experts
6. Flashcards
7. An active and global online community

PLUS a whole lot more. Not just for Chemistry, but 5 other A Level subjects.

See you there


Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Found this video helpful? Need more help with your A Levels but for more than just Chemistry? Head over to where we’ve got an elaborate suite of subject videos, revision guides, flash cards and even 1:1 academic support for a number of A Level courses. A2 Chem: Electrochemistry Revision 1

Companion site:

AS Chemistry 42 Day Revision Challenge
Playlist Link:

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Introductory lecture on redox reactions and batteries for MSE juniors.
Recorded Spring 2020

Leave a comment if I got something wrong. Happy to receive feedback.

Checkout our undergraduate journal:

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about Avogadro's number - The Mole. What is Avogrado's number? Why is it called like that and what relation does it have to the mole? Find more in this video!

This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app:
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Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about Moles in equations. How do you calculate a mole? How do moles work in equations? Find out more in this video!

This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app:
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Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about calculating molarity as part of the chemical calculations topic.

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

JOIN our platform at [a][/a]

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app: [a][/a]
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This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about the extraction of salt within the uses of salt, as part of the overall topic of acids and bases.

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

JOIN our platform at [a][/a]

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app: [a][/a]
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This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

Reine Francisco
4 Views · 1 month ago

Here are some key parts of the Excel screen that you should be familiar with:
Title Bar: It displays the name of the current workbook. You can also use it to minimize, maximize, or close the Excel window.

Ribbon: Located below the title bar, the ribbon contains tabs, each with groups of related commands. You'll find tabs like Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Data, Review, and View.

Quick Access Toolbar: This customizable toolbar, located above the ribbon or below the title bar (depending on your settings), provides easy access to frequently used commands.

Worksheet Tabs: These tabs, located at the bottom of the Excel window, allow you to navigate between different worksheets within the same workbook.

Formula Bar: It's located above the worksheet grid and displays the contents of the active cell, allowing you to view and edit cell contents.

Worksheet Area: This is where you input and manipulate data. It consists of a grid of cells organized in rows and columns.

Column Headers: Letters (A, B, C, etc.) at the top of each column represent column headers. They're used to identify each column in the worksheet.

Row Headers: Numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) on the left side of each row represent row headers. They're used to identify each row in the worksheet.

Scroll Bars: You'll find vertical and horizontal scroll bars on the right and bottom sides of the worksheet area, respectively. They allow you to navigate through large datasets.

Status Bar: Located at the bottom of the Excel window, the status bar displays information about the current status of the workbook, such as the average, count, and sum of selected cells, as well as various modes like Ready, Edit, and more.

View Buttons: These buttons, located in the bottom-right corner of the Excel window, allow you to switch between different views, such as Normal, Page Layout, and Page Break Preview.
Understanding these parts of the Excel screen will help you navigate and use Excel more effectively.

Reine Francisco
6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Using the Employment Development Department (EDD) for jobs, benefits, and filing taxes typically involves different processes and services provided by the department. Here's a general guide on how to utilize EDD for each of these purposes:
Visit the EDD website or One-Stop Career Center to search for job openings. These resources often include job listings, resume-building tools, and career guidance.
You can also explore programs offered by EDD aimed at assisting job seekers, such as job training programs, apprenticeships, and job placement services.
Additionally, EDD may provide resources for individuals looking to start their own businesses, including entrepreneurship training and small business development assistance.
EDD administers various benefit programs, including unemployment insurance (UI), disability insurance (DI), Paid Family Leave (PFL), and others.
To apply for benefits, visit the EDD website and follow the instructions for the specific program you're interested in. You may need to create an account, complete an application, and provide necessary documentation.
EDD may offer online services for managing your benefits, such as certifying for continued eligibility, updating your information, and viewing payment history.
If you have questions or need assistance with your benefits, you can contact EDD customer service via phone or email.
Filing Taxes:
EDD doesn't directly handle tax filing, but it does provide information and resources related to employment taxes.
If you're an employer, EDD offers guidance on reporting and paying payroll taxes, including information on tax rates, forms, and deadlines.
If you're an employee or independent contractor, EDD may provide information on income tax withholding, Form 1099 reporting, and other tax-related topics.
For personal income tax filing, you'll typically need to use either the IRS website or a tax preparation software to file your federal and state income taxes. EDD may provide resources or information related to state-specific tax considerations.
Keep in mind that tax laws and requirements can be complex and may vary depending on your specific circumstances. Consider consulting with a tax professional for personalized advice.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Class 9 | NCERT | Writing Chemical Formulae | Part 1/1 | English | Class 9 | Atoms and Molecules | Atomic Structure

In this video, we will study about Atoms and Molecules.

To watch more videos of this class, visit this playlist -

About TicTacLearn -
We firmly believe that education is the greatest equalizer of all! But unfortunately, we live in a world where access to quality learning resources is limited and comes with an associated price-tag, effectively perpetuating inequity in the society.

We have set out to change that.
At TICTACLEARN we believe that digital content has the power to reshape the learning spaces in the country and we want to take it one step closer to every learner, educator and parent. With that in mind we have created one of the largest open-source repositories of high-quality, curriculum aligned digital learning resources (~12,000 videos, aligned item bank, etc.) available for everyone, free of cost! Furthermore, we know that educational resources are most effective when in the learners native language, and hence we aim to make our videos available in all major Indian languages.

To watch our videos in other languages, click on the links below:





Odia: About TicTac Learn - We firmly believe that education is the greatest equalizer of all!
But unfortunately, we live in a world where access to quality learning resources is limited and comes with an associated price-tag, effectively perpetuating inequity in the society.
We have set out to change that. At TICTACLEARN we believe that digital content has the power to reshape the learning spaces in the country and we want to take it one step closer to every learner, educator and parent. With that in mind we have created one of the largest open-source repositories of high-quality, curriculum aligned digital learning resources (~12,000 videos, aligned item bank, etc.) available for everyone, free of cost!
Furthermore, we know that educational resources are most effective when in the learners native language, and hence we aim to make our videos available in all major Indian languages.

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Alagai Augusten
8 Views · 1 month ago

Crude Oil Fractions & Their Uses | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | FuseSchool

Learn the basics about the uses of crude oil fractions.

Before watching this video you should watch our video explaining how crude oil is separated into its different length hydrocarbon fractions by utilising the different boiling points of each hydrocarbon fraction.


SUBSCRIBE to the FuseSchool YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

VISIT us at [a][/a] where all of our videos are carefully organised into topics and specific orders, and to see what else we have on offer. Comment, like and share with other learners. You can both ask and answer questions, and teachers will get back to you.

These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid.

Find all of our Chemistry videos here:

Find all of our Biology videos here:

Find all of our Physics videos here:

Find all of our Maths videos here:


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This is an Open Educational Resource. If you would like to use the video, please contact us:

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about halogenation within the alkanes and alkenes part of organic chemistry.

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

JOIN our platform at [a][/a]

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app: [a][/a]
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This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about condensation polymerisation within the overall organic chemistry topic.

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

JOIN our platform at [a][/a]

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app: [a][/a]
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This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about synthetic polymers when learning about polymers as a part of the organic chemistry topic.

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

JOIN our platform at [a][/a]

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app: [a][/a]
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This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about natural polymers. What are natural polymers? where are they found and how are they structured?
Find out more in this video!

This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app:
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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Learn about carbohydrates within the overall topic of organic chemistry.

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

JOIN our platform at [a][/a]

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app: [a][/a]
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This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about how alcohol is made? What are the steps necessary? And, what happens during the process of fermentation? and is Ethene? Find out in this video!

This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app:
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Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about alcohols and what they are. SUBSCRIBE to our channel to access many more educational videos. At The Fuse School, teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT. Our OER are available free of charge to anyone. Make sure to subscribe - we are going to create 3000 more!

This video is part of the Chemistry Journey project - a Chemistry Education project by The Fuse School sponsored by Fuse. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:


This video is distributed under a Creative Commons License:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about testing alkenes with bromine water. Why is bromine water used to test alkenes? What is bromine water made of? Find out more in this video!

This Open Educational Resource is free of charge, under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC ( View License Deed: ). You are allowed to download the video for nonprofit, educational use. If you would like to modify the video, please contact us:

SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

Access a deeper Learning Experience in the Fuse School platform and app:
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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This video explains displacement reactions where the reaction of various metals with acid is taken as example and a gas is displaced. Here the rate of reaction of different metals with hydrochloric acid has also been compared. It also explains double displacement reaction and neutralization reactions with the help of different examples.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

The video shows a demonstration of some physical and chemical changes and also some combination and decomposition reactions

Austins Pesarlai
5 Views · 1 month ago

In this video I discuss how the House Commerce Committee voted 50-0 to approve a bill that would force TikTok owner ByteDance to sell the company or lose access to the US market.

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Reine Francisco
5 Views · 1 month ago

This video provides an overview of the workbook-style Participant Guides

Reine Francisco
5 Views · 1 month ago

This video provides a summary of the Money Smart family of products

Reine Francisco
6 Views · 1 month ago

This video provides an overview of the Guide to Presenting Money Smart for ****s

Reine Francisco
9 Views · 1 month ago

This video introduces the Money Smart for ****s curriculum

Reine Francisco
3 Views · 1 month ago

This video provides an overview of the scripted Instructor Guides

Reine Francisco
10 Views · 1 month ago

Fourth Quarter 2017 Town Hall Webinar

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW Biology syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later. The videos were designed and recorded by Cheryl Hickman

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Structure Of The Leaf | Plant | Biology | The FuseSchool

Plants make food through photosynthesis. Using their leaves, plants combine sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and oxygen. A leaf is like a plant's food factory, collecting all of the components into one place so that photosynthesis can happen.

Let's start with sunlight. The top of a leaf is exposed to the most sunlight, and so the cells specialised for trapping light are on top of the leaf. These specialised cells are called palisade mesophyll cells. They are packed full of chlorophyll - the green chemical that plants used to absorb light. Most leaves have a large surface area so that they can trap as much sunlight as possible.

Moving onto carbon dioxide. This is where the bottom of the leaf comes in. There are little pores on the bottom of the leaf called stomata. The stomata open up so that carbon dioxide can diffuse into the leaf. The stomata are controlled by 'sausage shaped' guard cells, which open up to let carbon dioxide in. The guard cells can also close the stomata, to stop other things inside the leaf, like water, from escaping.

The carbon dioxide comes in from the stomata, and then makes its way up through the leaf, through the gaps in the spongy mesophyll layer in the bottom part of the leaf and heads up to the palisade cells where photosynthesis occurs. Leaves are thin so that the carbon dioxide doesn't have too far to travel.

The final reactant needed for photosynthesis is water. Water comes into the plant through the roots, moves up the stem and enters the leaf through the vascular bundle. The vascular bundle contains a hollow tube specifically for water movement called the xylem. The veins on a leaf are actually the vascular bundle, allowing water to be spread out through the leaf.

The leaves palisade cells now have sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. They are ready to photosynthesis to make glucose and oxygen.

How do leaves manage to let in the wanted things (like water and carbon dioxide) but prevent unwanted things like bacteria getting in and also prevent the reactants from escaping before being used? At the top and bottom of the leaf are epidermis cells. These produce a protective waxy cuticle layer. The waxy cuticle seals up the leaf so that the only way in and out are through the stomata, which are regulated by the guard cells.

So from top to bottom, a leaf's structure:
- Waxy cuticle and epidermis cells
- Palisade cells (where photosynthesis occurs)
- Spongy mesophyll (with vascular bundle running through for water transport)
- Epidermis and cuticle, with stomata and guard cells spread throughout (allowing carbon dioxide in).


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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Learn the basics about The Lymphatic System.

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SUBSCRIBE to the Fuse School YouTube channel for many more educational videos. Our teachers and animators come together to make fun & easy-to-understand videos in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths & ICT.

This video is part of 'Chemistry for All' - a Chemistry Education project by our Charity Fuse Foundation - the organisation behind The Fuse School. These videos can be used in a flipped classroom model or as a revision aid. Find our other Chemistry videos here:

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

Strong acids/bases dissociate completely whereas weak acids/bases dissociate partially.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
8 Views · 1 month ago

In this video, David explains how Louis De Broglie got his Nobel Prize for the idea of matter having a wavelength.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
9 Views · 1 month ago

Bond enthalpy is the energy required to break one mole of a specific type of bond in a gaseous molecule. It is usually represented as ΔH or ΔHrxn.

Enthalpy of reaction, also known as heat of reaction, is the change in enthalpy that occurs during a chemical reaction when the reactants are converted into products. It is also represented as ΔH or ΔHrxn.

The relationship between bond enthalpy and enthalpy of reaction can be explained using the concept of bond breaking and bond forming.

In a chemical reaction, bonds in the reactant molecules are broken, and new bonds are formed in the product molecules. The energy required to break the bonds (bond enthalpy) is an endothermic process, as energy needs to be supplied to weaken the bonds.

On the other hand, the energy released when new bonds are formed (bond formation) is an exothermic process, as energy is released during the formation of stronger bonds.

The enthalpy of reaction is the net energy change in the reaction, taking into account the energy required to break the bonds and the energy released when new bonds are formed.

Mathematically, the enthalpy of reaction (ΔHrxn) can be calculated using the bond enthalpies of the bonds broken (ΣΔHbroken) and the bond enthalpies of the bonds formed (ΣΔHformed):

ΔHrxn = ΣΔHformed - ΣΔHbroken

If the sum of the bond energies for the bonds broken is greater than the sum of the bond energies for the bonds formed, then the ΔHrxn will be positive, indicating an endothermic reaction. Conversely, if the sum of the energies for the bonds formed is greater than the sum of the energies for the bonds broken, then the ΔHrxn will be negative, indicating an exothermic reaction.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
12 Views · 1 month ago

Using the Nernst equation to calculate the cell potential when concentrations are not standard conditions. Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.About Khan Academy: Tebtalks offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions that are reknown

Landus Mumbere Expedito
10 Views · 1 month ago

Comparing a voltaic cell to an electrolytic cell.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

How to use a table of standard reduction potentials to calculate standard cell potential. Identifying trends in oxidizing and reducing agent strength.

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Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is the study of matter: its composition, properties, and reactivity. This material roughly covers a first-year high school or college course, and a good understanding of algebra is helpful.

About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
7 Views · 1 month ago

EMF is the work done by the cell in moving a coulomb of charge across its terminals. It represents the energy transferred per coulomb to the charges. Some of this energy is lost as heat due to internal energy. Hence the net energy gained by the charge = the emf - heat lost. This net energy gained per coulomb is called the terminal voltage. This is the voltage across the ends of the battery.

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Landus Mumbere Expedito
8 Views · 1 month ago

This video talks about how we can use the reduction potential values to construct a galvanic cell.Practice this concept - “:electrochemistryTo get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with “Chemistry", find the complete bank of exercises and videos for “Class 12 Chemistry” here - ⁣Sure! Let's practice constructing a galvanic cell using reduction potential values.

First, let's choose a redox reaction that has known reduction potential values. A common reaction that is often used in galvanic cells is the reduction of copper ions (Cu2+) by zinc metal (Zn) in a solution of copper sulfate (CuSO4):

Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu (reduction half-reaction, E° = +0.34 V)
Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- (oxidation half-reaction, E° = -0.76 V)

The reduction potential values (E°) for these half-reactions are given in volts (V). The reduction half-reaction has a positive E° value, indicating it is spontaneous in nature.

To construct a galvanic cell, we need two half-cells, each consisting of an electrode and an electrolyte solution. The reduction half-reaction will be our cathode (positive electrode), and the oxidation half-reaction will be our anode (negative electrode).

Now, let's assemble the galvanic cell step by step:

1. Start by creating the anode compartment: Place a strip of zinc metal (Zn) into a beaker containing a solution of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4). This is the anode half-cell.

