The <br> tag is used to insert a single line break in your HTML content. It's an empty element, meaning it doesn't have a closing tag.

Basic Usage

<p>This is a paragraph with a <br> line break.</p>

Example with Multiple Line Breaks

<p>This is a poem:<br>
  Line 1<br>
  Line 2<br>
  Line 3</p>

Important Points

  • Inline element: Unlike paragraphs, <br> is an inline element, meaning it doesn't start on a new line and doesn't take up the full width available.
  • Limited use: While <br> can be useful in specific cases, it's generally recommended to use paragraphs for better structure and readability.
  • Accessibility: Excessive use of <br> can make content difficult to read for users with visual impairments.

When to Use <br>

  • Poetry or addresses: Where preserving specific line breaks is important.
  • Short, non-paragraph content: For very short lines of text that don't warrant a full paragraph.

Example with Headings, Paragraphs, and Line Breaks

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Headings, Paragraphs, and Line Breaks</title>

<h1>This is a Main Heading</h1>

<p>This is a paragraph with a <br> line break.</p>


<p>This is a poem:<br>
  Line 1<br>
  Line 2</p>
