
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's the standard language used to create the structure and content of web pages. Think of it as the skeleton and muscles of a webpage.


HTML's primary purpose is to define the structure and meaning of web content. It tells a web browser how to display text, images, videos, links, and other elements on a page.

Here's a breakdown of its key roles:

  • Structuring content: HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, and divisions organize information into a logical hierarchy.
  • Defining meaning: Semantic elements convey the purpose of content, making it accessible to search engines and assistive technologies.
  • Embedding multimedia: HTML allows you to incorporate images, videos, audio, and other media into web pages.
  • Creating links: Hyperlinks connect different web pages, enabling navigation and information sharing.

How it Works

HTML uses tags to mark up content. These tags are enclosed in angle brackets (<>). For example, <p> marks the beginning of a paragraph, and </p> marks its end.

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>My First Web Page</title>
  <h1>Welcome to My Website!</h1>
  <p>This is the main content of the page.</p>
  <img src="image.jpg" alt="An image">
  <a href="">Visit Example</a>

This simple HTML code creates a basic web page with a title, a heading, a paragraph, an image, and a link.

Working Together with Other Technologies

HTML often works in conjunction with:

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): For styling the appearance of HTML elements.
  • JavaScript: For adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages.

By understanding HTML, you'll have a solid foundation for building web pages and mastering web development.