2. Next, create the cathode compartment: Place a strip of copper metal (Cu) into a beaker containing a solution of copper sulfate (CuSO4). This is the cathode half-cell.

3. Connect the two half-cells: Connect a wire between the zinc metal in the anode half-cell and the copper metal in the cathode half-cell. This allows the flow of electrons through the wire from the anode to the cathode.

4. Complete the circuit: Connect the two half-cells using a salt bridge. A salt bridge can be made by soaking a piece of filter paper in a salt solution (e.g., KCl) and placing it between the two half-cells. The salt bridge completes the circuit and allows ions to flow between the two half-cells, maintaining electrical neutrality.

5. Observe the flow of electrons: Electrons flow from the zinc anode, where zinc atoms are oxidized, to the copper cathode, where copper ions are reduced. This flow of electrons generates an electric current that can be used to do work.

So, by using the reduction potential values, we have successfully constructed a galvanic cell using a zinc-copper redox reaction

Landus Mumbere Expedito
14 Views · 1 month ago

This video talks about the use of Nernst equation to calculate the cell potential for a given cell at a particular temperature (other than the standard conditions).

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with “Chemistry", find the complete bank of exercises and videos for “Class 12 Chemistry” here -

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Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

This video explains how molar conductivity varies with dilution in case of both strong and weak electrolytes. It also graphically explains why the increase in the molar conductivity is higher for a weak electrolyte as compared to a strong one.

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To get you fully ready for your exam and help you fall in love with Chemistry, find the complete bank of exercises and videos for Class 12 Chemistry here -

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.
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Jitin Nair

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 1 month ago

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 1 month ago

Colligative properties are properties of a solution that depend solely on the concentration of solute particles in the solvent and not on the nature of the solute. One of the colligative properties is the elevation of boiling point.

The elevation of boiling point is the phenomenon where the boiling point of a solvent is raised when a non-volatile solute is dissolved in it. This occurs because the presence of solute particles in the solvent disrupts the intermolecular forces between solvent molecules, making it more difficult for the solvent to vaporize and reach its boiling point.

Some key points about the elevation of boiling point are:

1. Explanation: Dissolving a non-volatile solute in a solvent increases the number of solute particles in the solution. These solute particles create additional obstacles for solvent molecules to overcome in order to escape into the vapor phase during boiling. As a result, more energy is required to reach the boiling point, causing an elevation in the boiling point of the solution compared to the pure solvent.

2. Relationship with Concentration: The extent of the elevation of boiling point is directly proportional to the concentration of the solute particles in the solution. This relationship is described by the equation:

ΔTb = Kb * m

Where ΔTb is the elevation in boiling point, Kb is the molal boiling point elevation constant specific to the solvent, and m is the molality of the solute particles in the solution.

3. Colligative Property: The elevation of boiling point is a colligative property because it depends only on the number of solute particles and not on their size or chemical nature. This means that any solute that does not vaporize at the boiling point of the solvent will affect the boiling point similarly, regardless of its identity.

4. Applications: The elevation of boiling point has practical applications. For example, it is utilized in antifreeze solutions, where the addition of solutes (such as ethylene glycol) raises the boiling point of water in vehicle cooling systems. It also plays a role in adjusting cooking times and temperatures at higher altitudes, where the lower atmospheric pressure results in a lower boiling point of water.

It is important to note that the elevation of boiling point is just one of the colligative properties exhibited by solutions, along with other properties like vapor pressure lowering, depression of freezing point, and osmotic pressure. These properties are especially important in fields such as chemistry, biology, and pharmaceuticals and contribute to various applications and processes.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

We are familiar with the various concentration terms like molarity, molality, mole fraction and so on. In this video, we will solve few questions on these concepts.

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 1 month ago

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 month ago

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

Let's solve a few questions on electronic configurations of elements.

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Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Revathi Ramachandran

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 month ago

In this video, we discuss the formal proof of the theorem which says that the equal chords that is the chords with same length subtend equal chord at the center of the circle.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 month ago

We discuss the proof of theorem which says that the equal chords of the circle are equidistant from the center.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 month ago

In this video we discuss the step deviation method to find mean of grouped data. This method involves assuming mean for the groups and is discussed with an example.

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

In this video we discuss the famous Alternate segment theorem which has the statement that "Measure of angle formed by tangent and chord is equal to measure of angle inscribed in the alternate arc". We disucss its proof.

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Created by Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 month ago

In this video we prove the statement for PA x PB = PT^2 or in other words,
Proof: If from an external point P of a circle a tangent segment PT and a secant PAB are drawn, then PA.PB=PT^2

Khan Academy is a free learning platform for Class 1-12 students with videos, exercises, and tests for maths, science, and more subjects. Our content is aligned to CBSE syllabus and available in Hindi, English, and many more regional languages.

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Created by Devashish Phadnis

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 month ago

In this video, we step into the world of honey bees and find out why some of them don't have fathers, while everyone has grandfathers!

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Created by Sulagna Das

Alagai Augusten
8 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

*Geometric Mean
* AM , GM Inequality

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example on sum of series convertible into a GP
To find the sum of n terms in the following series
S(n) = 5 + 55 +555 + 5555 + ...n terms

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example on sum of terms in a GP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Sum of an infinite GP
Diverging and converging series

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
8 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Sum of n-terms of a GP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Sum of n-terms of a GP
S(n) = a(r^n-1)/(r-1)

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example on selection of terms in a GP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on n-th term of a GP

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Selection of terms of a GP
3 terms: a/r, a, ar^2
4 terms: a/(r^3), a/r, a(r), a(r^3)

Solved Examples on the concept

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on n-th term of a GP

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on n-th term of a GP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: General term of a Geometric Progression
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

General term of a GP = t(n) = a{r^(n-1)}
where a = first term
r = common ratio
n = number of terms

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on sum of n terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Sum of n terms of an AP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

How to find out the sum of n terms of an AP?
Method of Gauss
Formula of sum of n terms of an AP in terms of n

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Arithmetic Means
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Means: Meaning and definition

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on Selection of terms in an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example on Selection of terms in an AP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on Selection of terms in an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Selection of terms in an AP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Selection of terms in an AP
3 terms are in AP are (a-d), a, (a+d)
4 terms are in AP are (a-3d), (a-d) , (a+d), (a+3d)

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: N-th term of an AP from the end
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on the general term of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on finding the general term of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on finding the general term of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: N-th term of an AP from the end
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on finding the general term of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on finding the general term of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on finding the Middle terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example on finding the Middle terms of an AP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on finding the Middle terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example on finding the Middle terms of an AP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on finding the Middle terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: N-th term of an AP from the end
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on finding the Middle terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example 05
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example on n-th term of an AP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Solved Example on n-th term of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Middle terms of an AP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Middle terms of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: N-th term of an AP from the end
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: N-th term of an AP from the end

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: General Term of an AP
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: General term of an AP

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Arithmetic Progression
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Arithmetic Progression: Definition and illustrations

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

In this video Learn How to Design Websites in WordPress Offline | For UNEB Exams 2024
Download xampp here
Download WordPress Here
Link to download xampp, WordPress plus other files together with the question, support files etc from a folder
You have been awarded the contract of designing a website made up of four pages for Kimbugwe and Sons Garage. The following information is to be included on the website.

Page One: Index Page (10 marks)
a) Should be a homepage with a page title, “KIMBUGWE & SONS GARAGE WEBSITE”
b) A logo and a motto: “Quality Service, Lasting Experience”
c) A Message about the Business including:
- The physical location (street and plot number) of the business.
- Date when the garage was first opened.
- The working hours.
- Services offered at the Garage (Eg. Vehicle Servicing and repairs, Fueling, Spare parts etc.)
d) A marquee with words “Thank you for visiting!” at the bottom.

Page two: Employees (05 marks)
e) Should have table with at least five employees who work at the garage, including their ID Numbers, Names, Job Title and Email.

Page three: Photo Gallery (06 marks)
f) Add about 6 well organized photos from support files to represent how this page will be used.

Page four: Contact us (03 marks)
g) Add on this page in a Contact us form:
• Feedback link which a visitor to the website can follow to send an email.
h) Insert your name in the right bottom corner (as footer) on each webpage. (02 marks)
i) Print each of the four web pages. (02 marks)
j) Save and Rename your web folder as ksgarage. (02 marks)

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example of finding terms of a sequence.
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example of finding terms of a sequence.

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved example of finding terms of a sequence.
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Sequences with Quadratic Relation between n-th term and 'n'
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Sequences with Cubic Relation between n-th term and 'n'
t(n) = An^3 + Bn^2 + Cn + D, where A, B, Cand D are Rational Numbers.

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Sequences with Quadratic Relation between n-th term and 'n'
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Sequences with Quadratic Relation between n-th term and 'n'
t(n) = An^2 + B n + C, where A, B and C are Rational Numbers.

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example on Sequences with Linear Relation between n-th term and 'n'
Sequence with constant difference between two consecutive terms


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Sequences with Linear Relation between n-th term and 'n'
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Sequences with Linear Relation between n-th term and 'n'
Sequence with constant difference between two consecutive terms


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Relation between n-th term and n in a sequence
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Sequences and Series
Topic: Introduction
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Introduction to Sequence and Series.
Definitions, terms and applications


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #SequencesAndSeries

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Introduction
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

How to find out the value of infinitely extending nested radicals by using a quadratic equation.

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example : Equations Reducible to Quadratic Form
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solving equations which are not in quadratic form by converting them into a quadratic equation.

Higher Order Thinking Problem (HOTS)

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example : Equations Reducible to Quadratic Form
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solving equations which are not in quadratic form by converting them into a quadratic equation.

Higher Order Thinking Problem (HOTS)

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example : Equations Reducible to Quadratic Form
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solving equations which are not in quadratic form by converting them into a quadratic equation.

Higher Order Thinking Problem (HOTS)

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example : Equations Reducible to Quadratic Form
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solving equations which are not in quadratic form by converting them into a quadratic equation.

Higher Order Thinking Problem (HOTS)

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Signs of Quadratic Polynomials in relation with the coefficient of x^2
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha


Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Signs of Quadratic Polynomials in relation with the coefficient of x^2
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha


Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.

This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Condition for a Quadratic Equation to have roots (A) Equal in magnitude and opposite in sign & (B) Reciprocal to each other

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Problem on Relation between Sum and Product of roots and coefficients of a quadratic equation.

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Sum and Products of roots of a Quadratic Equation
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Relation between Sum and Product of roots and coefficients of a quadratic equation.

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: A Quadratic Equation can not have more than two roots
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

To prove that a quadratic equation can not have more than two roots.

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Problem on nature of roots of a quadratic equation.

Higher Order Thinking Problem (HOTS)

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Problem on nature of roots of a quadratic equation.

Higher Order Thinking Problem (HOTS)

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Question based on nature of roots of a quadratic equation. Discriminant of a quadratic equation.

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on nature of roots of a Quadratic Equation

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example on nature or roots of a quadratic equation
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved example on nature of roots of a quadratic equation

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Nature of roots of a quadratic equation
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Nature of roots of quadratic equation:
a) Real and Unequal
b) Real and Equal
c) Imaginary

Criteria for the nature of roots

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Explained through Solved Examples

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example on Shridharacharya's Method

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solving a Quadratic Equation using SRIDHARACHARYA'S RULE or QUADRATIC FORMULA

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solving a quadratic equation using completing the square method

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Completing the square method
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
8 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example:

Previous Year Board Question

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example:

Previous Year Board Question

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example:

Previous Year Board Question

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example:

Previous Year Board Question

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example:

***Previous Year Board Question***

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Introduction
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Methods of Solving Quadratic Equations.
Discussion on Factorization Method

Explained through Solved Examples

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example:

***Previous Year Board Question***

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Solved Example
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Solved Example: On verifying if the given values are solutions of a given quadratic equation.

Previous Year Board Question

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Introduction
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

What is meant by solutions/roots of a quadratic equation?
How to check if a given value is a root of a quadratic equation?

Explained through Solved Examples

Quadratic Equation is an important topic in high-school curriculum. It is a vital Mathematical tool to understand various other fields of Science and Engineering especially Physics and Chemistry. Go through this series of Lectures and Problem Solving Sessions to get a thorough grip over the subject matter.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Quadratic Equations
Topic: Introduction
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

What are Quadratic Equations?
Why are quadratic equations called so?
General form of quadratic equations.


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Quadratic Equations

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Division Algorithm for Polynomials
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

F(x) = G(x)Q(x) + R(x)
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Division Algorithm for Polynomials
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Solved Example on Relation between Sum and Product of Zeros with the coefficients of the quadratic polynomial.
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Zeroes of a Polynomial
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Relation between Sum and Product of Zeros with the coefficients of the quadratic polynomial.
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic:Solved Example: Relation between Sum and Product of Zeros with the coefficients of the quadratic polynomial.
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Zeroes of a Polynomial
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Identifying Zeros of a Cubic Polynomial on the graph.
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Relation between zeros and coefficients of a Polynomial
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Expressing P(x) =ax^2+bx+c in terms of sum and products of zeros
Sum of zeros = -b/a
Product of zeros = c/a
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Zeroes of a Polynomial
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

How to draw graphs of Quadratic Polynomials.
Zeroes of the Polynomials on its graph.
Change of the shape of the graph with the change in the values of the coefficients.
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Zeroes of a Polynomial
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

How to plot graphs of linear polynomials. Change in graphs when the coefficients of the linear polynomials are changed.
Demonstration using Geogebra tool.
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Zeroes of a Polynomial
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

What is meant by Zero of a Polynomial. Visual representation of Zeroes of a Polynomial. Number of zeroes of a polynomial of degree n.
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Value of a Polynomial
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

What is meant by value of a Polynomial. How to find out a polynomial if the values of polynomials are given.
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: Types of Polynomials
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

Types of Polynomials - Zero, Constant, Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Bi-quadratic.
Maximum number of terms in a Polynomial of degree n
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Chapter Name: Polynomials
Topic: What are Polynomials?
Grade: X
Author: Tushar Sinha

What are Polynomials?
What are algebraic expressions?
What is meant by degree of a polynomial?
This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Algebra #Polynomials

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

#centumacademy, #moleconcept

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:

Concepts related to density - Absolute and Relative density
Vapour density

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

#centumacademy, #moleconcept

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:

Calculation of moles
Volume occupied by gases

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

#centumacademy, #moleconcept

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:

Percentage yield
Percentage purity
Empirical formula and Molecular formula

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

#centumacademy, #moleconcept

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:

Limiting reagent
Numericals on Stoichiometry and LR

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

#centumacademy, #moleconcept

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:

Percentage composition
Average atomic mass

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:

Important Numericals

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

#centumacademy, #moleconcept

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:

Absolute and Relative density
Vapour density

A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

#centumacademy, #moleconcept

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:
Important terms in mole concept
Atomic mass unit(amu) / Relative atomic mass /
Atomic mass / Gram atomic mass / Moles /
Molecular mass / Gram molecular mass
A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

#centumacademy, #moleconcept

In this video the following concepts have been discussed:
A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO PREPARE FOR BOARDS & COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, RMO, PRMO, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

How to determine the T-Ratios for 30 and 90 degrees. Demonstration using Geogebra tool

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Definition of Complementary Angles. Relation between the T-Ratios of the Complementary Angles

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

How to determine the T-Ratios for 0 and 90n degrees. Demonstration using Geogebra tool

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This video uses Geogebra tool to show that Trigonometric Identities do not depend upon the angle and they hold for all values of the angle

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Limits to the values of Trigonometric Ratio. Ranges of the values of T-Ratios


This session can be useful to students of high school of CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State Boards, as well as those who are preparing for competitive exams like NTSE, IIT JEE, NEET, KVPY, CET, Olympiads, Bank PO, CLAT, SAT, CAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC Civil Services Examination, NDA

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#CentumAcademy #Trigonometry #T-Ratios

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

T-Ratios depend only on the angle and not on the side lengths of a right angled triangle.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Change in the value of T-Ratios with the change in the value of angle. T-Ratios are dependent on angle - demonstrated through Geogebra tool.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Definition of T-Ratios.
Demonstration of the ratios through unit circle using Geogebra tool

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Question based on finding the arc length if the sector angle and the radius is known. In this question the diameter of the Sun is being calculated when the average distance between the Sun and the Earth and the angle subtended by the Diameter on the observer's eye are given.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Some facts about and ways of finding the value of pi.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Theorem: Prove that the ratio of circumference of a circle to its radius is always a constant

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

****agesimal System, Centesimal System and Circular Measure explained.
Degree, Grades and Radian explained

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Chemistry NCERT textbook, CBSE Syllabus Chapter 10: Carbon and it's Compounds Crash Course chapter revision

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

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Created by Ram Prakash

Landus Mumbere Expedito
13 Views · 1 month ago

This video is about figuring out how to determine the hybridization of each element in its structure. Orbital hybridization is the concept of mixing atomic orbitals into new hybrid orbitals suitable for the pairing of electrons to form chemical bonds in valence bond theory.

