INDEX and MATCH Functions


The combination of INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel is a powerful way to perform lookups. This duo can replace VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP, offering more flexibility, especially for large datasets or when the lookup value isn't in the first column.

Function Definitions

  1. INDEX

    • Syntax: INDEX(array, row_num, [column_num])
    • Purpose: Returns the value of a cell in a specified row and column of a range.
  2. MATCH

    • Syntax: MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])
    • Purpose: Returns the relative position of a specified value in a range.

How They Work Together

  1. MATCH locates the position of the lookup value.
  2. INDEX uses that position to retrieve the corresponding value from another array.

Example Scenario

Consider the following table in Excel (A1




ID Name Department
101 Alice Sales
102 Bob Marketing
103 Charlie IT


You want to find the name of the employee with ID 102.


  1. Use MATCH to Find the Position of ID 102

    =MATCH(102, A2:A4, 0)
    • This returns 2 because 102 is in the second row of the range A2
  2. Use INDEX to Retrieve the Name

    =INDEX(B2:B4, MATCH(102, A2:A4, 0))
    • Here, B2
      is the range containing names, and MATCH(102, A2
      , 0) gives the row number to look up.

Final Formula

=INDEX(B2:B4, MATCH(102, A2:A4, 0))
  • This will return Bob.

Advantages of INDEX and MATCH

  • Flexibility: You can look up values in any column, not just the first.
  • Performance: Often faster than VLOOKUP on larger datasets.
  • Dynamic: If your data range changes, you can easily adjust the formulas without needing to modify column references.

Additional Example


You want to find the department of the employee named Charlie.

  1. Find the Position of Charlie

    =MATCH("Charlie", B2:B4, 0)
    • This returns 3.
  2. Use INDEX to Get the Department

    =INDEX(C2:C4, MATCH("Charlie", B2:B4, 0))
    • This will return IT.

Final Note

Combining INDEX and MATCH can handle more complex scenarios than VLOOKUP, such as when data isn't sorted or when you need to look up values in multiple columns.

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