Superscript is used to display text above the baseline, while subscript is used to display text below the baseline. In HTML, these effects can be achieved using the <sup> and <sub> elements, respectively.

Superscript: <sup>


<p>H<sub>2</sub>O is the chemical formula for water.</p>
<p>2<sup>3</sup> equals 8.</p>

Subscript: <sub>


<p>H<sub>2</sub>O is the chemical formula for water.</p>
<p>2<sub>3</sub> is not a common mathematical notation.</p>


  • Both <sup> and <sub> are primarily used for presentation purposes and don't convey any specific semantic meaning.
  • They are often used for mathematical formulas, chemical notation, and other specialized content.

Additional Considerations:

  • You can combine superscript and subscript within the same element.
  • For more complex mathematical expressions, consider using LaTeX or specialized mathematical notation tools.

By using <sup> and <sub>, you can effectively display superscript and subscript text in your HTML documents, enhancing the readability and accuracy of content that requires these formatting elements.