To determine the hybridization of each element in a molecule, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw the Lewis structure of the molecule: The Lewis structure shows the arrangement of atoms and valence electrons around each atom.

2. Determine the number of valence electrons for each atom: This is the sum of all the valence electrons of the atoms in the molecule. You can find this information in the periodic table.

3. Count the number of electron pairs around each atom: Lone pairs and bonded electron pairs both count as one electron pair.

4. Determine the steric number of each atom: The steric number is the sum of the number of bonded atoms and the number of lone pairs around an atom.

5. Use the steric number to identify the hybridization of the atom:

- Steric number 2: The atom has two electron pairs and is sp hybridized.
- Steric number 3: The atom has three electron pairs and is sp2 hybridized.
- Steric number 4: The atom has four electron pairs and is sp3 hybridized.

6. Assign hybrid orbitals to each atom: Once you determine the hybridization, assign hybrid orbitals to each atom accordingly.

For example, in water (H2O) molecule:

1. Draw the Lewis structure of water: H-O-H.

2. Determine the number of valence electrons for each atom: Hydrogen (H) has 1 valence electron, and Oxygen (O) has 6.

3. Count the number of electron pairs around each atom: Each hydrogen has one bonded electron pair, and oxygen has two lone pairs and two bonded electron pairs.

4. Determine the steric number of each atom: The hydrogen atoms have a steric number of 1, and the oxygen atom has a steric number of 4.

5. Use the steric number to identify the hybridization: Each hydrogen is sp hybridized, and the oxygen is sp3 hybridized.

6. Assign hybrid orbitals to each atom: Each hydrogen atom uses an sp hybrid orbital, and the oxygen atom uses an sp3 hybrid orbital.

Remember, this is a simplified explanation, and the actual hybridization can get more complex in some cases. Additionally, this method applies to molecules that follow the rules of valence bond theory.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

This chemistry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into VSEPR theory and molecular structure. It contains examples and practice problems of drawing lewis structures along with the correct molecular geometry. Structures include the tetrahedral shape, bent, linear, trigonal planar, and trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry as well as their bond angles.

How To Draw Lewis Structures:

VSEPR Theory:

Molecular Geometry:

Lewis Dot Structures:

Lewis Structures of Ionic Compounds:

Octet Rule Exceptions:

Resonance Structures:

Polar and Nonpolar Molecules:

Formal Charge Calculations:

Lewis Structures - Mega Review:

Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals:

Molecular Orbital Theory:

Dipole Dipole Forces of Attraction:

Hydrogen Bonding:

Unit Cell Chemistry:

Final Exams and Video Playlists:

Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

This video tutorial provides a basic introduction into organic chemistry. Here is a list of topics:

1. How to draw lewis structures of organic compounds
2. Identifying functional groups - alkanes, alkenes, & alkynes
3. Formal charge calculations
4. Resonance structures
5. Basic IUPAC nomenclature of alkanes

Organic Chemistry - Basic Introduction:

Which Bond Is More Polar?

How To Draw Lewis Structures:

Condensed Structures to Skeletal Structures:

Functional Groups Review:

Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Functional Groups:

How To Calculate Formal Charge:

Finding Lone Pairs Using Formal Charge:

Dipole Moment & Electronegativity:

Predicting Bond Angles:

Valence Bond Theory:

Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals:

Bond Strength and Bond Length:

Orbital Overlap and Bond Length:

Organic Chemistry PDF Worksheets:

Organic Chemistry Exam 1 Playlist:

Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:

Austins Pesarlai
4 Views · 1 month ago

Pope Francis has said talks should begin to bring an end to the war in Ukraine - in comments rejected by Kyiv but welcomed in Moscow.
The war which has cost thousands of lives continues - with little movement by either side.
Should Ukraine talk - or fight on?

Presenter: Jonah Hull


Volodymyr Yermolenko, Chief editor of Ukraine World, which aims to explain Ukraine's politics and society to an international audience.

Pavel Felgenhauer, independent Russian foreign policy analyst in Moscow.

Patrick Bury, defence and security analyst, senior lecturer at the University of Bath and a former British Army officer.

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#PopeFrancis #UkraineWar #UkraineTalks #Ukraine #Russia

Austins Pesarlai
8 Views · 1 month ago

The Swedish flag was raised at NATO Headquarters for the first time on Monday 11 March 2024 in a ceremony to mark the country’s membership of the Alliance. Sweden became NATO’s 32nd Ally on 7 March upon depositing its instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the United States government in Washington D.C.

The Secretary General welcomed Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson to NATO Headquarters for a flag-raising ceremony to mark Sweden’s accession. Speaking ahead of the ceremony, the Secretary General thanked Prime Minister Kristersson for his strong personal leadership and commitment to leading Sweden into NATO. He said: “Sweden has taken its rightful place at NATO’s table under the shield of Article 5 protection – the ultimate guarantee of our freedom and security. All for one and one for all.”

Sweden’s flag was hoisted to join the flags of the other 31 Allies, as the Swedish national anthem and the NATO hymn were played. Flag-raising ceremonies took place simultaneously at Allied Command Operations (SHAPE) in Mons (Belgium) and Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, Virginia (United States). Standing alongside Prime Minister Kristersson, the Secretary General said: “Sweden’s accession shows again that NATO’s door remains open. No one can close it. Every nation has the right to choose its own path, and we all choose the path of freedom and democracy.”

Noting that NATO will mark its 75th anniversary this year, Mr Stoltenberg underlined that the transatlantic bond between Europe and North America has ensured our freedom and security. Sweden will help to build an even stronger NATO at a critical time for Euro-Atlantic security, he said, adding that “joining NATO is good for Sweden, good for stability in the North, and good for the security of our whole Alliance.”

🗣 | NATO Secretary General:

Your Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria,
Prime Minister Kristersson,
Ladies and gentlemen,

This is an historic day.
We welcome Sweden into NATO,
at a critical time for our shared security.

In a moment, we will raise the Swedish flag here at the NATO Headquarters and across the whole Alliance for the first time.

Thirty-two flags flying together.
They represent thirty-two nations working for a common purpose:

To protect one billion people.
Prevent war.
And preserve peace.

Sweden’s membership makes NATO stronger.
Sweden safer.
And all of us more secure.

Sweden brings high-end capabilities.
First-class military forces.
And spends more than 2 percent of GDP on defence.

Sweden’s accession shows again that NATO’s door remains open.
No one can close it.

Every nation has the right to choose its own path.
And we all choose the path of freedom and democracy.

The brave people of Ukraine are fighting for these values as we speak.

For 75 years, the transatlantic bond between Europe and North America has ensured our freedom and security.

As a friend and a Nordic neighbour, it gives me great pride that Sweden now joins us in this essential mission.

Today as we raise the Swedish flag we stand together in unity and solidarity.
Committed to protect and defend each other.
All for one, and one for all.

Prime Minister Kristersson, thank you for your personal commitment to our Alliance.
Let me also recognise former Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson for the critical role you played in applying for NATO membership.

And I am glad that you are both here with Ministers and other political leaders together with all of us today.
This reflects the broad political support for NATO in the Swedish society.

So to all Swedes, I say – velkommen til NATO.

Welcome to NATO!
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#NATO #OTAN #Sweden

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

This is part of the IB's NEW physics syllabus, which means you have exams in May 2025 or later.
*If you have exams in May 2024 or Nov 2024, then you should look at the videos I have for that - see the OLD syllabus section at:

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Austins Pesarlai
7 Views · 1 month ago

The House is set to vote this week on a bill designed to force TikTok's Chinese parent company to sell off its stake.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

SUB TOPIC : Introduction to map reading

Austins Pesarlai
4 Views · 1 month ago

In this video, Supriya solves a word problem based on Arithmetic progressions.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Supriya.

Austins Pesarlai
5 Views · 1 month ago

In this video, Anmol discusses how we can use zeros of the given polynomial to find the value of the given unknown.

For more free lessons & practice -

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Anmol.

Austins Pesarlai
4 Views · 1 month ago

Let's see which fractions give terminating decimals and which don't - without actually dividing them!

More free lessons & practice

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Donate here:

Created by Ashish Gupta

Austins Pesarlai
4 Views · 1 month ago

Let's use number lines to think about Arithmetic progressions. Bonus: We wouldn't need the nth term formula after this!

More free lessons & practice

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Donate here:

Created by Ashish Gupta

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

This video introduces one to Organic Chemistry from the basics while also highlighting some of the basic terminologies in Organic Chemistry.

Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of carbon compounds. Carbon atoms can form stable covalent bonds with other atoms, allowing for the formation of a wide range of complex molecules, including those found in living organisms.

Here are some basic terminologies commonly used in organic chemistry:

1. Carbon (C): Carbon is an element that forms the backbone of organic molecules. It has four valence electrons, allowing it to form four covalent bonds with other atoms.

2. Hydrocarbon: A hydrocarbon is a molecule consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen atoms. It is the simplest type of organic compound. There are two main types of hydrocarbons: alkanes (saturated hydrocarbons) and alkenes (unsaturated hydrocarbons with a double bond).

3. Functional group: A functional group is a specific arrangement of atoms that gives a compound its characteristic chemical properties and reactivity. Examples of functional groups include alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and amines.

4. Isomers: Isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements or spatial orientations. There are different types of isomers, such as structural isomers (different connectivity), geometric isomers (cis-trans isomerism), and enantiomers (mirror-image isomers).

5. Alcohols: Alcohols are organic compounds that contain a hydroxyl (-OH) functional group attached to a carbon atom. They are characterized by the "-ol" suffix in their names. For example, ethanol is a common alcohol.

6. Aldehydes and Ketones: Aldehydes and ketones are organic compounds that contain a carbonyl group (C=O). Aldehydes have the carbonyl group at the end of a carbon chain, whereas ketones have it within the carbon chain.

7. Carboxylic acids: Carboxylic acids are organic compounds that contain a carboxyl group (-COOH). They are characterized by the "-oic acid" suffix in their names. Examples include acetic acid and formic acid.

8. Amines: Amines are organic compounds that contain a nitrogen atom attached to carbon atoms or hydrogen atoms. They can be classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary amines based on the number of carbon groups attached to the nitrogen atom.

These are just a few basic terminologies in organic chemistry. The subject encompasses many more concepts and reactions, including polymerization, aromatic compounds, stereochemistry, and reactions like substitution, elimination, and addition reactions.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

:In the first video we saw that all the things in the world are made of incredibly tiny particles called atoms. And also that there are 92 different kinds of them. Most things have more than one type of atom in them, but when we do find something containing just one kind of atom, we call it an element. A nugget of gold is an element because it's made of only gold atoms. The atoms are too small to see with our eyes, even using a good microscope, but if we could zoom in with a magnification of a billion times we could see the individual gold atoms. Each kind of atom had a shorthand way of writing it, called its symbol, using either one or two letters. The symbol for gold is Au, taken from the ancient Latin word it, aurum. The symbol Au could refer to either a single gold atom, or the element gold consisting of many gold atoms.Scientists have made a list of all the types of atoms, starting with the lightest, hydrogen, followed by the next lightest, helium. Just heavier than these are lithium and beryllium. We could give each element a number showing its place in this list. Hydrogen's number would be 1 as it is the first in the list, helium's would be 2, and so on. Here are the first 20 elements in the list, starting with the lightest, hydrogen, and going all the way to the heaviest, uranium. Since there are 92 elements in the list, uranium's number must be 92

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 1 month ago

h In this lesson, you will learn about the periodic table and how it is used in chemistry. We will focus on how the periodic table is organized by atomic number, and discuss how properties of elements are periodic in nature throughout the table due to the electrons in the outer shells of the atoms. We will also discuss atomic mass and valence electrons, including predicting when an atom will gain or lose an electron in a chemical reaction.

The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of elements based on their atomic number (number of protons in the nucleus). It organizes all the known elements in a specific order which allows for classification and understanding of their properties and relationships.

The table is composed of rows called periods and columns called groups or families. Elements in the same period share the same energy levels, while elements in the same group share similar chemical properties.

The elements on the periodic table are represented by symbols, and each element has its own unique atomic number, atomic mass, and chemical symbol. The order of elements is based on increasing atomic number, which also corresponds to the arrangement of electrons in an atom.

The periodic table is an essential tool for scientists, students, and researchers as it provides valuable information about elements, such as their atomic masses, electron configurations, and various trends in their chemical behavior.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

What is an Atom?

An atom is the basic unit of matter, and it is the smallest unit of an element that retains the chemical properties of that element. Atoms are the building blocks of all matter in the universe. They are composed of three main subatomic particles:

1. Protons: Positively charged particles found in the nucleus of the atom.
2. Neutrons: Neutrally charged particles also located in the nucleus.
3. Electrons: Negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus in electron shells or energy levels.

The protons and neutrons are tightly packed in the central nucleus of the atom, while the electrons move in various energy levels or orbitals around the nucleus. The number of protons in an atom's nucleus defines its atomic number, which, in turn, determines the element to which the atom belongs. The number of electrons typically matches the number of protons, creating a neutral atom.

Atoms can combine to form molecules through chemical bonding, and they can participate in chemical reactions by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons. The study of atoms and their interactions is a fundamental concept in chemistry and physics and has led to a deeper understanding of the properties and behavior of matter.

At Manocha Academy, learning Science and Math is Easy! The school coursework is explained with simple examples that you experience every day! Yes, Science & Math is all around you! Let's learn every day from everyday life!

Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 1 month ago

IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds. Let's learn IUPAC Naming of Organic Compounds such as alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and functional groups such as halides, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. We discuss the IUPAC Naming rules with lots of examples!

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

In this video, you can watch beautiful #nature This stock footage is free to use you can use this video for your project or commercial purpose but you can't sell this.

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Are you preparing for your IB maths exams? We've got you covered! OSC Study features exams created by IB experts in mathematics, showing you every step of every solution. Try it out for free here:

We're so excited to be able to share our exams with you!

Cheers, Mitch

Austins Pesarlai
14 Views · 1 month ago

Joseph Mayanja (born 30 April 1979), better known by the stage name Jose Chameleone, is a Ugandan AfroBeat artist and musician. Chameleone sings in Luganda, English, and Swahili.

Early life and education
Joseph Mayanja was born on 30 April 1979[1] to Gerald and Prossy Mayanja on 30 April 1979 in Kampala district, as the fourth of eight children.[2]

He went to Nakasero Primary School, Mengo Senior Secondary School, Kawempe Muslim Senior Secondary School, Katikamu Seventh Day Adventist Senior Secondary School, and Progressive Senior Secondary School.[2]

He composed the Kawempe Muslim Secondary School anthem.[3][4]

Musical career
Chameleone's music style is a mixture of Ugandan folk, central African rumba, zouk, and reggae.[5]

Chameleone's career began in 1996 as a DJ at the Missouri night club in Kampala. He became active as a musician in 1998 in Kenya with the Ogopa Deejays, then a Kenyan record label, which released his first single, "Bageya", featuring Kenyan artist Redsan.[5]

Throughout the years he has had record selling albums locally like Mama Mia, Mambo Bado, Jamila, Kipepeo, Bageya, Shida za Dunia, Bayuda, and Njo Karibu. Although his music is popular all over the African continent, the majority of his fans/listeners are mainly from the central part of Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania).[6][7]

Jose Chameleone released his first album in 2000 and by 2013, he has released a total of 13 albums. Some of them include Kipepeo, Shida za dunia, Valu valu, Bayuda, Badilisha, Sweet Banana and Champion. Some of his hit songs include "Valu valu", "Jamila", "Shida za dunia", Bayuda, "Tatizo", "Nkwagala nyo", "Kipepeo", "Dorotia" and "Kipepeo". He performed to the largest audience at the Lugogo Cricket Oval Stadium in Kampala.

Bageya was released in 2000, Mama Mia in 2001, Njo Karibu and The Golden Voice in 2003, Mambo Bado in 2004, Kipepeo in 2005, Shida za Dunia in 2006, Sivyo Ndivyo and Katupakase in 2007, Bayuda in 2009, Vumilia in 2010, Valu Valu in 2012, Badilisha in 2013, Tubonge in 2014, Wale wale in 2015, Sili Mujjawo in 2016, Sweet Banana in 2017, Champion in 2018.[2][8][9][10]

Chameleone has performed internationally, including in the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium,[11] Malaysia, China, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Malawi, South Sudan, Germany, and Switzerland, among others.[citation needed]

He toured Australia in 2017 and again in March 2023.[12]

In February 2023, musician Chameleone held a successful concert titled "Gwanga Mujje", which translates to "let the whole nation attend". The event took place at Lugogo Cricket Oval in Kampala. Originally planned for an earlier date, the concert was postponed due to heavy rain and rescheduled for 24 February 2023.[13][14]

In addition, Chameleone organised a sold-out charity event called "One Man, One Million" at Victoria Hall in Kampala. The event was endorsed by the first lady of Uganda, Janet Museveni, and attendees were required to pay one million Ugandan Shillings to attend.[15][13]

Music label
Chameleone is[when?] the CEO of the music label known as Leone Island. Artists associated with this label have included: the late Mosey Radio, Weasel, the late AK 47 Mayanja, King Saha, Papa Cidy, Pallaso, Melody, Yung Mulo and Big Eye.[2]

Other activities
The former speaker of the parliament of Uganda, Rebecca Kadaga, designated Chameleone to be the Ambassador of the Busoga Tourism Initiative. He also directs Chameleone Foundation, which is aimed at improving skills and talent amongst disadvantaged youth.[16]

Chameleone is a member of a coalition of musicians who use their fame and fortune to help reduce poverty and create awareness campaigns for HIV/AIDS.[17][18]

He was gifted a new Toyota V8 in 2020 by Achai Wiir.[19]

He ran for office as Lord Mayor of Kampala in 2021.[20]

Personal life
Chameleone is married to Daniella Atim. The couple has five children, who study and live in the United States

Austins Pesarlai
6 Views · 1 month ago

After a short flight from the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, Garuda Flight 200 is on approach to the city of Yogyakarta. The Boeing 737 is cleared to land. But when it does, the aircraft hits the ground so hard it bounces violently and careens off the end of the runway. The plane finally comes to a stop in a nearby rice paddy. Fire quickly engulfs the wreckage, and the passengers—many of them badly injured—struggle to escape the inferno.

What crucial error in the aircraft's systems led to the inability of the crew to restart the engines?

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
8 Views · 1 month ago

⁣The factors affecting dynamic equilibrium such as concentration changes, temperature changes, pressure changes, catalysts, nature of reactants, and surface area have various industrial applications. Here are some examples:

1. Haber Process: The Haber Process involves the production of ammonia by combining nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas in a high-pressure, high-temperature reaction. The process takes advantage of Le Chatelier's principle, which states that increasing the pressure and decreasing the temperature favors the production of ammonia, increasing the yield of the reaction.

2. Contact Process: The Contact Process is used to produce sulfuric acid from sulfur dioxide gas, oxygen gas, and water vapor. The reaction is exothermic, and increasing the temperature will decrease the yield. However, a catalyst such as vanadium oxide is used to increase the rate of reaction, while maintaining a high yield.

3. Polymerization: In polymerization reactions, a catalyst is used to increase the rate of the reaction, and hence increase the yield of the desired product. For example, Ziegler-Natta catalysts are used in the industrial production of polyethylene, polypropylene, and other polyolefins.

4. Surface Area: In reactions involving solids, increasing the surface area of the solid will increase the rate of reaction. This principle is employed in the manufacturing of fertilizers, where the reactants are ground into fine powders to increase their surface area, resulting in a faster reaction and higher yield.

In general, the understanding and manipulation of dynamic equilibrium is an important tool for chemical industries to optimize chemical reactions and improve the efficiency of their processes.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
8 Views · 1 month ago

The effect of pressure on dynamic equilibrium depends on the number of moles of gas present in the balanced chemical equation. Here are the possible effects:

1. No effect: If the number of moles of gas on both sides of the reaction is equal, changes in pressure will have no effect on the position of the equilibrium. This is because altering the pressure will not favor either the forward or reverse reaction.

2. Effect on side with fewer moles: If the number of moles of gas is different on each side of the reaction, changes in pressure can affect the equilibrium position. Increasing the pressure will decrease the volume, and the equilibrium will shift towards the side with fewer moles of gas. Conversely, decreasing the pressure will increase the volume, causing the equilibrium to shift towards the side with more moles of gas.

It is important to note that changes in pressure do not affect the value of the equilibrium constant (K), which remains the same. Also, it is worth mentioning that pressure changes only affect equilibria involving gases, not reactions involving only solids or liquids.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
7 Views · 1 month ago

Dynamic equilibrium is a state in which the forward and reverse reactions of a reversible reaction occur at equal rates. The position of the equilibrium can be influenced by certain factors. Here are a few factors that affect dynamic equilibrium:

1. Changes in concentration: If the concentration of one of the reactants or products is increased, the system will try to counteract this change by shifting the equilibrium to the opposite side of the reaction, away from the added substance.

2. Changes in temperature: Changes in temperature can influence the position of the equilibrium in exothermic or endothermic reactions. Increasing the temperature will favor the endothermic reaction, and decreasing the temperature will favor the exothermic reaction.

3. Changes in pressure: Changes in pressure affect the equilibrium position in reactions with gaseous reactants and products. Increasing the pressure will decrease the volume and push the equilibrium towards the side with fewer moles, and vice versa.

4. Catalysts: Catalysts have no effect on the position of the equilibrium, but they can increase the rate at which the equilibrium is reached by lowering the activation energy of both the forward and reverse reactions.

5. Nature of reactants: The nature of the reactants involved in a reaction can affect the position of the equilibrium. If reactants are more stable than products, the equilibrium will shift towards the products side and vice versa.

6. Surface area: The surface area of the reactants can affect the rate at which the reaction occurs, thus indirectly affecting the position of the equilibrium.

In summary, the equilibrium position of a reversible reaction is affected by changes in concentration, temperature, pressure, catalysts, nature of reactants, and surface area. Understanding these factors can be useful in predicting and controlling the position of the equilibrium in various chemical reactions.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
7 Views · 1 month ago

A reversible reaction is a chemical reaction that can proceed in both the forward and reverse directions, meaning that the reactants can be converted into products, and the products can also react to form the reactants again. In a reversible reaction, an equilibrium is established where the concentrations of the reactants and products remain constant over time.

Here is an example of a reversible reaction:

A + B ⇌ C + D

In the forward reaction, reactants A and B combine to form products C and D. In the reverse reaction, products C and D react to form the original reactants A and B.

The direction of a reversible reaction is influenced by various factors such as temperature, pressure, and concentration. Le Chatelier's principle states that if a change is applied to a system at equilibrium, the equilibrium will shift to counteract the change.

For example, if the concentration of one of the reactants is increased, the equilibrium will shift towards the side with fewer moles of that reactant to reduce the excess concentration. The reaction will then favor the forward direction. Conversely, if the concentration of a product is increased, the equilibrium will shift towards the side with fewer moles of that product, favoring the reverse reaction.

Similarly, changes in pressure and temperature can also affect the equilibrium position of a reversible reaction. Increasing the pressure will favor the direction with fewer moles of gas, while decreasing the pressure will favor the direction with more moles of gas. Changes in temperature can affect the equilibrium position depending on whether the reaction is exothermic (releases heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat).

Reversible reactions are essential in many chemical and biological processes, including industrial reactions, equilibrium systems, and enzymatic reactions. They provide a dynamic perspective on the behavior of chemical reactions, allowing us to understand and control them more effectively.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
24 Views · 1 month ago

- Temperature has a significant impact on the rate of a chemical reaction.
- As the temperature increases, the rate of the reaction generally increases.
- Higher temperatures provide more energy to reactant molecules, allowing them to overcome activation energy barriers more easily and collide with greater frequency.
- This leads to more successful collisions and a faster reaction rate.
- The relationship between temperature and reaction rate is often described by the Arrhenius equation: k = Ae^(-Ea/RT), where k is the rate constant, A is the pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy, R is the gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature.
- Temperature also influences the rate of elementary reaction steps and influences the equilibrium position of reversible reactions.
- However, extremely high temperatures can also cause unwanted side reactions or decomposition of reactants.
- It's important to note that the specific effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction depends on the nature of the reaction, the reactants, and the presence of catalysts or inhibitors.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

Reaction rates and reversible reactions are important concepts in chemistry that are closely related.

Reaction rates refer to the speed at which a chemical reaction takes place. It measures how quickly reactants are consumed or how quickly products are formed during a reaction. Reaction rates can be influenced by various factors such as temperature, concentration, pressure, and the presence of catalysts.

On the other hand, reversible reactions are reactions that can proceed in both the forward and reverse directions. This means that reactants can form products, and products can also react to form the original reactants. Reversible reactions are denoted by a double-headed arrow (⇌) to indicate their bidirectional nature.

In reversible reactions, the forward and reverse reactions occur simultaneously, but the reaction rates may be different. The rate of the forward reaction is determined by the concentrations of the reactants, while the rate of the reverse reaction is determined by the concentrations of the products. At equilibrium, the rates of the forward and reverse reactions become equal, and the concentrations of reactants and products remain constant.

The reaction rate of a reversible reaction can be influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure, and concentration. Changing these factors can alter the position of equilibrium, which refers to the relative amounts of reactants and products in a reversible reaction system. For instance, increasing the temperature usually shifts the equilibrium towards the endothermic direction, while increasing the pressure may favor the formation of products with fewer moles.

Understanding the relationship between reaction rates and reversible reactions is important for studying chemical kinetics and thermodynamics. It allows scientists to predict and control the rates and outcomes of chemical reactions. Knowledge of reaction rates and reversible reactions is particularly useful in industrial processes, where optimizing reaction conditions can improve efficiency and yield.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

Reaction Rates:
Reaction rate is a measure of how fast a chemical reaction takes place. It is often described as the change in concentration of a reactant or product per unit of time. The rate of a chemical reaction is influenced by several factors, including temperature, concentration of reactants, surface area, and the presence of catalysts.

Temperature: Increasing the temperature generally increases the reaction rate. This is because higher temperatures provide more energy to the reactant particles, causing them to move faster and collide with greater force. This leads to a higher frequency of effective collisions, resulting in a faster reaction rate.

Concentration: Increasing the concentration of reactants typically increases the reaction rate. This is because a higher concentration means there are more reactant particles present, leading to a higher frequency of collisions and a greater likelihood of effective collisions.

Surface Area: Increasing the surface area of solid reactants can increase the reaction rate. This is because greater surface area provides more opportunities for reactant particles to come into contact with each other, increasing the frequency of collisions.

Catalysts: Catalysts are substances that increase the reaction rate by providing an alternative pathway for the reaction with lower activation energy. They do not get consumed in the reaction and can be reused. Catalysts work by reducing the energy barrier required for the reaction to occur, allowing more reactant particles to overcome this barrier and participate in the reaction.

Reversible Reactions:
Reversible reactions are chemical reactions that can proceed in both the forward and reverse directions. This means that reactants can form products, and products can also react to form the original reactants. Reversible reactions are often represented by a double-headed arrow, indicating that the reaction can occur in both directions.

An example of a reversible reaction is the formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen:

2H2 + O2 ⇌ 2H2O

In this reaction, hydrogen and oxygen can react to form water, and water can also decompose to form hydrogen and oxygen. The double-headed arrow represents the equilibrium between the forward and reverse reactions.

In a reversible reaction, the reaction rate of the forward and reverse reactions can be different. The extent to which a reversible reaction proceeds in the forward direction depends on the relative concentrations of reactants and products. At equilibrium, the reaction rates of the forward and reverse reactions become equal, and there is no net change in the concentrations of reactants and products.

Factors such as temperature, pressure, and concentration can affect the position of equilibrium in a reversible reaction. These factors can shift the equilibrium towards the formation of more products or reactants.

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Moments of forces

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Describing forces on a sea sow

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

stretch and compression

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 1 month ago

Understanding the realtion betweeen weight. mass and gravity

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 1 month ago

We briefly examine relative motion, which we will look at in much more detail later in the course.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

We develop the equation to describe constant velocity motion in an arbitrary direction.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

We translate what we have learned in this unit into two dimensions.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

We connect the idea of instantaneous velocity with some ideas that you will encounter in your calculus courses.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

We look at the difference between average velocity and instantaneous velocity.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

We start to examine how to deal with situations in which an object's velocity is not constant. This will be the topic of the next topic unit, and so this video is somewhat of a preview of things to come.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

We see how to draw a velocity vs. time graph, given a position vs. time graph.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

I rant a bit more about how vectors can't be positive or negative.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

We build on the methods of interpreting graphs from the last lecture to find velocity.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

We focus on how to get speed from a position vs. time graph.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

We focus on constant velocity motion and look in detail at the methods for determining displacements and speeds from position vs. time data.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

We look in detail at how to produce and interpret a position vs. time graph.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

We examine different ways to represent motion, including motion diagrams and graphs.

Austins Pesarlai
6 Views · 1 month ago

In today’s English lesson, I will help you master 31* English phrases that will help you advance your English vocabulary, Fluent English speakers can integrate a variety of phrases into their everyday speaking.

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Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 1 month ago

In this video, we derive the speed of light using Maxwell's equations and realize the importance of all four Maxwell's equations coming together to explain the nature of light as an EM wave!

00:00 Introduction
01:28 Assumptions
02:27 Testing if the EM fields satisfy Gauss' law of electricity and magnetism
05:47 Testing if the EM fields satisfy Faraday's law
13:56 Testing if the EM fields satisfy Ampere's law
19:09 Summary

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Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Let's explore what creates an EM wave and how it propagates!

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Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Let's figure out the direction of oscillation of the magnetic field, given the direction of electric fields, and the direction of propagation of the wave. Also, let's use that to write a wave equation for E and B as functions of time and position

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Electromagnetic waves are made up of Electric and Magnetic fields. Which field contributes more energy or do they contribute the same? What is the total energy in an EM wave? And how can analysing capacitors and inductors lead you to estimate the energy of EM radiation from the SUN!!
Let's explore all of this!

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Right now, Light is pushing you from all directions! Why and How? Let's find out!

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Created by Vibhor Pandey

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Let's apply Ampere Maxwell's equation to calculate the magnetic field near charging capacitor plates. The displacement current inside the wire is negligible, while that between the capacitor plates is not.

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!
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Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

The process of digestion in human beings

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

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Alagai Augusten
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Alagai Augusten
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Alagai Augusten
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Alagai Augusten
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Alagai Augusten
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Alagai Augusten
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Alagai Augusten
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Alagai Augusten
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Businge Simon Collins
9 Views · 1 month ago

Namugongo Secondary - Entrepreneurship

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

⁣To identify the best oxidizing agent using Eo(red.) values, you need to compare the Eo(red.) values of the potential oxidizing agents. The species with the higher Eo(red.) value will be the stronger oxidizing agent.

Here are some general rules for comparing Eo(red.) values:

1. The species with the higher Eo(red.) value will be more likely to undergo reduction and, therefore, act as the oxidizing agent.

2. The species with the lower Eo(red.) value will be more likely to undergo oxidation and, therefore, act as the reducing agent.

3. The larger the difference in Eo(red.) values between two species, the stronger the oxidizing agent and the weaker the reducing agent.

For example, consider the following half-reactions:

Half-reaction 1: A+ + e- --> A (Eo(red.) = 0.8 V)
Half-reaction 2: B2+ + 2e- --> 2B+ (Eo(red.) = 1.5 V)

In this case, half-reaction 2 has the higher Eo(red.) value (1.5 V) compared to half-reaction 1 (0.8 V). Therefore, B2+ is the stronger oxidizing agent.

It is important to note that Eo(red.) values can only be compared within the same system, meaning you cannot directly compare Eo(red.) values from different reference electrodes or different systems. Additionally, other factors such as concentration and temperature can also influence the oxidizing strength of a species, so it is important to consider these variables as well.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Le Chatelier's Principle is a fundamental concept in chemistry that explains how systems at equilibrium respond to changes in conditions. According to this principle, when a system at equilibrium is subjected to an external influence, it will adjust in such a way as to counteract the change and reestablish equilibrium.

Adding a catalyst to a reaction is one such external influence. However, unlike changes in temperature, pressure, or concentrations, adding a catalyst does not directly affect the position of the equilibrium or alter the concentrations of reactants or products. Instead, a catalyst provides an alternative pathway for the reaction to occur, lowering the activation energy barrier. This allows the reaction to proceed at a faster rate without being consumed itself.

In the context of Le Chatelier's Principle, adding a catalyst to a reaction at equilibrium does not cause any immediate response. The equilibrium composition and concentrations of reactants and products remain unaffected. However, the presence of a catalyst can increase the rate at which the reaction reaches equilibrium.

It's important to note that catalysts do not shift the equilibrium position or favor the formation of products or reactants. They only enhance the rate at which the equilibrium is reached by providing an alternative reaction pathway with lower activation energy. Once equilibrium is attained, the catalyst does not affect the equilibrium concentrations.

On Khan Academy, you can find more detailed explanations and examples of Le Chatelier's Principle, as well as related topics in equilibrium chemistry. Their resources, including videos, articles, and practice exercises, can help you fully understand the principles and applications of equilibrium reactions in chemistry.

Enjoy your learning and exploration of this fascinating field!

Landus Mumbere Expedito
2 Views · 1 month ago

⁣In chemistry, the concept of ideal and non-ideal solutions refers to the behavior of mixtures and the extent to which they adhere to idealized models. Let's explore this further:

Ideal Solutions:
An ideal solution is one where the behavior of the mixture perfectly follows Raoult's law or Henry's law, depending on whether we are dealing with liquid-liquid or gas-liquid solutions, respectively. According to Raoult's law, the vapor pressure of a component in the mixture is directly proportional to its mole fraction in the solution. In an ideal solution, the interactions between the molecules of the components are similar, leading to homogeneous mixing and ideal behavior.

Non-Ideal Solutions:
In contrast, non-ideal solutions deviate from the predictions of Raoult's or Henry's law. These deviations occur due to molecular interactions between the components, such as attractive or repulsive forces. Non-ideal behavior can lead to deviations in vapor pressure, boiling point, freezing point, and various other properties of the mixture.

There are different types of non-ideal solutions, including:

1. Positive Deviations: These occur when the interaction between the components is weaker than between identical molecules. As a result, the vapor pressure of the solution is higher than predicted by Raoult's law. An example of a positive deviation is the mixture of ethanol and water.

2. Negative Deviations: These occur when the interactions between the components are stronger than between identical molecules. This leads to a lower vapor pressure in the mixture compared to that predicted by Raoult's law. An example of a negative deviation is the mixture of chloroform and acetone.

Understanding ideal and non-ideal solutions is crucial in various areas of chemistry, such as designing separation techniques, predicting thermodynamic properties, and understanding the behavior of mixtures in various applications.

If you want to dive deeper into this topic or explore related concepts, TEBtalks offers excellent online resources on chemistry. Their videos and interactive exercises provide comprehensive coverage of ideal and non-ideal solutions, helping you gain a better understanding of this important aspect of chemistry.

Happy learning!

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

This video introduces you to topic of ecology.It brings to you definitions of key terms used in this study.It also expounds more on Ecosystem as a key term in Ecology.

Ecology is the scientific study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment. It seeks to understand the relationships between organisms, their physical surroundings, and the natural processes that govern them. Ecology is a multidisciplinary field that incorporates knowledge and techniques from biology, geology, climatology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics to better understand complex environmental systems and their dynamics. Ecologists study the distribution and abundance of organisms, their interactions with one another, and how they are influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall, and nutrient availability. The ultimate goal of ecology is to understand and manage the natural world in a sustainable manner, ensuring that future generations can thrive in a world that is as rich and diverse as the one we inhabit today.

⁣1. Ecosystem: A community of living organisms and their physical and chemical environment, all interacting as a system.

2. Habitat: The specific environment or locality where an organism or species naturally occurs and is adapted to live.

3. Biodiversity: The variety and abundance of living organisms in a particular ecosystem or on Earth as a whole.

4. Trophic level: The position of an organism in a food chain or web, indicative of its feeding relationships and the flow of energy through an ecosystem.

5. Keystone species: An organism that has a critical and disproportionate effect on the ecology of a community or ecosystem, often through their interactions with other species.

6. Population: A group of individuals of the same species living in a particular area at a given time.

7. Carrying capacity: The maximum number of individuals of a given species that can be supported by a particular habitat over a sustained period of time.

8. Succession: The process of gradual change in the structure and composition of an ecosystem over time, typically following a disturbance or perturbation.

9. Biogeochemical cycle: A process in which elements and compounds essential to life, such as carbon, nitrogen, and water, are transferred between living and nonliving components of an ecosystem.

10. Conservation biology: The scientific study of biodiversity and the methods used to protect and manage living organisms and ecosystems.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

In this episode , we look at how the body is able to regulate blood glucose.This episode can be good for both ordinary and advanced levels

The regulation of blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, involves complex mechanisms that ensure the body maintains stable glucose levels. Here is an overview of the process:

1. Role of Pancreas: The pancreas plays a central role in blood glucose regulation through the secretion of two important hormones - insulin and glucagon.

2. Insulin:
- When blood glucose levels rise after a meal, cells in the pancreas called beta cells secrete insulin into the bloodstream.
- Insulin facilitates the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into cells, particularly in the liver, muscle, and adipose tissue.
- Insulin promotes the storage of excess glucose as glycogen in the liver and muscles, lowering blood glucose levels.

3. Glucagon:
- In contrast to insulin, when blood glucose levels drop too low, alpha cells in the pancreas release glucagon into the bloodstream.
- Glucagon stimulates the liver to break down stored glycogen into glucose, releasing it into the bloodstream to increase blood glucose levels.

4. Liver's Role:
- The liver plays a vital role in blood glucose regulation. It stores glucose as glycogen and can release or generate glucose through glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, respectively.
- During periods of fasting or prolonged exercise, glucagon stimulates the liver to convert stored glycogen or other molecules (amino acids, lactate) into glucose for energy.

5. Hormonal Regulation:
- Several hormones affect blood glucose levels. Besides insulin and glucagon, other hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, and growth hormone influence glucose metabolism.
- These hormones can raise blood glucose levels by stimulating glucose production through gluconeogenesis or by reducing glucose uptake in certain tissues.

6. Role of Adipose Tissue:
- Adipose tissue, or fat cells, also contribute to blood glucose regulation.
- They release fatty acids into the bloodstream in response to insulin, which provides an alternative source of fuel for cells instead of glucose.
- Fatty acids spare glucose, allowing it to be available for tissues that primarily rely on glucose for energy.

7. Feedback Loop:
- Blood glucose regulation involves a complex feedback loop system. Specialized cells in the pancreas sense the glucose levels in the blood and release insulin or glucagon accordingly.
- As blood glucose levels rise, insulin is released to facilitate glucose uptake and reduce glucose production.
- Conversely, when blood glucose levels decrease, glucagon is released to stimulate glucose production and maintain glucose homeostasis.

These processes work together to maintain blood glucose levels within a narrow range, as excessive or insufficient glucose can have detrimental effects on various organs and bodily functions. Blood glucose regulation is crucial for energy production, cellular function, and overall metabolic health.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

Sodium ions keep the body fluids in normal balance. Sodium ions regulate blood pressure and volume. Sodium ions also play an important role in nervous transmission.Therefore maintaining a constant level enables different metabolic processes to proceed normally.
The regulation of sodium ions in the body involves several processes that ensure a balance between sodium intake and excretion. Here is a step-by-step explanation of these processes:

1. Sodium Intake: Sodium ions enter the body primarily through dietary sources, such as table salt (sodium chloride) and processed foods. The average daily sodium intake is around 3,400 mg.

2. Filtration in the Kidneys: As blood passes through the kidneys, a filtration process occurs in the glomeruli, where sodium ions are filtered out of the blood along with other waste products.

3. Sodium Reabsorption in the Proximal Tubules: In the renal tubules, around 65-70% of the filtered sodium ions are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream in the proximal tubules through passive diffusion.

4. Hormonal Control:
a. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS): When the body senses a decrease in blood volume or low blood pressure, specialized cells in the kidneys release an enzyme called renin. Renin converts angiotensinogen (a protein produced by the liver) into angiotensin I, which is then converted to angiotensin II by an enzyme called ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme). Angiotensin II stimulates the release of aldosterone from the adrenal glands. Aldosterone acts on the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the nephrons, promoting the reabsorption of sodium ions back into the bloodstream, leading to water retention and increased blood volume and pressure.

b. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH): ADH, also known as vasopressin, is released by the pituitary gland in response to increased plasma osmolality (concentration of solutes in the blood) or decreased blood volume. ADH acts on the collecting ducts of the nephrons, increasing the permeability of the ducts to water. This causes increased reabsorption of water back into the bloodstream, indirectly affecting sodium ion concentration and maintaining water balance.

5. Other Factors Influencing Sodium Regulation:
- Blood Pressure: Sodium plays a key role in maintaining blood pressure. Increases in sodium intake lead to an increase in blood volume, which can raise blood pressure. Conversely, decreased sodium intake can lower blood pressure.
- Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP): Released by the heart's atria in response to increased blood volume and pressure, ANP acts as a natural antagonist to aldosterone. It promotes the excretion of sodium in the urine, leading to decreased blood volume and pressure.

6. Sodium Excretion: The remaining sodium ions that are not reabsorbed in the renal tubules are eliminated from the body through urine. The rate of sodium excretion depends on the balance between sodium intake and the efficacy of sodium reabsorption.

These processes work together to regulate the concentration of sodium ions in the body, maintaining electrolyte balance, blood pressure, and overall homeostasis.

Here are some precise notes on the regulation of sodium ions in the body:

1. Importance of Sodium Ions:
- Sodium ions (Na+) are essential for many physiological processes in the body, including nerve function, muscle contraction, and maintenance of fluid balance.
- Sodium ions also play a crucial role in maintaining blood volume, blood pressure, and pH balance.

2. Kidney Function in Sodium Regulation:
- The kidneys play a key role in regulating sodium concentration in the body by adjusting its reabsorption and excretion.
- Sodium reabsorption primarily occurs in the renal tubules.

3. Sodium Reabsorption:
- In the proximal tubules of the nephrons, around 65-70% of the filtered sodium is reabsorbed passively.
- Active reabsorption occurs in the distal tubules and collecting ducts, under hormonal control.

4. Hormonal Control:
a. Aldosterone:
- Aldosterone, a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, plays a pivotal role in sodium regulation.
- It promotes the reabsorption of sodium ions in the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the nephrons.
- Aldosterone enhances sodium retention while simultaneously increasing potassium and hydrogen ion excretion.

b. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS):
- The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is a hormonal cascade that regulates sodium balance and blood pressure.
- When blood pressure decreases or sodium levels decrease, renin is released from the kidneys, leading to the activation of angiotensin I and angiotensin II, ultimately triggering the release of aldosterone.

c. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH):
- Another hormone involved in sodium regulation is ADH, also known as vasopressin.
- ADH is released by the pituitary gland in response to high plasma osmolality or decreased blood volume.
- ADH acts on the collecting ducts of the kidneys, promoting water reabsorption, which indirectly affects sodium concentration.

5. Osmoregulation and Water Balance:
- Sodium regulation is closely linked to water balance in the body.
- The movement of sodium ions drives osmosis, affecting the movement of water across cell membranes and in and out of the blood vessels.
- Imbalances in sodium levels can lead to improper water distribution and dehydration or overhydration.

These notes provide a concise overview of the regulation of sodium ions in the body.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

DID U KNOW THATUp to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water.This video explains to you very well what the body does in order to ensure that water in your body is neither in excess nor inadequate.

Water regulation in the body is essential for maintaining proper cellular function, blood volume, and electrolyte balance. Several organs and hormones work together to regulate water in the body. Here are some key aspects of water regulation:

1. The hypothalamus: The hypothalamus in the brain senses changes in blood osmolality, or the concentration of particles in the blood. When the osmolality increases, the hypothalamus stimulates the release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the pituitary gland.

2. ADH: ADH, also known as vasopressin, is a hormone that regulates water reabsorption in the kidneys. ADH acts on the kidneys to increase the reabsorption of water, leading to decreased urine output and increased water retention. When blood osmolality decreases, ADH release is inhibited, and the kidneys excrete more water, leading to increased urine output and decreased water retention.

3. Kidneys: The kidneys play a critical role in regulating water balance in the body. The kidneys filter waste products and excess water from the blood, which is then excreted as urine. The amount of water reabsorbed in the kidneys is regulated by ADH, as described above.

4. Thirst mechanism: The sensation of thirst is an important mechanism for regulating water balance. When dehydration occurs, the body senses a decrease in blood volume, which triggers the release of hormones that stimulate thirst, leading to increased water intake.

5. Electrolyte balance: Regulating water balance also involves maintaining electrolyte balance. Electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and chloride, are essential for proper cellular function, and their concentrations are carefully regulated by the kidneys and several hormones.

Disruptions to the regulation of water balance can lead to various disorders, such as dehydration or overhydration, which can have significant effects on electrolyte balance and cellular function.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

Watch, and learnThe parathyroid hormone (PTH), secreted by the parathyroid glands, is responsible for regulating blood calcium levels; it is released whenever blood calcium levels are low. PTH increases blood calcium levels by stimulating osteoclasts, which break down bone to release calcium into the blood stream

Calcium ions play a vital role in numerous physiological processes in the body, including muscle contraction, nerve signaling, and bone health. The regulation of calcium ions in the body is achieved through a complex series of mechanisms involving several organs and hormones. Here are some key aspects of calcium ion regulation:

1. Parathyroid hormone (PTH): When the calcium levels in the blood are low, the parathyroid glands, located in the neck, release PTH. PTH acts on the bones, kidneys, and intestines to increase calcium levels. It stimulates bone resorption, where calcium is released from the bones, and enhances the reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys and the absorption of calcium from the intestines.

2. Calcitonin: Released by the thyroid gland, calcitonin opposes the actions of PTH. It promotes the deposition of calcium into the bones, inhibits bone resorption, and reduces the reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys.

3. Vitamin D: Often known as the "sunshine vitamin" because it can be synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight, vitamin D plays a critical role in calcium regulation. Vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium from the intestines by stimulating the synthesis of calcium-binding proteins.

4. Kidneys: The kidneys regulate calcium levels by controlling its reabsorption and excretion. PTH stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb more calcium, preventing its loss through urine. Conversely, high blood calcium levels can trigger the kidneys to excrete excess calcium.

5. Bones: Calcium is stored in the bones and can be released or deposited depending on the body's needs. PTH and vitamin D influence bone cells called osteoclasts, which break down bone to release calcium, and osteoblasts, which build bone and incorporate calcium.

Disruptions to the regulation of calcium ions can lead to various disorders such as hypercalcemia (high blood calcium) or hypocalcemia (low blood calcium), which can have significant effects on muscle and nerve function, among other physiological processes.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 1 month ago

Proteins are broken down to peptides in stomach and duodenum after which the peptides are broken down finally to amino acids in the ileum.When amino acids are in excess the body, the body does not store them but rather breaks them down in a process called deamination which involves removal of amino group from amino acid to form ammonia.Ammonia is a toxic product especially for mammals which do not have enough water in their bodies ( unlike organisms like bony fish). Therefore mammals turn the toxic ammonia into less toxic product called urea through a series of reactions in the ornithine cycle as discussed aboveOrnithine, arspatate, arginine are all amino acids.

The ornithine cycle, also known as the urea cycle, is a metabolic pathway that takes place in the liver and other tissues. It is responsible for the synthesis of urea and the detoxification of ammonia, which is a byproduct of protein metabolism. The liver plays a crucial role in this cycle by converting ammonia into urea, which can then be excreted by the kidneys.

Deamination is another important process in protein metabolism, which involves the removal of the amine group from an amino acid. This process also generates ammonia, which can be toxic to the body if it accumulates. Once again, the liver plays a critical role in removing ammonia from the body by converting it into urea, which can be safely excreted in urine.

Overall, the liver is essential for maintaining the body's nitrogen balance and preventing accumulation of toxic ammonia. Dysfunction of the liver, such as in liver disease or damage, can result in impaired ornithine cycle and deamination, leading to harmful levels of ammonia buildup in the body.

Austins Pesarlai
4 Views · 1 month ago

On Friday, Pentagon Spokesperson Major General Pat Ryder answered reporter questions on the effort to build a humanitarian aid port off the shores of Gaza during a press briefing.

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These videos are for entertainment purposes only and they are just Shane's opinion based off of his own life experience and the research that he's done. Shane is not an attorney, CPA, insurance, or financial advisor and the information presented shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, safety or financial advice. If stocks or companies are mentioned, Shane might have an ownership interest in them. Affiliate links may be present, the offers and numbers presented may change over time so please make sure to confirm that the offer is still valid. Some offers mentioned may no longer be available or they have been changed. Please don’t make buying or selling decisions based on Shane’s videos. If you need such advice, please contact the qualified legal or financial professionals, don't just trust the opinion of a stranger on the internet and always make sure to do your own research and enjoy this family friendly content.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
7 Views · 1 month ago

A step-by-step guide on how to do so.

1. Identify the balanced chemical equation: Begin by identifying the balanced chemical equation that represents the dissolution of the compound. This equation shows how the compound dissociates into its constituent ions in aqueous solution.

2. Write the dissolution equation: Write the dissolution equation using the appropriate state symbols (s for solid and aq for aqueous). Ensure that the equation is balanced in terms of atoms and charges. For example, let's consider the dissolution of calcium carbonate (CaCO3):

CaCO3 (s) → Ca2+ (aq) + CO3^2- (aq)

3. Write the Ksp expression: The Ksp expression represents the equilibrium constant for the dissolution of the compound. It is written by taking the product of the concentrations of the constituent ions, each raised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients. For the dissolution of calcium carbonate, the Ksp expression would be:

Ksp = [Ca2+]^1 * [CO3^2-]^1

4. Exclude solids from the expression: Only the concentrations of the dissolved ions are included in the Ksp expression. Any solid compounds are excluded. In this case, the solid calcium carbonate (CaCO3) would not be included.

5. Use brackets to denote concentration: The concentrations of the ions in the Ksp expression are typically denoted within square brackets, [ ]. However, if the ion is a polyatomic ion, such as CO3^2-, the brackets are still used, but the charge is outside the brackets.

6. Include units: It is important to include the units of concentration used in the Ksp expression. Typically, molarity (M) or moles per liter (mol/L) are used. Make sure to use consistent units for all concentrations in calculations or comparisons.

7. Don't include coefficients: The Ksp expression does not include any coefficients in front of the ions. Only the stoichiometric coefficients from the balanced chemical equation are used to determine the powers to which the concentrations are raised.

I hope this guide assists you in writing Ksp expressions. If you have any further questions or require additional explanation, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 1 month ago

The relationship between Ksp (solubility product constant) and precipitation is fundamental in understanding how solids dissolve and come out of solution. Here's the key concept:

* **Ksp is a constant value for a specific ionic compound.** It represents the equilibrium point at which the dissolved ions (from the compound) and the undissolved solid are in balance within a solution.

* **Precipitation occurs when the concentration of dissolved ions exceeds the Ksp value.** This means there are more ions floating around in the solution than the system can stably hold at equilibrium. To re-establish equilibrium, the excess ions come together and form a solid precipitate.

Here's a breakdown of the relationship:

* **Ksp > Qsp (ionic product):** Solution is unsaturated. No precipitation occurs.
* **Ksp = Qsp:** Solution is saturated. Ions are at equilibrium and neither dissolving nor precipitating.
* **Ksp < Qsp:** Solution is supersaturated. Precipitation will occur to reduce the ion concentration and reach equilibrium.

In essence, Ksp acts as a threshold. If you push the system past this point (by adding more solute or changing conditions), precipitation will happen to restore equilibrium.

Alagai Augusten
8 Views · 1 month ago

Without solving a linear system you should be able to identify how many solutions there will be. We do this by looking at the lines in slope y-intercept form to see if the lines are parallel and then checking the y-intercept. If slope and y-intercept are the same, there will be an infinite number of solutions as they are the same line. You can also check to see if the lines are just a multiple of each other. Same slope, different y-intercept will mean that there is NO point of intersection as the lines are parallel. Different slopes will give you one point of intersection. Easy!!

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

A little bit trickier questions using elimination with decimals and fractions.
What you need to do is to multiply by a factor of 10 to first clear the decimals, so if you have 0.1x multiply by 10; if you had 0.01x multiply by 100. Remember to multiply each and every term in the equation.
For fractions you need to multiply by the lowest common denominator to clear the fractions.
In this video I do several examples of each so you will be all set to conquer any system of equations that comes your way!

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

We begin by discussing what equivalent linear systems are in order to understand why we can multiply, add and subtract equations when we use elimination. Elimination is the BEST way (imho) to solve linear systems and is a technique that you will use in grade 11 and 12 as well, so learn it well!
SAME SIGN SUBTRACT is a key takeaway!

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

We start by reviewing some basic skills to isolate a variable and then move on to solving 4 different systems of equations where the solutions are integers, fractions, no solution and infinite solutions.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

What does solving a linear system mean? How do we find the solution to a linear system by graphing? In this lesson I will solve some basic linear equations by graphing and then will solve a word problem involving mixtures and one using distance speed and time using graphing skills.

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Being able to represent a linear relation using a table of values, a graph or an equation is an important skill that you learned in grade 9. This lesson goes through several word problems as well as how to determine if an ordered pair is on the line (or another way of saying this is whether is satisfies the equation). You must be careful that you don't join the dots when you are dealing with a specific number of items such as the number of cupcakes or cookies that you can buy at the school bake sale. You will NOT be able to buy fractions of cookies (or crumbs!), at least not in the real world!

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Welcome to Grade 10 mathematics. In this course you will learn many new concepts including quadratics and trigonometry. This course is a very important foundation for everything you will do in grade 11 and 12. In this lesson I review some vocabulary from grade 9, show three different graphing techniques for lines including table of values, x and y intercepts and slope and y-intercepts. Finally we will rearrange from standard to slope y-intercept form and vice versa.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

How can you tell if you should use the difference of squares or perfect square trinomial factoring technique? Recognizing which type of factoring to use is critical to success! Don't forget to ALWAYS look for a common factor first, because sometimes it disguises a difference of squares.
Homework page 167 and 168 There are lots more practice questions later on in this chapter as well. The more you do, the easier they get!

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Some teachers teach decomposition for factoring trinomials, my method is the EASIEST way to factor a "complex" trinomial. Making the complex simple is my motto!
A couple of links for you
1. A summary of factoring techniques (we have not finished yet but just a few more lessons)
2. link to the textbook and homework on page 163

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Factoring trinomials where the coefficient is on is the best! All you need to take from this lesson is 1. Look for a common factor FIRST and FOREMOST
2. Take the product of the first and the last (the first is 1 in this lesson so that's easy, it's just the last) Remember to have the trinomial in descending order first. I go slowly over some practice on finding products and sums first so you get very comfortable with what skill you need to find these two numbers.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

The first step in factoring any polynomial is to look for a COMMON Factor. In this lesson we will start by examining what a factor is, and then find the common factors for a number of questions. Then we will look at a slightly more factoring method called Factoring by Grouping.
Reference Text book
Homework questions on page 150/151

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Square, twice the product, square! When you square a binomial you get a TRINOMIAL So many mistakes happen with this basic skill that it is worth all the drill that I put you through. Many times I have seen students square only the first and last terms. YOU won't do this after watching this lesson.
Product of the sum and difference and simplifying expressions to round it off. See MathPower 10 for homework practice on pages 142,143.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

"Find the Product" "Expand and Simplify" These are the directions that you will see when you need to expand binomials. It's simply asking you to multiply them together and then gather "like" terms.
See pages 137 and 138 for extra practice

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

What is a monomial, binomial, trinomial. How to evaluate an expression for a given value of a variable. What does ascending and descending order mean? How to simplify expressions. What are the exponent laws and how do I apply them. Multiplying monomials by binomials. Dividing monomials with multiple variables.
If you google MathPower 10 pdf you should be able to find some practice in this textbook in the section on Polynomials. I would recommend page 131 and 132 (page 154 of the pdf) make sure you can do some from each question (do the hard ones!)

Austins Pesarlai
6 Views · 1 month ago

This animation introduces the key concepts of unconscious bias. It forms part of the Royal Society’s efforts to ensure that all those who serve on Royal Society selection and appointment panels are aware of differences in how candidates may present themselves, how to recognise bias in yourself and others, how to recognise inappropriate advocacy or unreasoned judgement. You can find out more about unconscious bias and download a briefing which includes current academic research at

Austins Pesarlai
9 Views · 1 month ago

Presented by: Dr. Mridusmita Duara
Camera: Rashmi Duwarah
Editing & Graphics: Bitu Das
Produced by: Dr. Sangeeta Kakoty, Deputy Director, Multimedia, KKHSOU

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

How to find the area between two curves with lots of examples showing some with the x-axis as the upper or lower function and also finding the points of intersection between two curves. Curve sketching is important as well to determine which function is "on top". You may also substitute in points to determine this as well (unless you are asked to sketch!).

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 1 month ago

Now that you have spent ALL this time learning Calculus you now get to know what the FUNDAMENTAL theorem is! Fancy that!
I explain the basic definite integral rules as well as show you some examples to get you on your way!

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

More examples for you. Sunlight really does influence the color of the video!

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Using the chain rule we show how to integrate backwards. So much fun!
It's actually a lot easier than you think, especially if you take a deep breath and relax before you begin.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

In order to determine the exact value of the original function we need some initial conditions to evaluate C . I do examples of basic quadratic functions, sinusoidal equation, exponential equation, and several business examples using marginal cost and marginal profit.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Antiderivatives or indefinite integrals are the first introduction to integral calculus. Now that your teacher has taught you calculus, you get to do it all backwards! Don't forget PLUS C

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

Completely soluble salts are those that dissolve entirely in water to form a homogeneous solution. The solubility of these salts in water depends on various factors such as temperature, pressure, and the nature of the salt and solvent.

There are some general rules for predicting the solubility of ionic compounds in water. These rules are based on the principle that “like dissolves like,” where polar substances dissolve in polar solvents, and nonpolar substances dissolve in nonpolar solvents.

1. Salts containing group 1 cations (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+) are completely soluble in water.

2. Salts containing the ammonium ion (NH4+) are completely soluble in water.

3. Salts containing the nitrate ion (NO3-) are completely soluble in water.

4. Salts containing the chloride ion (Cl-) are mostly soluble in water. However, some chloride salts of less electronegative metals such as AgCl and PbCl2 are insoluble.

5. Salts containing the sulfate ion (SO42-) are mostly soluble in water. However, some sulfate salts of less electronegative metals such as BaSO4 and PbSO4 are insoluble.

6. Salts containing the carbonate ion (CO32-) and the phosphate ion (PO43-) are mostly insoluble in water. However, some of their soluble salts, such as Na2CO3 and Na3PO4, are completely soluble.

These rules are useful in predicting the solubility of completely soluble salts in water and can help in identifying insoluble salts. Keep in mind that these rules are not absolute, and some exceptions to them can occur.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 1 month ago

A titration pH curve is a graphical representation of how the pH of a solution changes as a titration progresses. It typically exhibits several distinct features that can provide valuable information about the reaction being studied. The main features of a titration pH curve are:

1. Initial pH: At the start of the titration, before any titrant has been added, the initial pH is determined by the solution being titrated. For example, if an acidic solution is being titrated against a basic titrant, the initial pH will be low (acidic).

2. Slow pH change: Initially, as the titrant is added slowly, the change in pH is relatively slow because the reaction between the titrant and analyte is not yet significant enough to alter the pH dramatically. This region is often referred to as the buffering region, as the solution's pH remains relatively stable.

3. Equivalence point: The equivalence point is the point at which the stoichiometrically equivalent amounts of acid and base have reacted. At this point, the pH undergoes a rapid change. For the reaction between a strong acid and a strong base, the equivalence point occurs at pH 7, indicating a neutral solution.

4. Midpoint of the buffering region: Before reaching the equivalence point, there is a point where the pH undergoes the steepest slope, known as the midpoint of the buffering region. This point corresponds to approximately halfway between the initial pH and the pH at the equivalence point. It is an important reference point as it helps determine the pH range over which the buffer works effectively.

5. Endpoint: The endpoint is the point at which the indicator used in the titration changes color, indicating that the reaction is approaching completion. Ideally, the endpoint should coincide with the equivalence point, but in practice, slight differences may occur.

6. Post-equivalence region: After passing the equivalence point, the pH continues to change, but at a slower rate compared to the pre-equivalence region. In the case of titrating a strong acid with a strong base or vice versa, the pH in this region approaches the pH of the excess titrant. Thus, if a strong acid is being titrated with a strong base, the pH will increase above 7. The shape and steepness of this region depend on the nature and concentration of the titrant and analyte.

These features collectively provide insight into the behavior of the titration, helping determine the equivalence point, the stoichiometry of the reaction, the strength of the acid or base, and the buffering capacity of the solution. Analyzing the pH curve allows for the proper interpretation of the experimental data obtained during titration.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
7 Views · 1 month ago

Steam distillation is a technique used for the purification of substances, particularly volatile or organic compounds, which are highly sensitive to heat. It involves the process of separating a mixture based on the difference in boiling points of the components. The principle of steam distillation lies in the fact that when a substance is mixed with water and heated, the vapor produced will have a higher concentration of the more volatile component.

The procedure of purifying substances by steam distillation involves the following steps:

1. A mixture of the substance to be purified and water is placed in a distillation flask.
2. The mixture is heated, and as the temperature rises, vapor is produced. The vapor consists of the volatile component(s) of the mixture, along with steam.
3. The vapor passes through a condenser, where it is cooled and liquified.
4. The condensed liquid is collected in a separate flask, which contains the purified substance.

The conditions under which steam distillation is performed can vary depending on the specific substance or mixture being purified. However, some general conditions include maintaining a controlled temperature and ensuring a sufficient supply of water to produce steam.

Advantages of steam distillation include:

1. Preservation of the heat-sensitive components: Steam distillation allows for the separation of substances that would be damaged or decomposed by higher temperatures. By using steam as a heat transfer medium, the mixture can be heated more gently, preserving the integrity of the volatile components.
2. Removal of impurities: Steam distillation can effectively remove impurities from the substance being purified. As the volatile components vaporize along with the steam, any impurities left behind in the boiling flask are not carried over into the distilled product.
3. Relatively simple technique: Steam distillation is a straightforward and commonly used technique in the laboratory. It doesn't require sophisticated equipment or complex procedures, making it accessible and cost-effective.

Overall, steam distillation is a valuable method for purifying substances that are sensitive to high temperatures while efficiently separating the desired components from impurities.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

A quick little video to explain question 332 #17 in the Nelson Advanced Functions textbook which deals with equivalent trig expressions.
sinx = sin(π-x) cosx= -cos(π-x)
sinx=-sin(2π-x) tanx=tan(π+x)

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

A couple of trickier trig identities that have been requested by students.
Hope you find these helpful!

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

In this video I do question 6d from page 345 which requires operations with fractions that some of you may have difficulty with. It's okay to have a panic attack when you first encounter these questions as fractions seem not to be taught very thoroughly in elementary school and then there comes a time in highschool when you don't really use them and then ... BAM ... you are expected to remember how they all work. So ... I will guide you through a complete example and help you master what is already there in your brain but which might just be a tad rusty!

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Equivalent expressions, exact values, Points on the terminal arm and determining radian values of theta.
Let me know if there are any specific homework questions that you don't understand.
Here are the solutions to #11 and # 13 Just in case you need them!

Alagai Augusten
9 Views · 1 month ago

Correcting the textbook's solution to number 9 we will use this problem to find the equation of the graph, explain where the fastest and slowest rates of change occur and find an instantaneous rate of change using a centered interval.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

A VERY CAREFULLY worded straightforward and COMPLETE lesson on finding equations of trigonometric functions from word problems AND on finding a certain time when a particular height will occur.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Beginning with the sine, cosine and tangent graphs we discuss how we can graph their reciprocals using our knowledge of reciprocal functions.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

Here is the link to the practice quiz. Download and try it first!
degrees to radians, radians to degrees, exact value and sketching a transformed function.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

y = a sin[k(x-d)] + c y = a cos[k(x-d)] + c
a gives you amplitude, c gives you the axis ! So easy to set your range knowing these two values
Period = 2π/k , d is your horizontal shift AND DON'T forget to FACTOR the k value away from the x and constant terms.

Alagai Augusten
3 Views · 1 month ago

A very easy lesson where we simply change our scale from degrees to radians.
Divide your graph nicely into quarters and you're all set to go ... π/2, π, 3π/2, 2π
Basic characteristics of y = sinθ y = cosθ and y = tanθ. Explanation of where and why there are asymptotes on the tanθ graph.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

In this video I will show you how to do question 6 from page 331 of the Nelson Advanced Functions textbook. You are asked to determine radian values given special triangle ratios.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

What is a radian and how do we convert between radian measure and degrees?
In this episode I show you how to find one radian, what angular velocity is and distance traveled, using the formula that theta = arc length/radius.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

A long but important video reviewing all the key elements of the trig that you should have learned in grade 11. Make sure that you have a good grasp of these concepts as the chapter goes quickly and covers material expecting that you have mastered the grade 11 course

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Setting up word problems and solving using the quadratic formula. Some problems ask you to solve for a value, others ask you to find a minimum, or maximum. You should understand the difference in what is being asked and know whether you are trying to find the zeros (or x-intercepts), or if you are finding the x coordinate of the vertex.
1. 3 x the square of an integer is 432, Find the two numbers.
2. the product of 2 consecutive even numbers is 288, what are the numbers
3. The sum of 2 numbers is 26. The sum of their squares is a minimum.
4. Find the length of a square cut out of an open topped box given the area of its base.
5. Find the length of the sides of a right triangle given the hypotenuse and that one side is 2 m longer than the other.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

We investigate three types of problems where you need to find the width of a mat in framing a picture (or it could be a sidewalk around a pool etc) and borders of a flower garden and finally fences against a wall and fences for cattle pens which are not against a wall.

Alagai Augusten
1 Views · 1 month ago

I explain the EASIEST way to understand how to set up these questions and answer them. The key is to write an equation for the Revenue NOW and then another with the changes added for Revenue MAX Once you have this equation it's as simple as finding the zeros, add them up, divide by two and you have the NUMBER of changes that need to be made to maximize your revenue. NOTE the NUMBER of changes does NOT equal the new price.
You will still need to substitute in your x value to find the new price and the number of items sold at that price.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Projectile word problem examples:
1. Springboard - initial height, when he enters water, maximum height
2. Fireworks - Maximum height and when, how long above 100m
3. Football - Initial height, when it hits the ground, maximum height
4. Weightlessness simulation - max altitude and how long, when weightlessness occurs, how long does the simulation of weightlessness last

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

Three word problems for you
1. Brooklyn Bridge - suspension bridge Vertical distance to lowest point, span of the bridge and height at a certain distance
2. Tunnel - find the width of the tunnel, height 2 metres from the end
3. Finding the equation in factored form and vertex form for a bridge and determining if a sailboat with a certain height can pass under the bridge when it is 8 m from the centre.
**** NOTE: For the sailboat question the boat will NOT fit under the bridge as it is obviously higher 8 m from the centre than the bridge is. (26 m vs 28 m) ****

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

Continuing the work from the handout
If you can do ALL of these questions, you will be a whiz at working with quadratic functions.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 1 month ago

Using a very excellent handout I look at all the possible ways that you can manipulate a quadratic function. From Standard form to Vertex form to Factored Form. How to find the y-intercepts, how to find the optimal value, and how to tell how many solutions. What each form tells you, how to graph from each form. In short a COMPLETE summary of quadratics.
Handout is here for you!

Austins Pesarlai
5 Views · 1 month ago

Facebook, Instagram Go Down: What Caused the Outage? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Meta suffered a highly unusual outage of all its social media platforms with users of Facebook, Instagram and Threads locked out of their accounts. It happened on Super Tuesday when millions of Americans were voting. That's why the White House is now looking it. What caused this outage? Palki Sharma tells you.


Meta | Facebook | Instagram | Global Outage | Mark Zuckerberg | Firstpost | World News | Vantage | Palki Sharma

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The show is anchored by Palki Sharma, Managing Editor, Firstpost.

By breaking stereotypes, Vantage aims to challenge conventional wisdom and present an alternative view on global affairs, defying the norm and opening the door to new perspectives. The show goes beyond the headlines to uncover the hidden stories – making Vantage a destination for thought-provoking ideas.

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Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 1 month ago

How to use x = - b/2a to convert from standard form to vertex form! x = - b/2a gives you the x coordinate of the vertex which is also the value for the equation of the axis of symmetry! AMAZING
Also how to find the equation of a quadratic in factored form when you are given the x-intercepts (or zeros of the function) and the y-intercept.

Alagai Augusten
2 Views · 1 month ago

I begin this lesson by, once again, explaining the difference between a quadratic Function (think y = ax^2 +bx +c) and a quadratic Equation (think ax^2 +bx +c = 0) The Function has x-intercepts or zeros; the Equation has roots.
We then use the Quadratic Formula to find the x intercepts for two functions and the zeros for an equation.
I also discuss the DISCRIMINANT D = b^2 - 4ac and how it can be used to determine the number of solutions.

Here is the handout I promised in the video:

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 1 month ago

What is the difference between a quadratic equation and a quadratic function? In this video we will look at how to find the solutions to quadratic equations in factored form. Some factoring is involved! Also we show how to solve for x at different values for y.

Austins Pesarlai
3 Views · 1 month ago

A bipartisan group of lawmakers from the House Select Committee on the CCP unveils the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, a bill that would ban TikTok from the U.S. unless the company severs ties with ByteDance.

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15 Views · 2 months ago


Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 2 months ago

Linear Combinations and Spanning sets! I do my best to explain carefully what the key points are of this lesson. There are a LOT of words that need to be carefully absorbed here. Math lessons aren't all about calculations but also about understanding! A very important concept that will become more important in future lessons. How to tell if 3 vectors are on the same plane but checking to see if they can be written as a linear combination.

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 2 months ago

This test covers Chapter 6 (without 6.5 in R3, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 ) as well as Chapter 7 sections 7.1 - 7.5 including applications of forces, dot product, finding the angle between two vectors, vector and scalar projections. All of these exercises are focused on vectors only in R2. The next unit test will cover all of the R3 vector applications.
Sorry but the vectors don't show up properly on the test, but you'll figure it out.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 2 months ago

Unit basis vectors i, j, k How to find the magnitude of a vector in R3, adding vectors in R3, and how to find a unit vector in R3. Basically the same operation as you did for vectors in R2 except now we have 3 variables.
I also cover questions 13 and 14 from page 332 in the Nelson textbook.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 2 months ago

What does R2 mean? How do we find a position vector? How do we find the magnitude of a position vector? What are Standard Basis Vectors?

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 2 months ago

Representing vectors in R3 using ( x, y, z, ) coordinates. How to tell if a point is on a line or on a plane? How to make a rectangular prism from the vector.

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 2 months ago

Commutative, Associative, and Distributive properties of addition,
Adding the zero vector, associative law for scalars and the Distributive law for scalars. Easy stuff!

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 2 months ago

Basic properties of multiplying vectors by scalars. What does collinear mean? What is a unit vector? What is linear dependency?

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 2 months ago

What is a resultant and how do we determine its magnitude and direction?
Head to tail method and parallelogram method of addition and how to subtract vectors (add the negative vector!). Finding the distance from a starting point and your bearing, ground speed of an airplane and finding equivalent vectors in a cube.

Alagai Augusten
6 Views · 2 months ago

What's the difference between a vector and a scalar? How do we represent vectors geometrically? How do we represent them algebraically? (on a Cartesian Plane!!) Equal vectors, opposite vectors.

Alagai Augusten
20 Views · 2 months ago | Linear Algebra

This will be a basic introduction to vectors. Vectors communicate 2 pieces of information, direction and length. Graphically we represent vectors with an arrow, and structurally we represent vectors with their components.

Alagai Augusten
7 Views · 2 months ago

Explains variables, systems of equations, Cartesian coordinates, and many other concepts. Fun and educational for all ages.

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 2 months ago

Classical conditioning is a mental manipulation to reprogram natural body functions. It is a way of learning where a stimulus that triggers a biological response is paired with a new stimulus that then results in the same reaction.

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The brain rewards us when looking at pretty faces

School experiment:

What’s happening inside the brain:

Austins Pesarlai
7 Views · 2 months ago

In February 2015 Russian politician Boris Nemtsov—a fierce critic of Vladimir Putin—was shot dead on a bridge in the shadow of the Kremlin.

Five men were convicted for his murder, but urgent questions remained: Who ordered the killing…and why?

Now, a new film from Bellingcat, The Insider, and BBC Eye Investigations reveals evidence that, in the year running up to the shooting, Boris Nemtsov was being shadowed by a government agent linked to a secret assassination squad.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
3 Views · 2 months ago

This is a continuation of thermochemistry. The greatest component of this video is about enthalpy diagrams.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
8 Views · 2 months ago

Solubility is an important concept in chemistry as it helps us understand the behavior of different substances when they interact with solvents. In particular, we will be focusing on the solubility of soluble salts and sparingly soluble salts.

Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in a given solvent. When a substance is soluble, it means it has the ability to dissolve in a significant amount in a particular solvent, while sparingly soluble substances can only dissolve in a small quantity.

Soluble salts are those that readily dissolve in a solvent, usually water, to form a homogeneous solution. These salts usually dissociate into their constituent ions when dissolved. For example, when table salt (sodium chloride) is dissolved in water, it dissociates into sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-). This process is reversible, and the dissociated ions can recombine to form the original salt when the solvent is evaporated.

On the other hand, sparingly soluble salts have a limited ability to dissolve in a solvent. This means that only a small amount of the salt can dissolve, resulting in an unsaturated solution. Some examples of sparingly soluble salts include silver chloride (AgCl) and lead(II) iodide (PbI2). When these salts are added to water, only a small fraction will dissolve, while the rest will remain as solid particles.

There are several factors that affect the solubility of both soluble and sparingly soluble salts. They include temperature, pressure, and the presence of other substances in the solvent. For example, for most salts, their solubility increases with increasing temperature. However, this is not always the case, as some salts exhibit a decrease in solubility with increasing temperature.

Understanding the solubility of soluble and sparingly soluble salts is important for various applications in chemistry. It helps us predict the formation of precipitates when two solutions are mixed, determine the concentrations of ions in a solution, and even design drug formulations that can be readily absorbed by the body.

In conclusion, the solubility of soluble and sparingly soluble salts is a fundamental concept in chemistry. It allows us to understand the behavior of substances when they interact with solvents, and it has important applications in various fields of study. As advanced level chemistry students, it is crucial to grasp the concept of solubility and its implications in order to enhance our understanding of chemical reactions and equilibrium.

Austins Pesarlai
7 Views · 2 months ago

Lymph is the blood plasma that oozes out of the holes in the blood capillaries. The lymph vessels clear out this lymph and recirculate it back into the bloodstream. The lymph nodes contain WBCs that help provides immunity.

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Austins Pesarlai
5 Views · 2 months ago

Let's explore the central and the peripheral nervous system.

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Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a range of academic subjects, including math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, economics, finance, grammar, preschool learning, and more. We provide teachers with tools and data so they can help their students develop the skills, habits, and mindsets for success in school and beyond. Khan Academy has been translated into dozens of languages, and 15 million people around the globe learn on Khan Academy every month. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we would love your help!

Created by Mahesh Shenoy

Austins Pesarlai
6 Views · 2 months ago

Music educator Richard Gill is the Music Director of the Victorian Opera and the Artistic Director of the Education Program for the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.
[Note: We want you to see these talks exactly as they happened! The archive footage might be a little rougher than the usual talk.]

Austins Pesarlai
7 Views · 2 months ago

A nationally acclaimed comic performer, high-performance business consultant, speaker, strategic illustrator and newly minted author, Patti Dobrowolski spends her time focused on new neuroscience discoveries that leverage the power of imagination and visuals to actualize a vision of the future. Dobrowolski works with teams and leaders of Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits around the world to inspire them to create new and different strategies while literally capturing the organization's vision in a 4' x 8' illustration.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Austins Pesarlai
6 Views · 2 months ago

Simple, profound truths are the realm of this Buddhist nun. Her message? The gift of happiness truly lies within our own hearts and minds. Gen Kelsang Nyema, exuding a peacefulness that immediately connects with the audience, starts by asking three questions: Are you having a good day? Why? Tomorrow, would you rather have a good day or a bad day? She teaches that we cannot put our happiness at the whim of other people and of circumstances. If we want to be happy, we have to "stop outsourcing our happiness to other people" and cultivate a source of inner peace. What happens next is quite astounding. The whole crowd of 350+ people proceeds to meditate with Nyema. There's a little squirming at first, but as she leads the audience through a calm citation of how to rest the mind, audience members feel a collective relaxation flow into the room and through the people. Fascinating! Refreshing.

This talk was part of TEDxGreenville UNZIPPED, held April 11, 2014, at the Kroc Center in Greenville, South Carolina. For more information about Gen Nyema and her co-presenters, please visit

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Landus Mumbere Expedito
7 Views · 2 months ago

In this video get to know the Top 60 Best Microsoft PowerPoint Tips, Tricks, Secrets and Hacks

Here is the link to access the presentation template that was used during the session for you to fill in as you practice the tips and then link to the amazing templates

Here are the Top 60 Best Microsoft PowerPoint Tips, Tricks, Secrets, and Hacks you need to know;
1. Slide Size
2. Slide Layout
3. Using Ribbon Shortcuts (alt – key)
4. Stock images, (insert tab) and
5. 3-D models,
6. icons,
7. online pictures
8. stock videos
9. Remove background e.g. from stock images
10. Shape Edit points, customize it a more eg rounded rectangle, partial circle
11. Gridlines and Guides
12. Inserting maps
13. Inserting graphs📊
14. Chart animations – eg float in, animation pane, by series effect, combo charts
15. Quick alignment of shapes, middle, left, etc., and either vertical or horizontally
16. Grouping objects, front and back
17. Add Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
18. Alt + shift+ order (up arrow/down key) to arrange a list
19. Animations to images, custom path/motion path
20. Photo Album from Insert
21. Reuse slides
22. Adding speaker notes/presenter notes
23. Creating animated gifs (export) have animations and transitions then SmartArt’s
24. Embed fonts. – file-options-save-check-embed fonts in the file (when you need to share it with your other person for presenting)
25. Media compression tool – file-info-compress media
26. Shape intersects, Venn diagrams (fragment) (merge shapes)
27. Picture fill (shape fill)
28. Morph and enhanced morph ( ) draw two circles and duplicate
29. Eye dropper for shape fill and outline
30. Copy objects with ctrl
31. Copy objects with ctrl + Shift
32. Duplicate objects with ctrl + Shift then F4 key Twice
33. Presentation mode shortcut key
a. Press F1 while in slide show
34. Advanced crop options
35. Hold shift as you draw shapes for perfect geometric shapes
36. Convert Text put in a text box into smart art – home, paragraph the smart art (for example instead of bullets)
37. Default Textbox in a presentation (draw format it then right click set as default textbox)
38. Filler text Check in speaker notes area (=lorem()
39. Zoom Slide Feature - \ insert zoom
40. Change colors at Once
41. Importing word file into ppt
42. Group and Align, Shape and Text
43. Drawing tool – then ink to shape, text, math
44. Lock drawing mode (for connecting organizational charts)
45. Text With Image – intersect UNDER MERGE SHAPES
46. Grid Image (draw similar squares/circles, group them, then fill them with an image)
47. Save as JPEG / PNG
48. Symbol as bullet points
49. Adding media ie video, audio/music
50. Printing options ie pdf or handouts
51. screenshot
52. Record
53. Designer,
54. dictate
55. Slide Show loop
56. linking slides and Hyperlinks
57. slide sorter view
58. auto correct
59. blank screen
60. recover files (click file open, recover unsaved files)
61. tell me what to do / Search
62. Export presentation to video
Here is the link to access the presentation template that was used during the session for you to fill in as you practice the tips
Here is also a link to download amazing templates for your presentation
call +256709716945 or +256770730170 for assistance in getting these templates

Link to the entire session #ultimatemultimediaconsult for other professional skills development sessions
#microsoft #powerpoint

Landus Mumbere Expedito
10 Views · 2 months ago

In this video, I have tried to answer all Questions of UNEB Sub ICT 2023 Paper 3. Hopefully, it helps you in your revision and practice, and those who didn't do the paper can learn more from it as well.

I welcome comments on guidance in case a certain Roman (Question) was not well addressed.

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Landus Mumbere Expedito
6 Views · 2 months ago

Group VII in chemistry, also known as Group 17 or the halogens, is a group of elements found in the periodic table. This group consists of five elements: fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At). These elements are highly reactive and show similar trends in their chemical properties due to having seven valence electrons.

Here are some key characteristics and trends associated with Group VII chemistry:

1. Electron Configuration: All the elements in Group VII have outer electron configurations ending in ns^2np^5, where n represents the principal energy level. This electron arrangement means they require one additional electron to complete their octets and attain a stable electron configuration.

2. Reactivity: The halogens are highly reactive due to their strong desire to gain one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. They readily react with other elements to form compounds, particularly with alkali metals (Group I metals), such as sodium, to form salts known as halides.

3. Diatomic Molecules: The halogens exist as diatomic molecules in their elemental forms. For example, fluorine is found as F2, chlorine as Cl2, bromine as Br2, and iodine as I2. These diatomic molecules are the most stable forms of halogens at room temperature.

4. Physical Properties: The physical properties of the halogens vary, with fluorine being a pale yellow gas, chlorine a greenish-yellow gas, bromine a reddish-brown liquid, and iodine a shiny purple-black solid. Astatine is a rare and radioactive element that exists in trace amounts.

5. Reactivity Trend: As you move down Group VII, the reactivity of the halogens decreases. Fluorine is the most reactive element, while iodine is less reactive and requires more energy to undergo chemical reactions. Astatine is the least reactive element due to its radioactive nature and limited availability for study.

6. Oxidizing Agents: The halogens are strong oxidizing agents, meaning they readily accept electrons from other substances to undergo reduction themselves. They can oxidize many elements and compounds, forming halide ions (e.g., F-, Cl-, Br-, I-) in the process.

7. Uses: Halogens and their compounds have various applications. For example, chlorine plays a vital role in water treatment, fluorine is used in dental products and non-stick coatings, bromine is utilized in flame retardants, and iodine is used as a disinfectant and in medical applications.

Understanding the properties and reactivity trends of Group VII elements is crucial in many areas of chemistry, including chemical reactions, bonding, and understanding the behavior of halogen-based compounds.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Physical equilibria refer to the state of balance or stability between two or more phases of matter. Systems, phases, and components play a crucial role in understanding and analyzing physical equilibria.

A system can refer to a collection of components that interact with each other, and physical equilibria can occur within these systems. In particular, a one-component system refers to a system containing only one substance in more than one phase. For example, a water system can be composed of water in both liquid and vapor phases. Similarly, a carbon dioxide system can consist of carbon dioxide in both liquid and gaseous phases.

Phases are the different states of matter that can coexist in a system. For example, in a water system, liquid water and water vapor can coexist in a phase equilibrium. The state of equilibrium between these two phases is referred to as the saturation point or the boiling point. Similarly, a carbon dioxide system can exhibit a phase equilibrium between carbon dioxide in a gaseous and a liquid phase.

Components refer to the individual parts that make up a larger system. In a one-component system, the component refers to the substance that exists in multiple phases. For instance, in a carbon dioxide system, the component is carbon dioxide, which can exist in both gaseous and liquid phases.

An example of physical equilibria in a one-component system is the phase transition between water in liquid and vapor states. At a particular temperature, known as the boiling point, the vapor pressure of water equals the atmospheric pressure, resulting in the formation of water vapor. Similarly, in a carbon dioxide system, at a particular temperature and pressure, the vapor pressure of carbon dioxide equals the pressure above the liquid, resulting in the formation of gaseous carbon dioxide.

In conclusion, physical equilibria in one-component systems such as water and carbon dioxide systems are critical concepts in advanced-level students' studies. Understanding the relationships between systems, phases, and components is essential for comprehending physical equilibria and their applications in various fields such as chemistry, engineering, and physics.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 2 months ago

One experiment that demonstrates the migration of ions during electrolysis is the electrolysis of water using a solution of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). This experiment showcases the migration of both positively and negatively charged ions.

1. 9-volt battery or a power source
2. Two graphite electrodes (pencil leads or graphite rods)
3. Sodium sulfate solution (Na2SO4)
4. Two wires with alligator clips
5. Beaker
6. Voltmeter (optional)

1. Fill a beaker with the sodium sulfate solution, ensuring that it covers the graphite electrodes completely.
2. Connect one graphite electrode to the positive terminal of the battery using a wire with an alligator clip.
3. Connect the other graphite electrode to the negative terminal of the battery using another wire with an alligator clip.
4. Immerse both graphite electrodes into the sodium sulfate solution, making sure that they do not touch each other.
5. Turn on the power source (battery) and allow the electrolysis process to occur for a few minutes.

1. Bubbles start forming around both electrodes, indicating the release of gases.
- Oxygen gas (O2) will be produced at the positive electrode (anode).
- Hydrogen gas (H2) will be produced at the negative electrode (cathode).

During the electrolysis of water using the sodium sulfate solution, the following reactions occur at the electrodes:

At the anode (positive electrode):
2H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-
Water molecules break down, producing oxygen gas, positively charged hydrogen ions (H+), and releasing electrons.

At the cathode (negative electrode):
4H+(aq) + 4e- → 2H2(g)
The positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) from the water are reduced, accepting electrons to form hydrogen gas (H2).

This experiment clearly demonstrates the migration of ions in the solution. The positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) migrate towards the cathode, where they are reduced to form hydrogen gas. Conversely, the negatively charged sulfate ions (SO4 2-) remain in the solution as sodium sulfate is a neutral salt.

By observing the gases generated at each electrode, you can visualize and verify the migration of ions during electrolysis. Remember to exercise caution and perform this experiment under adult supervision, as electrolysis involves the use of electricity.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 2 months ago

To distinguish between weak, strong, and non-electrolytes, you can perform an experiment known as the light bulb conductivity test. This experiment uses the ability of electrolytes to conduct electricity and complete a circuit, causing a light bulb to light up. Here's how to carry out this experiment:

Materials needed:
1. Light bulb
2. Battery or power source (of appropriate voltage for the light bulb)
3. Wires with alligator clips or connectors
4. Solutions of known weak electrolytes (e.g., acetic acid or vinegar)
5. Solutions of known strong electrolytes (e.g., sodium chloride or table salt)
6. Solutions of known non-electrolytes (e.g., sugar or ethanol)
7. Conductivity tester or conductivity meter (optional)
8. Glass containers or beakers
9. Disposable pipettes or droppers

1. Set up the circuit by connecting the positive terminal of the battery to the bottom terminal of the light bulb using a wire with an alligator clip or connector.
2. Connect the top terminal of the light bulb to one end of another wire.
3. Fill separate glass containers or beakers with solutions of the known weak electrolyte, known strong electrolyte, and known non-electrolyte.
4. Label each container with the corresponding solution.
5. Dip the free end of the wire from step 2 into one of the solutions.
6. Observe if the light bulb lights up or not.
7. Repeat steps 5-6 for each solution, noting whether the light bulb lights up or not.

Results and Interpretation:
- Weak electrolyte solution: If the light bulb glows dimly or flickers, it indicates that the weak electrolyte solution allows some conductivity and completes the circuit, but not as effectively as a strong electrolyte.
- Strong electrolyte solution: If the light bulb lights up brightly and stays consistently lit, it suggests that the strong electrolyte solution conducts electricity well and completes the circuit effectively.
- Non-electrolyte solution: If the light bulb does not light up at all, it suggests that the non-electrolyte solution does not allow any significant conductivity and does not complete the circuit.

By observing the behavior of the light bulb in each solution, you can distinguish weak, strong, and non-electrolytes based on their ability to conduct electricity and complete the circuit.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 2 months ago

Electrolytic cells are devices that use an electric current to drive a non-spontaneous chemical reaction, known as electrolysis. They consist of an anode, a cathode, an electrolyte, and an external power source.

- Anode: The electrode connected to the positive terminal of the power source. It carries out the oxidation half-reaction by losing electrons.
- Cathode: The electrode connected to the negative terminal of the power source. It carries out the reduction half-reaction by gaining electrons.
- Electrode: Conductive surfaces where the redox reactions occur. The anode and cathode are typically made of inert materials such as platinum or graphite.
- Electrolyte: A solution or molten substance that contains ions and allows the flow of electricity. Common examples include aqueous solutions of salts or acids.
- Electric Current: The flow of charged particles (ions or electrons) through a conductor. In electrolytic cells, the power source provides the necessary electrical energy for the movement of ions.

During electrolysis, the anode attracts negatively charged ions from the electrolyte and oxidizes them. This generates electrons that flow through the external circuit to the cathode. At the cathode, positively charged ions from the electrolyte are attracted, and reduction occurs as they gain electrons.

The overall process of electrolysis involves the decomposition of the electrolyte into its constituent ions. For example, in the electrolysis of water, water molecules (H2O) are split into hydrogen ions (H+) at the cathode and oxygen gas (O2) at the anode.

Electrolytic cells have various applications, including electroplating, metal refining, electrorefining, production of chemicals, and water splitting for hydrogen production.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
4 Views · 2 months ago

Electrolysis is a process that uses an electric current to drive a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. It involves the splitting of a compound into its individual elements or ions using electricity.

The process of electrolysis takes place in an electrolytic cell, which consists of two electrodes - an anode and a cathode - immersed in an electrolyte solution. The anode is positively charged and the cathode is negatively charged. When an electric current is passed through the electrolyte, positive ions migrate towards the cathode, while negative ions migrate towards the anode.

At the anode, oxidation occurs, causing the anode to lose electrons and become positively charged. This creates a flow of electrons through the external circuit, allowing the current to continue flowing. At the cathode, reduction occurs, causing the cathode to gain electrons and become negatively charged.

The electrolysis process can be used for various purposes, including extraction of metals from their ores, electroplating, and electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen and oxygen gas.

Electrolysis is governed by Faraday's laws, which state that the amount of substance produced or consumed during electrolysis is proportional to the quantity of electricity passed through the cell. This allows for precise control and measurement of the products formed during electrolysis.

Overall, electrolysis is an important process in various industries, providing a means for generating new chemical substances and extracting valuable materials from compounds. It plays a crucial role in areas such as metallurgy, chemistry, and energy production.

Landus Mumbere Expedito
5 Views · 2 months ago

Electrolysis is a process that uses an electric current to drive a non-spontaneous chemical reaction. It involves the splitting of a compound into its individual elements or ions using electricity.

The process of electrolysis takes place in an electrolytic cell, which consists of two electrodes - an anode and a cathode - immersed in an electrolyte solution. The anode is positively charged and the cathode is negatively charged. When an electric current is passed through the electrolyte, positive ions migrate towards the cathode, while negative ions migrate towards the anode.

At the anode, oxidation occurs, causing the anode to lose electrons and become positively charged. This creates a flow of electrons through the external circuit, allowing the current to continue flowing. At the cathode, reduction occurs, causing the cathode to gain electrons and become negatively charged.

The electrolysis process can be used for various purposes, including extraction of metals from their ores, electroplating, and electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen and oxygen gas.

Electrolysis is governed by Faraday's laws, which state that the amount of substance produced or consumed during electrolysis is proportional to the quantity of electricity passed through the cell. This allows for precise control and measurement of the products formed during electrolysis.

Overall, electrolysis is an important process in various industries, providing a means for generating new chemical substances and extracting valuable materials from compounds. It plays a crucial role in areas such as metallurgy, chemistry, and energy production.

Alagai Augusten
4 Views · 2 months ago

If you appreciated this video, please consider supporting me!

Again for the benefit of my ERS220 class: some tips for creation of a proper technical report in Microsoft Word.

The specific requirements of any lecturer may vary (whether they want pictures centered or left-justified for example), but the general principles remain the same, and familiarity with the software is especially important.

(The screen capture software highlighted my cursor, and added the circles when I clicked and arrows when I rolled the mouse wheel, in case anyone was wondering what that was...)

Alagai Augusten
5 Views · 2 months ago

This technique unpivots Microsoft Forms data in Power Query to combine responses into a single column in Power BI. This lets us calculate percent of total and counts of responses by question without having to create a measure and visual for every question.

We connect to the Microsoft Forms data in SharePoint in this example, which we can schedule refresh on, but it will work survey data from other sources as well.

Here’s some relevant follow-up videos!
You could apply row-level security with your organizational hierarchy to show managers data for people who report to them with this technique:

Schedule refresh on SharePoint file sources (which MS Forms is!):

0:00 Intro/demo
1:48 Connect to the data
4:16 Shape and clean the data
7:38 Create the measures
9:50 Configure the visual
12:50 Create a score “out of” a number
14:30 Other ideas

5 Views · 2 months ago


7 Views · 2 months ago


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